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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 5851 through 5860 of 6069

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71b. Man as a Being of Spirit and Soul: Man as a Being of Spirit and Soul 25 Feb 1918, Stuttgart
Translated by Michael Tapp, Elizabeth Tapp

Rudolf Steiner
But in the transformation of spirit, which is analogous to the transformation of matter in digestion, the ego undergoes a certain process. To begin with, it can only be associated with spirit- soul beings. This is the case before birth and after death, where it has a purely spiritual being for its organization and this is linked to the rest of the spirit world.
Then as its development proceeds, it separates itself off and becomes in a sense dependent upon itself. It is in undergoing this separation and limitation that it evolves the power of attraction toward the bodily nature.
The time will then come when the real essence, the real basic concept of the science of spirit, will be understood, when the intentions of the scientists—to take the ground away from the science of spirit—will be seen in their true light.
71b. Man as a Being of Spirit and Soul: The Psychological Expression of the Unconscious 26 Feb 1918, Nuremberg
Translated by Michael Tapp, Elizabeth Tapp

Rudolf Steiner
You will see from this that it is always necessary to become accustomed to a quite different kind of mood and disposition of soul when we rise from the transitory to the intransitory, when we approach the part of man that belongs to the intransitory world, the eternal core of his being. It is therefore understandable that the science of spirit is not only considered to be difficult to understand, but is attacked, misunderstood and confused with all sorts of other things.
But the matter in which they thought themselves clever, in fact, arose only out of their own lack of understanding. For the scientist of spirit does not take the content of dreams to be symbolical or anything else.
In order not only to perceive his environment but also to arrive at a reasonable and logical understanding of it, a human being needs what one calls an ability to make judgments about the world, and for this he needs the use of the whole body.
80c. Man as a Being of Spirit and Soul: The Science of the Spirit and Modern Questions 20 Feb 1921, Hilversum
Translated by Michael Tapp, Elizabeth Tapp

Rudolf Steiner
Through the Science of the Spirit we can come to a real understanding of plant life, of each individual plant and of the great differences which exist between the roots, the leaves and the flowers, and we can come to understand how connections of a spiritual nature lie behind the life of the roots, the leaves, the flowers and in the life of the herbs.
—We need super-sensible knowledge in order to understand Christianity in a way that will satisfy the needs of modern humanity. And it is precisely through the Science of the Spirit that we can attain an understanding of Christianity which can satisfy the modern person.
Its completion depends upon whether there will be enough people who have an understanding for such necessary progress in the world—whether the Goetheanum remains a torso and humanity says: We do not want to awaken the spirit again, or whether an understanding for the living spirit will lead to the completion of its first new home.
Man as a Being of Spirit and Soul: Introduction
Translated by Michael Tapp, Elizabeth Tapp

Through a study of the transcripts of lectures like those contained in this book, one can come to a clear, reasonable, comprehensive understanding of the human being and his place in the universe. In all his years of writing and lecturing, Steiner made no appeal to emotionalism or sectarianism in his readers or hearers.
He addressed the healthy, sound judgment and good will in each person, confident of the response in those who come to meet his ideas with the willingness to understand them. Among the many activities springing from the work of Rudolf Steiner are the Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association which aims at improved nutrition resulting from methods of agriculture outlined by Rudolf Steiner; the art of Eurythmy, created and described by him as “visible speech and visible song;” the medical and pharmaceutical work carried out by the Clinical and Therapeutical Institute at Arlesheim, Switzerland, with related institutions in other countries; the Homes for the education and care of mentally retarded children; and new directions for work in such fields as Mathematics, Physics, Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Music, Drama, Speech Formation, Social Studies, Astronomy, Economics and Psychology.
302a. Meditatively Acquired Knowledge of Man: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher 15 Sep 1920, Stuttgart
Translated by T. Van Vliet, Pauline Wehrle, Karla Kiniger

