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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 5041 through 5050 of 6073

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312. Spiritual Science and Medicine: Lecture V 25 Mar 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
1 Here arises the question whether there was any connection between the failure and the age of the patient under treatment We must collect and collate very exact records concerning the influence of age upon the effect of remedies.
Here and now, however, we shall retain this vocabulary for the sake of better understanding. We can judge what I might term the intensity of the etheric body's activity by the build and physique of the individual.
Later on we shall discuss also the indications of habits of life, the access to good air, etc. These are rather matters for consideration under the special headings. But you have had an outline of the way to obtain a view of the sort of person you have to treat.
312. Spiritual Science and Medicine: Lecture VI 26 Mar 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We have already maintained that we shall not understand him aright, unless we recognise his polar orientation also. I have pointed out that the part that grows upwards from below, in man grows downwards from above; the sexual and excretory processes in man correspond to the flowers and seed vessels, whereas his root formation points upwards.
And if conditions are favourable in the portion of earth directly under Saturn's influence, that Unmixed and undeflected Saturnian influence causes a structure to he formed there differing from that due to the action of Mars under similar conditions.
What the ancient wisdom of mankind offers us, can only be truly understood when it is discovered afresh. It is impossible for anyone accustomed to think in modern chemical and physical terms to read the ancient writings.
312. Spiritual Science and Medicine: Lecture VII 27 Mar 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Of course this may be less significant for therapy than for pathology. But we must know of these matters and understand them, at least in their main outlines. For we can only gain a true insight into the nature of, e.g., pneumonia or abdominal typhus, if we can visualise the course of its temperature curve.
Here is the condition midway between the saline and phosphoric; and here is also a glimpse of the very intricate road we must follow in order to understand the living working of planetary forces in the earth's substances. Were it not for the planet Mercury, every drop of quicksilver would be a living thing.
That is, it depends on making the cellular process remain under the devitalising life-paralysing Mercury condition; otherwise the activity of the organs under discussion would at once tend to become exuberant.
312. Spiritual Science and Medicine: Lecture VIII 28 Mar 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
You know how closely related they are; and you will also realise the resemblance between what happens functionally in the two cases. But you must, at the same time, understand that tasting is a much more organic and internal process than smell. Smelling is far more a surface activity; a participation in extra-human processes widely diffused in space.
What can it avail people to listen to perpetual talk of the need to grasp the Divine in man, if they only understand by that a purely abstract Divinity? This method of approach only becomes fruitful if we can consider concrete instances in detail, and trace, say, the interiorisation of outer processes.
Here, however, we take our start from the processes and we try to understand the individual person out of the whole relationship between man and the external world. We find interactions that directly depict the etheric activities in man; and these have been our object of study today.
312. Spiritual Science and Medicine: Lecture IX 29 Mar 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The functions which occur below the great glands I would classify under the heading of elimination. The sense of sight perceives those external objects which as it were lock up in themselves what comes to the surface in smell and taste.
Then again, we must include the heart in this group, and if you have correctly interpreted much that has been said in our previous lectures, you will easily understand this fact. And indeed all these organs are associated with by going thoroughly into the problems of the human relationship to the world without, and especially into the connection of the human activities with the world environment.
In this way we build the bridge between what is of metallic nature in the terrestrial sphere (conditioned by extra-terrestrial forces) and what is of non-metallic, rock-forming nature; just as we combine what is formed under the control of the carbonic acid-principle and what is formed under the influence of the silicon forming principle.
312. Spiritual Science and Medicine: Lecture X 30 Mar 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Finally, and very valuably, the curative effects of Cichorium intybus reach to our periphery and under certain conditions may affect the organs of the head but especially of the throat and chest, and the lungs.
Man is akin to all extra-terrestrial things through his periphery, as is shown by the efficacy of the mineral substances, which are in turn under the dominion of the planets and stellar constellations. Centrally, as an individual he is related to all earthly things.
At first one is amazed at such a comment as the following, which comes from scientists upon whom these truths dawn: “The old mythologies have more physiology in them than modern science has.” I can understand the shock and surprise; but the remark has its deep core of truth. The further we advance, the more insistently we realise the inadequacy of contemporary methods—that ignore all the interrelations we mentioned—as guides to the understanding of the human organisation.
312. Spiritual Science and Medicine: Lecture XI 31 Mar 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We cannot follow the method that begins with the axioms and ascends to more and more complex ideas. Today, I have undertaken to lead you a stage further on our way, starting from the nature of vegetable carbon, carbo vegetabilis.
I was often reminded of many matters that cannot as yet be dealt with explicitly in public lectures, as a public audience still lacks the predisposition for understanding. We find carbon in extra-human nature—or in what I might term the nature that appears extra-human to man.
But it may also happen that this opposite reaction may take the form of causing the substance affected to become fluorescent or phosphorescent, either later on or under exposure to light. The reaction provoked has thus taken the form of irradiation into the environment.
312. Spiritual Science and Medicine: Lecture XII 01 Apr 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Vegetable albumen is, so it seems, not controlled by any analogous group of organs, but it is under another influence; namely, of the four elements, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon, and also under that of the meteorologically omnipresent mediator between these four main elements, namely sulphur.
He differs from Paracelsus; for with the latter one feels that his understanding rose in an atavistic way from within and that he carried elements of the super-earthly world into the ordinary world.
Only in studying the opposition of “front man” to “rear man” one understands the polar opposition of bases and acids. And saline substances stand at right angles to the two opposites, pointing vertically earthwards.
312. Spiritual Science and Medicine: Lecture XIII 02 Apr 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
First of all we must observe the precise manner in which the varieties of mistletoe (viscum) develop on the soil of other plants. But this is not the main factor under consideration. For the botanist, of course, the parasitism of such plants as mistletoe is the essential point.
Thus the mistletoe is a kind of winter blooming plant, protecting itself under the shelter of alien foliage, from the extremes of the summer sun's rays, or better, from the light workings of summer; there is something of an aristocratic attitude about the mistletoe.
Before considering this difference, we must form certain ideas which will lead us to understand this difference. It will be necessary to study the new forms of disease. already alluded to yesterday, from the therapeutic point of view.
312. Spiritual Science and Medicine: Lecture XIV 03 Apr 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
And in this manner we then approach the clairvoyant apprehension of the etheric body. We can train ourselves to understand the fact that the ear is incorporated into man as it is in animals, but that its structure is permeated by the human ego.
But we shall find that it corresponds to the basic principle underlying the formative forces of the human ear and the whole process of hearing. This latter principle I will color violet in the Diagram.
For the last century and a half, every sort of sensory physiology has been founded upon subjectivity because there has been no inkling of the entry of the external world into these organic gulfs, by which we participate, through our senses, in the processes outside ourselves. To understand this rightly means also to understand the action of some foreign substance in this fine dispersal.

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