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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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217a. The Task of Today's Youth: What I Have to Say to Younger Members on This Matter 16 Mar 1924,

Rudolf Steiner
Anyone who reads the description of my life in the weekly journal “Goetheanum” will understand why I think so. When I myself was as young as those who speak in this letter, I felt lonely with the state of soul that I now find alive in broad circles of young people.
If we succeed in giving the Youth Section the right content, those who have understood in their anthroposophical lives how to grow old in the right way will want to join forces with the youth.
217a. The Task of Today's Youth: What I have Further to Say to Younger Members 23 Mar 1924,

Rudolf Steiner
But one cannot be young with “understanding” alone. One can only be young when one experiences with one's whole heart and soul what awaits understanding.
These thoughts cannot be experienced; they can only be understood. And once they have been understood, they lie in the soul, incapable of transformation, as hard as stone.
In the first announcement, I said that the Youth Section will be able to work if it is understood for what it is meant. I truly believe that enthusiasm can bring about the right “understanding”.
217a. The Task of Today's Youth: Newsletter of the Youth Section of the School of Spiritual Science 30 Mar 1924,

Rudolf Steiner
They want above all, unperturbed by anything that comes from outside, to immerse themselves in their own youth and to understand it. In the Anthroposophical Society, young people who hold this opinion also hope to find something.
On the basis of such practical insight, an understanding will certainly arise between the various opinions in our youth movement. Through contact with esotericism, young people themselves can have an experience.
If this does not happen, it could easily be that some of the young people, not out of innate but externally absorbed “old talk”, will draw a theoretical curtain over the suggested experience. If the young people understand each other, they will also understand the leadership of the Anthroposophical Society.
217a. The Task of Today's Youth: The School of Spiritual Science Should Give Full Expression to the Human Element 06 Apr 1924,

Rudolf Steiner
This board will not want to act in a one-sided way like an authority “from above”; it will make it its business to have an open heart and an understanding mind for everything that strives for realization from within the membership. In this regard, he would also like to be able to count on understanding in the sense that he will be met halfway, actively met halfway, when he wants to carry out something based on his initiative and the goals of the anthroposophical movement.
217a. Youth in an Age of Light 09 Jun 1924, Wroclaw
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
I believe that from my side this question was really understood at that time. It is not always easy to understand the question which a genuinely seeking human being puts to his time; and young people now have a number of questions, entirely justified, which cannot be expressed quite clearly.
Anything not proved does not count, cannot even be understood. I could say a lot about this certification, this having to be proved. It appears sometimes in grotesque forms.
The souls which have descended to the earth in your bodies saw this Michael movement and came down under this impression. And here they grew up in the midst of a humanity which really excludes man, which makes man into a mask.
217a. Youth's Search in Nature 17 Jun 1924, Koberwitz
Translated by Gerald Karnow, Alice Wuslin

Rudolf Steiner
Now the young people who come want to experience, to live everything in deeds, in the true understanding of nature. One cannot remain with that, however. I would like to emphasize this especially strongly.
To get to know the powers of nature beneath the earth leads to the understanding that the sword of Michael, as it is being forged, must be carried to an altar that lies beneath the earth.
Does the human being today still know what a person had to go through when meeting the birds, what Siegfried had to go through in order to understand the language of the birds? Wandervogel: Wotan, Siegfried—this is something that must be felt again, must be understood.
218. First Steps in Supersensible Perception and The Relation of Anthroposophy to Christianity: First Steps in Supersensible Perception 17 Nov 1922, London
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
The world is revealed in its finer, more delicate formations; the delicate, ethereal formations perceived in this way underlie everything physical. Strange to say, it is only possible to keep very brief hold of what is experienced in this finer body.
If you think about the experiences undergone during sleep, you will realise that the human being does indeed lead a life outside his physical, spatial body.
By integrating will into the life of soul in this way through ideal magic, we learn to under­stand the nature of the consciousness that awakens in us as adult human beings, and to compare it with the dim consciousness of earliest childhood.
218. First Steps in Supersensible Perception and The Relation of Anthroposophy to Christianity: The Relation of Anthroposophy to Christianity 18 Nov 1922, London
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
But this knowledge that the soul belongs to Eternity had gradually been lost. Under the influence of this knowledge men would never have been able to unfold consciousness of human freedom.
But if this attitude becomes the keynote of meditation and concentration in the sphere of thought and in the sphere of will, then the soul is led upwards into the spiritual worlds and understanding of supersensible reality is attained. We learn to look away from the Earth of which natural science teaches us, into a supersensible world which belongs to the Earth and must be recognised as an integral part of the Earth—above all when it is a matter of understanding man and man's life on Earth.
Through an understanding of the realities of the spiritual world, modern Anthroposophy leads the way to Christ—leads to Him after due preparation.
218. Spiritual Relation in the Configuration of the Human Organism: Lecture I 20 Oct 1922, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Continuously in the human organism the etheric body—I would like to say—under the impulse of the physical body and on the waves of the living water, meets the astral body with all that which outer impressions are under the impulse of the ego.
At sleep man is nearly all limb-metabolic man up into the brain, because everything proceeds then under the influence of metabolic-man. Now, inwardly man is in regard to what underlies the slow rhythm exposed to a high degree to the ahrimanic forces, in regard to all, that corresponds to the fast rhythm his exposure very strong to the luciferic forces.
These matters are important as well for the understanding of the healthy human organism as they are important for the understanding of the sick human organism.
218. Spiritual Relation in the Configuration of the Human Organism: Lecture II 22 Oct 1922, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Where we add to our meals salt, which is already of an outer mineral substance, if we add sugar, which through outer preparations—though originally it might come out of the organic has been driven so Far, that it has become dead, we have taken up something already dead. These underlie the least transformations in us; they really undergo only a transformation, which one could accomplish already also in an exterior way inside a laboratory.
This is what I want to say today only in parenthesis. Indeed we can understand the human organism only if we understand its higher organization. You see how these things have to fit together.
Today's physiology and anatomy, just places people on the dissecting table and looks but at those symptoms which can still be observed in sick people by materialistic science. But this never attains to a real understanding of man. One can say: foodstuff taken up, killed, revived, astralized, transformed into the ego—only then one understands ptyalin, pepsin, in the food that has been taken up and killed, and then transported into the lymphatic glands conveyed to the heart, fired by the heart.

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