Rudolf Steiner
I should have to say a great deal to make it fully understandable, but it will become clearer if to begin with I say the following. The principle I have just stated has a universal significance, embracing the entire civilization of our time.
There is nothing to be done about it, and we can only hope that we arouse sufficient understanding for the Threefold Social Order, so that on the basis of this understanding, the peoples of the West will take it up.
Yet we must have the discretion to keep this in those circles capable of understanding it. We must know how to guard it, with a certain confidence, knowing that it is this guarding which gives effectiveness to our affairs.
302a. Meditatively Acquired Knowledge of Man: The Three Fundamental Forces in Education 16 Sep 1920, Stuttgart
Translated by T. Van Vliet, Pauline Wehrle, Karla Kiniger

Rudolf Steiner
Reverence and enthusiasm—these are the two hidden, fundamental forces that must lend spirit to the teacher's soul. To help you understand the matter still better, I should just like to mention that the musical element is at home particularly in the astral body.
Then in the life after death the earthly music is transformed into the music of the spheres and remains as spheric music until some time before the new birth. It will bring the matter closer to your understanding, if you know that the music a person takes in here on earth plays a powerful role in fashioning his soul-organism after death.
This has a certain visible effect on man, both in a hygienic- therapeutic and a didactic-pedagogical way. But such things can only be understood if we know that something, striving to manifest in the etheric body of man, must be restrained at the periphery by the movements of the physical body.
302a. Meditatively Acquired Knowledge of Man: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational 21 Sep 1920, Stuttgart
Translated by T. Van Vliet, Pauline Wehrle, Karla Kiniger

Rudolf Steiner
This perception as such actually takes place within the organ of sight. Secondly we have to distinguish understanding. And here we have to be clear about the fact that all understanding is conveyed by man's rhythmic system, not by his system of nerves and senses.
Through this fact though, that the rhythmic system is connected with understanding, understanding becomes intimately connected with man's feeling. And whoever looks at himself very closely will see the connections between understanding and actual feeling. Actually we have to see the truth of something we understand before we can agree with it. For it is our rhythmic system that supplies the meeting place for our understanding of knowledge and the soul's element of feeling.
302a. Meditatively Acquired Knowledge of Man: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being 22 Sep 1920, Stuttgart
Translated by T. Van Vliet, Pauline Wehrle, Karla Kiniger

Rudolf Steiner
You must characterise it from different sides. This is what people who understood something of these matters in bygone times called harmonious listening (zusammenhoren), that is to hear the various explanations in harmony with one another.
And they must be part of all that we relate to by becoming aware of it, taking it in, perceiving it, and so understand it and, as I described yesterday, can transform it in meditative recollection into artistic, creative pedagogy.
But, as in so many other fields, and especially in this one, one can overcome the dilettante tirades through a deeper understanding of the human being. Even teachers have accepted the slogan: learning must be pleasure for the children.
152. The Festivals and Their Meaning IV : Michaelmas: The Michael Impulse and the Mystery of Golgotha I 18 May 1913, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
We are standing at an important turning-point. To understand Spiritual Science means fundamentally nothing else than to have a true feeling for the turning-point to which we have come in our age.
The Michael impulse which brings into the human soul an understanding for the spiritual life, will achieve this. Men with a pronounced character and personality will in the future have this character and personality through what they bring to expression from their understanding of the super-sensible worlds.
And the expression of this in the sense world is, that whereas during past ages temperament and heredity gave personality its individual colouring, in the future spiritual understanding will be the determining element. Spiritual understanding will determine the tone and character of a man's personality.
152. The Festivals and Their Meaning IV : Michaelmas: The Michael Impulse and the Mystery of Golgotha II 20 May 1913, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
It has been possible to show quite clearly that without reference to any religious views or creed, but purely out of spiritual science itself, an understanding of this Event is possible, and in such a way that one may expect understanding from every shade of current religious belief.
And all through the centuries there has come to expression in souls which were filled with this Impulse the striving of mankind to understand Him. But the nearer evolution approached the close of the Gabriel Age, the more this understanding receded, until to-day just where there should be understanding, it is sadly lacking, and materialism prevails not only in modern science but consequently in Theology too.
They do not know it by speaking of Michael in this way. If one wants to understand the evolution of mankind, one must understand that Michael too has evolved: one must understand that it is the same Being who paved the way for the preparation of the Mystery of Golgotha, and who now in our day paves the way for the understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha.

Results 5851 through 5860 of 6069

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