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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 5881 through 5890 of 6069

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211. Planetary Spheres and Their Influence on Mans Life on Earth and in the Spiritual Worlds: The Threefold Sun and the Risen Christ 24 Apr 1922, London
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
And He learned also something more. My dear friends, if the Christ had undergone only what took place from the time of the Baptism in Jordan until the time of the Crucifixion and the Death on the Cross, then, having undergone all this, He would still not have been able to speak of the Mysteries of which He did speak to His initiate disciples after His resurrection.
Thus was the Mystery of Golgotha, for the understanding of those who first made it known to men, not an event for Earth alone, but a cosmic event, an event for all the worlds.
He felt—if but dimly—that it might be possible in our day, by undergoing special development, to attain a new initiation knowledge to receive a new revelation. And yet he himself ultimately accepted for his understanding of Christianity—a tradition!
214. Planetary Spheres and Their Influence on Mans Life on Earth and in the Spiritual Worlds: The Cosmic Origin of the Human Form 22 Aug 1922, Oxford
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
For example, they still retain an echo of human speech, even of the particular language which was mainly theirs while on Earth. But their relation to language undergoes a change. For instance, in conversing with a soul who has died, one will soon observe that they have no understanding for substantives—for nouns.
It is the words of action and becoming which the dead still understand for a comparatively long time after death. Then, at a later stage, they understand a language that is no longer language in the ordinary sense, and what we then receive from them has first to be re-translated into an earthly language.
Such then is the development man undergoes. It begins with language when he no longer uses nouns but finds his way into another and more verbal form of speech.
214. Planetary Spheres and Their Influence on Mans Life on Earth and in the Spiritual Worlds: Man's Life in Sleep and After Death 30 Aug 1922, London
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Again and again we are told of a kind of initiation where the candidate descends to the underworld. Whenever you read of some Greek hero that he goes down into the underworld, you may be sure the meaning is that he is going through an initiation which yields him knowledge of those forces of the Cosmos that work through the Earth and that were known to the Greeks as the Chthonic forces.
The whole theology of the 19th and 20th centuries has failed, because it cannot understand the Christ in His spiritual significance. That, my dear friends, is what modern Initiation Science must bring,—understanding of the Christ.
On this path of initiation knowledge we have therefore to set out in quest of a universal knowledge, but always with this goal in view,—that, through learning to understand the world, through learning to understand the whole Cosmos, we may attain at last to understand Man.
218. Planetary Spheres and Their Influence on Mans Life on Earth and in the Spiritual Worlds: Life in the Spiritual Spheres and the Return to Earth 12 Nov 1922, London
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
On my last visit I gave you a description, from one aspect, of the experience man undergoes as soul and spirit between the times of falling asleep and awaking. Today I want to describe this experience from another side.
It is, however, only because he is in the physical body, that he is able to have this religious consciousness in waking life. For you must understand that in his physical body man is not alone, but with him are spirits of higher cosmic rank; in his physical body, man lives together with higher spirits.
As time went on, this consciousness became darkened. In compensation, men became ‘clever’—as we understand the word today. They developed powers of judgment and discrimination. This kind of faculty has evolved only in the course of time.
218. Planetary Spheres and Their Influence on Mans Life on Earth and in the Spiritual Worlds: Luciferic and Ahrimanic Powers Wrestling for Man 16 Nov 1922, London
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
The super-sensible Nature that is around us can be understood and appreciated only by one who is equipped with spiritual insight, and who is not always focusing attention, as Natural Science does to-day, on the strict laws of Nature and on what takes place within their framework.
One who has keen spiritual perception can however see behind them a world of sub-human beings, who are under the control of the powers to which I have always given the name of the Ahrimanic powers. Now, these Ahrimanic powers also cherish a particular aim as regards man.
What could be better? Man would, it is true, never under their influence be free, he would be an automaton; but what they seek and desire for him can nevertheless be truthfully described as good.
218. Planetary Spheres and Their Influence on Mans Life on Earth and in the Spiritual Worlds: Christ and the Metamorphoses of Karma 19 Nov 1922, London
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
For we can only build the physical body for our future life under the ceaseless influence of this speaking of the Stars. So then we work our way through the spiritual realm.
Now this entails a change not only for the Earth; it involves changes also for the life man undergoes between death and a new birth. Since ancient times of earthly evolution it has been as I today described it.
Only by doing so shall we be helping mankind's future. In the true sense we must understand the word of Christ: “My Kingdom is not of this world”. How then shall we understand it? Did He not after all come down to Earth?
Planetary Spheres and Their Influence on Mans Life on Earth and in the Spiritual Worlds: Introduction
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

George Adams
During the years of war, Rudolf Steiner had put forward his epoch-making conception of Threefold Man and of the Threefold Social Order, on which was based the attempt, in the years 1913–21, to give shape to the social events of the time out of a deeper spiritual understanding. It was in the midst of this attempt that many practical activities, notably educational and medical, evolved under Dr.
Steiner gave the course of nine lectures since published under the title The Spiritual Ground of Education and three further lectures on the social question.
108. The Poetry and Meaning of Fairy Tales: The Interpretation of Fairy Tales 26 Dec 1908, Berlin
Translated by Ruth Pusch

Rudolf Steiner
The first thing we must do in order to understand the meaning of genuine fairy tales and myths is to stop regarding them as fantasy derived from folk imagination; they are never that.
His wife was placed on the little horse—and this is the point that proves to anyone who understands these things the occult origin of fairy tales—and the king's son asked, “How fast shall we travel through the air?”
Fairy tales stand in relation to the great popular myths of the gods in the following manner: The myths can be understood when we realize the huge comprehensive circumstances of the cosmos underlying them, and fairy tales can be understood when we realize that the different happenings and pictures are nothing but the repetition of astral events.
62. The Poetry and Meaning of Fairy Tales: The Poetry and Meaning of Fairy Tales 06 Feb 1913, Berlin
Translated by Ruth Pusch

Rudolf Steiner
] that in the course of evolution on earth, human soul life has undergone a complete change. When we look far, far back into the past of humankind, we find the soul of ancient man having totally different experiences from those today.
In those earlier times the human soul felt its connection to spiritual existence and felt more or less consciously the inner battles it had to undergo, even without understanding them. The soul formed these into pictures and images which had only a distant resemblance to what was happening in its depths.
The battle the soul has to undergo is exactly what corresponds—though this cannot be understood perhaps with the intellect—to the various descriptions of people having to fight giants.
193. The Problems of Our Time: Lecture I 12 Sep 1919, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
New soul-qualities and attitudes arose in humanity and we can really only understand what has entered its evolution if we turn our spiritual vision to the forces active within it and see, for instance, their effects in the revolution which occurred in the middle of the fifteenth century.
Among the many activities belonging to the beings of these three Hierarchies is this: to work together upon the pattern, or picture, which underlies the physical organization of earthly man. We enter physical existence, at birth and grow therein: the pattern or image of humanity is stamped upon us.
That does concern the world, urgently. “So difficult to understand,” people comment on all this! They must take the trouble to understand it, however, otherwise they will more and more fall out of the general evolution of the time—a momentous alternative, indeed!

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