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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 4461 through 4470 of 6073

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272. Faust, the Aspiring Human: A Spiritual-Scientific Explanation of Goethe's “Faust”: The Historical Significance of “Faust” 20 Aug 1916, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
We live in modern times under very special impulses, under which we have to live. It is right that we live under these impulses.
If he were to approach man, it would be that what is not found in him would be sought in the cosmic space outside: the secrets of heaven itself. This relationship must be understood. Once upon a time, people had to understand how close Lucifer is to man. It has been made possible for people to understand this in a symbol that is much more than a symbol, in a symbol that points deep into the secrets of the spiritual world.
But people who want to understand Faust will have to grasp it without authority. Then they will have to work their way through the contradictions, but working through the contradictions will offer the possibility of understanding.
272. Faust, the Aspiring Human: A Spiritual-Scientific Explanation of Goethe's “Faust”: The “Entombment” the Essence of the Lemurs, the Fat and Scrawny Devil 04 Sep 1916, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
First, how they actually come to do a job there under the supervision of Mephistopheles; but at the same time, this also tells us something about their nature.
He could grasp this spiritual. Now, to understand the whole, let us recall something we can find in the chapter of the book 'How to Know Higher Worlds?'
In the past, when the old times were there, he still understood quite well how to catch souls – today we call it superstition, but we know that they were somewhat clairvoyant times.
272. Faust, the Aspiring Human: A Spiritual-Scientific Explanation of Goethe's “Faust”: Goethe's Insights into the Secrets of Human Existence 09 Sep 1916, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
In the last lecture here, I tried to develop some of the spiritual-scientific principles that can help us understand it when I spoke about the nature of the lemurs, the fat and scrawny devils. On such occasions, we always try not just to seek out something for the understanding of this poetry, but to gain something from the poetry in terms of general spiritual significance, to look into those true realities that Goethe tried to reach with his “Faust”.
And now for the remarkable speech, which to many will seem like a mere contradiction, but which becomes understandable if one understands the experience to take place between physical life and spiritual life. The spiritual world sought to reach Faust throughout his life.
And now he turns his attention to himself. He wants to understand the contradiction: done, over – he wants to understand it. Gone and pure nothingness, perfect sameness!
272. Faust, the Aspiring Human: A Spiritual-Scientific Explanation of Goethe's “Faust”: Insights into the True Reality Goethe Sought 10 Sep 1916, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
That is the prerequisite, so to speak, the spiritual-scientific prerequisite, that Mephistopheles is a being that has not undergone the corresponding form of development, which it could have undergone from the moon, or perhaps from the sun to the earth, or through the moon to the earth.
You will perhaps understand me better if I try to express myself in the following way. Think about how life can unfold for an average person today.
Therefore, this science, which has grown out of this materialism, will never come to a thorough understanding of the mystery of the human becoming, of the riddle of embryology and so on - never! It would be able to come to an understanding of the origin of such entities that can form on the way of the homunculus.
272. Faust, the Aspiring Human: A Spiritual-Scientific Explanation of Goethe's “Faust”: Goethe's Search for the Depths of Becoming and the Mysteries of the World in His “Faust” 11 Sep 1916, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And only now, taking things this way, do we understand what Goethe actually means, for only now are we able to grasp the process that is taking place.
And one sees how Goethe's thoughts are depoliticized! Try to understand the second part of Goethe's Faust from this point of view; it is written from tremendous depths.
For the healing of the great evils of the time can only come from an understanding of the things that have been touched upon. If today, in connection with Goethe's “Faust”, I have tried to give some idea of the impulses of the fifth post-Atlantean period, and how they are spiritual, I would above all like to see an understanding come of how the sins against these impulses of the fifth post-Atlantean period are showing up all over the world, how lack of understanding is occurring everywhere in the world precisely with regard to what is to be understood.
272. Faust, the Aspiring Human: A Spiritual-Scientific Explanation of Goethe's “Faust”: Foreword by Marie Steiner

Marie Steiner
The power of thinking must lead us back to our soulfulness, to the seizing of pictorial contemplation, to the understanding of the spirituality that rules in us and underlies all phenomena of life. In our striving towards the highest goal, the figure of Faust, as portrayed by Goethe, can be our example and incentive.
The striving went astray, grasped in desperation to the means of despair, chased after mirages. In this sense we have to understand what the soul of Faust was going through. Yet there was a strength in the intensity of striving of these researchers that awakened the I.
Below him looms the skeleton, the other pole of the human ego; above the figure of Faust, the inspiring genius bends towards him. We cannot approach an understanding of Faust from a narrow-minded perspective; we must gain perspective. The lectures presented here provide us with a basis for understanding Faust.
272. Goethe's Faust From the Standpoint of Spiritual Science 23 Jan 1910, Strasburg
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Mephistopheles is that being which is to represent the kind of intelligence able to understand only the things formed in outer space, though aware of the existence of a spiritual realm, but unable to enter it.
And so has Goethe indicated that we can find his life conception—his spiritual attitude—in this work; and we can now understand that Goethe could demonstrate in this reunion of Faust with Helena the nature of true mysticism.
It may sound almost pedantic if I mention something here which must be known if the final words are to be understood. Goethe spoke rather indistinctly in his late years because of the absence of teeth. He dictated the second part of his Faust to a writer.
217. The Younger Generation: Lecture III 05 Oct 1922, Stuttgart
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Without this knowledge as a basis we cannot understand earlier times. Later on the experience of the ancients in connection with sulphur, phosphorus and so on became a mere name, an abstraction.
For him, indeed, it is so. He is incapable of understanding it at all. And for a great number of University professors it can be the same. A millwheel is going round in their heads, so away with the head; and then, of course, nothing can possibly come out of it!
Since the last third of the nineteenth century humanity has really been suffering from spiritual under-nourishment. The intellect does not nourish the Spirit. It only distends it. That is why the human being takes no spirituality with him into sleep.
217. The Younger Generation: Lecture IV 06 Oct 1922, Stuttgart
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Just as we know the temperature of a room by reading the thermometer, so we can find out a great deal about the undercurrents of the life of humanity in a particular region or period by knowing what the philosophers express in their writings.
And to the Greeks, the art they cultivated in the time of their prime was the great comforter, helping to overcome what was lacking in material existence. So that for Nietzsche, Greek art could be understood only out of a tragic feeling about life, and he thought that this mission of art would again be revived by Wagner and through his artistic impulse.
But Nietzsche who found these ideals still blossoming in the empty phrase was under the illusion that he was doing what had already long been done. What had been the inner fuel of the spiritual life in the former age, the fuel whereby the Spirit in man could be kindled and, once kindled, illuminate both Nature and his own life—this had passed away.
217. The Younger Generation: Lecture V 07 Oct 1922, Stuttgart
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Go really deeply and seriously into this idea and you will understand that it is only since that time that an inorganic natural science could arise, because the human being began to grasp purely inorganic laws.
I do not want to intersperse what I say in a sentimental way with words from the Bible but only to elucidate things for our better mutual understanding. Why is it that today we no longer have any real philosophies? It is because thinking, as I have described it, has died; when based merely upon dead thinking, philosophies are dead from the very outset.

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