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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 5071 through 5080 of 6073

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314. Fundamentals of Anthroposophic Medicine: Lecture II 27 Oct 1922, Stuttgart
Translated by Alice Wuslin

Rudolf Steiner
These discarded organs have been investigated, but to understand the whole process of human development the accessory organs in embryonic development must be studied much more exactly than the processes that arise from the division of the germ cell itself.
Warmth conditions and light conditions are at play dynamically under the surface of the earth during the winter, so that in winter the aftereffects of summer are actually contained within the earth.
You know what a prolonged larval stage the cockchafer undergoes, devouring the plant the whole time. These matters must be the subject of exact research; only the guiding principles can be given from the spiritual world.
314. Fundamentals of Anthroposophic Medicine: Lecture III 27 Oct 1922, Stuttgart
Translated by Alice Wuslin

Rudolf Steiner
These relationships, however, must be studied in more precise detail if they are to prove of practical value for understanding the human being in health and disease. Here we will do best to begin with a consideration of the rhythmic human being, the rhythmic organization of man.
Childhood diseases, therefore, arise from two opposite sides. Nevertheless, it is always true that we can understand these diseases of the child's organism only by directing our attention to the head and nerve-sense organization.
Now everything in nature is interrelated, just as everything is interrelated in the human organism, in the complex way I have described. The point is to understand the relationships. Everything in nature is related reciprocally, and by a simpler classification of these relationships revealed in the plant we come to the following.
314. Fundamentals of Anthroposophic Medicine: Lecture IV 28 Oct 1922, Stuttgart
Translated by Alice Wuslin

Rudolf Steiner
Forgive me for saying this—I am expressing myself radically simply so that we may understand each other better. You must naturally take such statements with the familiar grain of salt, but if I compromise too much in what I say we will not find it as easy to understand these things.
The astral body works with undue strength into the sense organization, which is thereby weakened and undermined in a certain way. It is not really undermined as a sense organization, but the astral organism is working in it so strongly that the formative forces of the nerve-sense organization are drowned, as it were, by the mere activity of the astral organism.
It may surprise you that I speak of the root, but the different aspects under consideration here intersect, and we must realize that when the symptoms are severe, blossom products are not enough.
314. Physiology and Therapeutics: Lecture I 07 Oct 1920, Dornach
Translated by Alice Wuslin, Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
We have become accustomed to gaining a definite view of natural processes, of their inner coherence and underlying causality. In the healthy human being we must obviously search for the necessary causal connections between certain natural processes in accordance with this presupposition.
I would like to show you what actually lies at the basis of this, but I will show this from another angle, not yet entirely from the realm of spiritual science, whose methods I have characterized as Imagination, Inspiration, and Intuition; I will show it from a viewpoint reaching its understanding instead from a kind of instinct, but you will see that this understanding, if it does not wish to break through to the spiritual scientific path, remains stuck in the middle.
How did this come about? This can become clear if one knows and understands rightly the value of the deep instinctual knowledge out of which Schelling drew his truths and his errors.
314. Physiology and Therapeutics: Lecture II 08 Oct 1920, Dornach
Translated by Alice Wuslin, Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
Anyone who acquires such perception knows that these soul-spiritual forces that permeate the organism in an organizing way in the first period of childhood do not completely cease being active with the change of teeth. They have undergone only one stage. They become suppressed, as it were, to a lesser degree of activity so that later we definitely still retain in us the organizing forces.
If one has learned the origin of illnesses in later life, however, one has also acquired a capacity to observe what underlies the origin of illnesses in childhood. One finds the same thing, in a certain way, only from another side.
This should certainly not be pursued abstractly. Anyone who does not understand the relationship between the soul-spiritual and the physical organism should really stay quiet about these matters.
314. Physiology and Therapeutics: Lecture III 09 Oct 1920, Dornach
Translated by Alice Wuslin, Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
I must stress particularly that this constitution of the human organism must not be understood merely intellectually but through inner perception. A person would be unable to comprehend how matters actually stood if he remained with an external picture, if he understood the head system as something that simply ends at the neck, the circulatory or rhythmic system as being encompassed by the trunk, while the digestive system encompasses the limb system, the sexual system.
Such organs are by no means at rest and can be understood only if they are grasped in their living function and in their interaction with other organs, can be understood only if this organization is studied and if one strives to enter completely into the functional element.
To deal with specifics always requires an individual evaluation, and here it is only necessary, out of the laymen's understanding of medical directions, of medical principles, for an understanding to grow of what the physician has to undertake within the outer world.
314. Physiology and Therapeutics: Lecture IV 09 Oct 1920, Dornach
Translated by Alice Wuslin, Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
If we adequately penetrate what we are concerned with here, we will come to understand how such intrusions of one system upon the other can take place. It will be understood, in other words, how the head system, the nerve-sense system (in which there must also be metabolic processes, as I have explained to you), can occasionally be overcome by metabolic processes that make the head system resemble the metabolic-limb system inwardly and functionally.
What would be the result of this? The result would be that, particularly under the influence of the phosphorus forces, the blood activity would proliferate beyond its normal extent, particularly in the bony system.
If we are able to discern the right function in the growing plant, then under certain circumstances we can establish a relationship between what works downward in the diabetic and upward in the plant.
314. Therapy: First Lecture 31 Dec 1923, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And consider the metabolism altogether, which essentially proceeds under the influence of the astral body. What we usually call metabolism is actually an activity of the human organism in which only the activity matters.
You have to draw it as two parts, above and below, which are actually quite different from each other in the way they work. And without understanding this, one can actually understand neither the healthy nor the sick human being. One must be clear that there is a completely different activity within the metabolism than within the nervous activity, within the nervous system.
You have it in the whole organism. Because you must understand that the ordinary view of the composition of the human organism is actually a terribly amateurish one.
314. Therapy: Second Lecture 01 Jan 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Now, the eye in its entire development is to be understood as an inflammation process, and in the development of the ear we see a tumor formation process.
Isn't that obvious? If in the eye, under normal conditions, there is an inflammatory process, and if in the ear, under normal conditions, there is a tumor process, then the disease process in the eye must be an inflammatory process and in the ear an inflammatory process, namely that which occurs as the opposite.
A case is described in which the patient underwent something similar in her youth. In her twenties, she then suffered from a gonorrheal infection, followed immediately by very severe chronic arthritis.
314. Therapy: Third Lecture 02 Jan 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Then one says: How can we now get at the effect that arises in the human organism under the influence of this poison? So you have to create something to which you can expose this poison, just as you can expose the fertilized female germ to the universe.
By mental illnesses, however, I mean those where, for example, psychological effects really underlie them, such as shock effects or anxiety effects and the like, in other words, where psychological causes are present.
This is something that really presents itself in such a way that one sees that the organism, which has become cramped and shows such abnormal phenomena at various peripheral points, in turn spreads its effect on the one hand, under the influence of the insect poison that enters the circulatory system, and on the other hand, under the influence of that which is substantially related to milk and honey, develops and spreads in the organization.

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