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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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239. Karmic Relationships: VII: Lecture V 11 Jun 1924, Wroclaw
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
As our studies continue we shall, gradually come to understand what karma may signify in the individual life of man, although I shall constantly be drawing attention to certain karmic connections of personalities known in history.
But this much is certain: anyone who understands the history of the palladium will understand very much of the course taken by European history.
He could speak only Italian, she only Portuguese, but both of them understood the language of the heart and they became betrothed. Their life together demanded great valiance on the part of the woman.
239. Karmic Relationships: VII: Lecture VI 12 Jun 1924, Wroclaw
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Humanity will have to learn to perceive the essential nature of Man. Life will then undergo the deepening without which the further progress of civilisation is simply no longer possible. Our civilisation has become totally abstract!
There was this striving, this urgent, insistent striving for an understanding of Man. Children and young people were ill at ease with their elders for they longed to hear from them something about Man, and these elders knew nothing.
In human hearts to-day there is a longing to understand karma. Therefore this is the time when the impulse must be given to study history in the way I have illustrated by certain examples; it is this kind of study which, if earnestly and actively pursued, will lead human beings to an understanding of their own lives in the light of reincarnation and karma.
239. Karmic Relationships: VII: Lecture VII 13 Jun 1924, Wroclaw
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
We are all the time coming nearer to an understanding of those elements in the lives of individuals that can give us an inkling of the place of karma in their personal existence.
And even less is there any continuance of what we then undertook out of our will-impulses under the impression of the moment! Feeling and will fade away; the calm memory-picture, a mere shadow of what we actually experience, is all that remains as a rule.
From the fact that he apparently undergoes experiences with much greater composure than a man who has not this knowledge it must not be concluded that he is less deeply moved by them.
239. Karmic Relationships: VII: Lecture VIII 14 Jun 1924, Wroclaw
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Sleep is a prophet and knows when you will wake although you yourself do not; your astral body under all circumstances knows it. It knows when you will wake even if as the result of some disturbance you sleep for a shorter time than you intend, even if before going to sleep you say that you want to sleep for only half-an-hour but you lie asleep for three hours instead.
In these seventy years man's astral body and ego also undergo development. The astral body of a child can work strongly and forcefully upon the whole physical and etheric organism; it can hammer, as it were, upon muscles and bones.
Or let us suppose a man has an accident and is ill as a result; then, under certain circumstances, such an accident—which is possibly, but not necessarily, determined by karma—can continue to be a factor in the further course of karma through the following lives on Earth.
239. Karmic Relationships: VII: Lecture IX 15 Jun 1924, Wroclaw
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
When man passes through the gate of death, everything that underlies the physical metabolic-limb system falls away from him and with his ego he remains in the realm wherein he previously existed, namely in the realm of the Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim.
You know from the way in which I have given such examples that they are the findings of spiritual investigation undertaken with a deep sense of responsibility. A certain individual lived in the European-Asiatic Orient, somewhat earlier than the founding of Christianity, with a task that was far from his liking.
The earlier overseer, who in a certain way had adjusted his relation to the former master, came again as the great educational reformer Pestalozzi, and those who had been the slaves under him were the children who received such infinite benefit from his educational principles. These things must be viewed not merely with the prosaic intellect, but with soul, with feeling and with love which must become as clear and brilliant as the intellect and be able to develop genuine knowledge.
240. Cosmic Christianity and the Impulse of Michael: Lecture I 12 Aug 1924, Torquay
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Whatever people may choose to say in the future, in the domain of the occult one's actions must be positive, not negative. All these things must be understood as time goes on. If the understanding is really there, the Anthroposophical Movement will take on an entirely new character.
He pays attention to the ideas, the thoughts, the deeds, the impulses to be found in his environment; he tries to understand his place as a member of a particular nation, as a member of humanity in general, and so forth.
They carried over from those earlier incarnations the traits and characteristics revealed in their later lives. When we understand them as individuals, then and only then do we understand their real place in history. For when the reality of karma is taken seriously, history resolves itself into deeds of men, into streams of human lives flowing from remote ages of the past into the present and thence into the future.
240. Cosmic Christianity and the Impulse of Michael: Lecture II 14 Aug 1924, Torquay
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
This is our own epoch and it behoves Anthroposophists to understand what it means to be living under the Michael Rulership. Neither Haroun al Raschid nor his Counsellor were willing to accept this—the Counsellor with less emphasis, but fundamentally it was so in his case too.
Realising this, you will understand the nature of the impulses resulting from that meeting in the spiritual world. And from the fact that Bacon and Amos Comenius could now perceive what Alexandrianism and Aristotelianism had become in the world, you will be able to understand the tone pervading their writings—the writings of Bacon especially, but also those of Amos Comenius.
But because in the spiritual world the Michael Impulse has taken the course I have indicated to you, there is good hope that in time to come Christianity will receive its real and true form under the sign of the Michael Impulse. For under the sign of the Michael Impulse other exchanges of thought have also taken place in the super-sensible world.
240. Cosmic Christianity and the Impulse of Michael: Lecture III 21 Aug 1924, Torquay
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
During the hour that has become available today I want to speak about certain things which will be easier to understand now that preparation has been made both in the general lecture-course and in the last two lectures to Members.
It was here that King Arthur and his Twelve Knights drew into themselves from the Sun the strength wherewith to set forth on their mighty expeditions through Europe in order to battle with the wild, demonic powers of old still dominating large masses of the population, and drive them out of men. Under the guidance and direction of King Arthur, these Twelve were battling for outer civilisation. To understand what the Twelve felt about themselves and their mission, it must be remembered that in olden time men did not claim a personal intelligence of their own.
The whole configuration of this castle at Tintagel indicates that the Twelve under the direction of King Arthur were essentially a Michael-community, belonging to the age when Michael still administered the Cosmic Intelligence.
240. Cosmic Christianity and the Impulse of Michael: Lecture IV 24 Aug 1924, London
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
First of all this vision of karma ceased in the sleep that was of course no sleep as we understand it. The vision of karma began to grow dim. Of the facts of karma there only remained the knowledge possessed by the Initiates in the Mysteries.
A man can lay aside the standpoint of ordinary prejudice in which he has been living, into which even children in the kindergarten are led to-day; he can put aside the prejudices that make him imagine he cannot with healthy human understanding see into the spiritual world. And when the Initiate comes and tells of things of the spiritual world and of events that happen there, then, although he cannot yet himself see, nevertheless by making use of his unprejudiced human understanding, he can be enlightened by the communications that are given concerning the spiritual worlds. This is indeed, and under all circumstances, the right first step for each one to-day. But difficulties are always cropping up ...
240. Cosmic Christianity and the Impulse of Michael: Lecture V 24 Aug 1924, London
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
We may frequently see in history how in the course of karma the founder of some undertaking or movement, or the persons who are deeply united with it, become separated from the movement they have founded and the movement passes over to quite other forces.
They are especially present when it is a question of undertaking spiritual investigation into that which appears, primarily, in physical manifestation among men on earth.
In this condition and under the influence, too, of the pathological disturbances, glimpses came to him of nature in her creative work, of cosmic creation, and of the connection of man with the planetary world.

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