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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 5861 through 5870 of 6069

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195. The Festivals and Their Meaning IV : Michaelmas: The Michael Path to Christ (Extract) 25 Dec 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
The objective fact is simply this, that in November, 1879, beyond the sphere of the sense world, in the super-sensible world, that event took place which may be described as follows:—Michael has gained for himself the power—when men come to meet him with all the living content of their souls—so to permeate them with his power, that they are able to transform their old materialistic intellectual power—which by that time had become strong in humanity—into spiritual intellectual power, into spiritual power of understanding. That is the objective fact; it has taken place. We may say concerning it that since November, 1879, Michael has entered into another relationship with man than that in which he formerly stood.
224. The Festivals and Their Meaning IV : Michaelmas: The Creation of a Michael Festival out of the Spirit (extract) 23 May 1923, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
He will then be able to experience other spiritual things, and will find through the Mystery of Golgotha the paths leading into the spiritual worlds. At the same time, man must understand the Resurrection in connection with the Mystery of Golgotha, while he is still alive; and if he is able to understand the Resurrection in his feelings while he is alive, this will also enable him to pass through death in the right way.
Men of old understood the year, and out of such mysteries, which I could to-day outline only briefly, they founded the Christmas, Easter and Midsummer (St.
When, however, the festivals which we celebrate without understanding them, will again be understood, then we shall have the strength to establish out of a spiritual understanding of the year's course, a festival which only now for present-day humanity, has real significance: this will be the Michael Festival.
229. The Festivals and Their Meaning IV : Michaelmas: The Michael Inspiration 15 Oct 1923, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
When now we speak of this Michael Festival which should take its place with the Easter and Christmas festivals and that of St. John, it must truly not be understood as meaning that here or there one celebrates a festival in an external way; the point is that we can celebrate such a festival only when we know how to link it with something really significant.
Something has then come about to which the Michael Festival may be linked. But it must first be there, be fully understood, inwardly, deeply understood. Then it will be possible to celebrate the Michael Festival in the way a festival drawn from the cosmos can be celebrated by men.
This it is, which shows itself to us as an admonition from the spiritual world in the brazen letters that grow into enigmatic words but that can be understood precisely out of the conditions of our present time:— O Man, Thou mouldest it to thy service, Thou revealest it according to the value of its substance In many of thy works.
233a. The Festivals and Their Meaning IV : Michaelmas: A Michael Lecture 13 Jan 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
They had the consciousness that they were drawing forth their knowledge from the inner being of the human soul. The exercises they underwent were intended, as you know, to stir the human heart to its depths,—so to inform the human heart and mind with experiences which man does not undergo in the ordinary round of life.
The Greek saw his Zeus, his gods, in the astral light; but he had the feeling that the astral light only reflected the gods to him under the proper conditions. Hence he assigned his gods to special places,—places where the air could offer the proper resistance to the inscriptions in the astral light.
We shall show in the next lectures how this abyss was opened out in the 1840's, and how, under the influence of such knowledge as I have set forth once more to-day, man, looking back to this abyss, can relate himself to this same Guardian.
36. The Festivals and Their Meaning IV : Michaelmas: Michael and the Dragon I 30 Sep 1923,

Rudolf Steiner
It is only in quite recent times that men's ideas of the Spirit have become so utterly abstract and their ideas of Nature been referred to a spirit-estranged matter that human perception cannot hope to penetrate. For the human understanding of the present-day Nature and Spirit fall apart, and men can find no bridge that shall lead over from one to the other.
Michael had remained in the Will of the Spirit Beings. He undertook to compel the opposing being to assume the form which was alone possible for an independent will at that stage of the world's development, to assume that is, animal form, the form of the ‘Dragon’, of the ‘Serpent.’
36. The Festivals and Their Meaning IV : Michaelmas: Michael and the Dragon II 07 Oct 1923,

Rudolf Steiner
The new perception of the Spirit that is now being attained must set itself to strive after a continuation and development of Goethe's understanding of Nature. Our experience of Nature is incomplete as long as we partake in our inner being with her ascending life alone—seed, shoot, leaf, bud, blossom, and fruit.
174a. The Mission of the Archangel Michael: Michael's Battle and Its Reflection On Earth I 14 Feb 1918, Munich
Translated by Lisa D. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
My dear friends, from this it follows that the human being perceives and understands only a part of that reality within which he actually exists. If the human being were to grasp full reality, his knowledge would be quite different from what it is today.
History as it is taught today is the study of a corpse. The study of history must undergo a complete transformation. In the future it will only be possible to understand what works in history with inspired concepts, with inspiration.
My dear friends, what I am stating here has a deep significance. People think they understand social-historical life. They do not understand it, because they want to grasp it with the ordinary concepts of daily waking life.
174a. The Mission of the Archangel Michael: Michael's Battle and Its Reflection On Earth II 17 Feb 1918, Munich
Translated by Lisa D. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
It is not a tendency of the spiritual worlds to create further differences among mankind, but it is a tendency of the spiritual worlds to pour a cosmopolitan element over mankind. Although, under the impressions of our catastrophic times, people have little understanding for this, still it has to be stated as a true fact.
I dared to make the emphatic statement that the social life of our time may be compared with a special form of disease, namely, with a carcinoma; I stated that a creeping cancerous disease permeates social life. Naturally, my dear friends, under our present conditions these things cannot be stated in another form; but they must be understood.
But one can understand, on the other hand, that people are seized by a certain cowardice and discouragement if they are to approach the indicated matter.
194. The Mission of the Archangel Michael: The Power and Mission of Michael, Necessity of the Revaluation of Many Values 21 Nov 1919, Dornach
Translated by Lisa D. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
Moreover, we will gain an understanding for the purpose and value of personality in the world if we have freed ourselves from the personal element in its narrower sense.
We shall only arrive at an understanding of the world if we base it on this triad and become clear about the fact that human life is the scale-beam.
Those who were initiated into such secrets of the spiritual evolution of mankind have always emphasized the fact that it is only possible to understand cosmic existence into which man is placed if it is conceived of in the sense of the triad; that it cannot be understood if it is considered on the basis of any other number.
194. The Mission of the Archangel Michael: The Michael Revelation. The Word Becomes Flesh and the Flesh Becomes Spirit 22 Nov 1919, Dornach
Translated by Lisa D. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
At a time when animals did not yet exist, the human being, under completely different physical conditions, had an animal form. Animals have developed only later.
The first thing that must occur through the right understanding of man's relation to Michael is the fathoming of such secrets as the one we have endeavored to present today concerning the human head and the rest of the human organism.
Those who maintain that the Gospels must remain as they are and must not be touched understand them very little. They must be interpreted according to the words of the Christ Jesus—I have mentioned this repeatedly—: “I am with you every day even to the end of the earth cycles.”

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