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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 5891 through 5900 of 6065

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193. The Problems of Our Time: Lecture II 13 Sep 1919, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
After much stumbling he finally broke down, and, having no more to say, gathered up the threads with "I must there­fore claim to have proved that old age no longer understands its own youth," and went out. I replied that I quite saw we had not understood him, for the simple reason that his speech and behaviour had been those of an old man; he had in fact enunciated as principles, like an ancient grey-beard, the last word in abstractions.
Say to a man today: "to partake of immortality needs an activity of soul, that thou thyself mayst carry thy soul wide awake through the gates of death"; he will not understand. He has been made wholly un­accustomed to direct his understanding to such a question. Instead of this he is told: "You need only believe in Christ and in what the State does."
to the effect that a classical education should not be undervalued, seeing that it had contributed to the greatness of the German people, so gloriously displayed in the latter days.
193. The Problems of Our Time: Lecture III 14 Sep 1919, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
These differences lie in a part of the soul more on the surface than that which to-day, out of the depths of Spiritual Science, must lead to a new understanding of Christ Jesus. Nor will understanding be complete, really satisfying the needs of man's soul to-day, unless it can bridge the differences among men imposed on humanity by the various creeds.
Otherwise we do not understand things deeply enough. All that is connected , with the Threefold Commonwealth must be proclaimed in the external world.
These forces continue their effect—a fact which is very hard for men of to-day to understand. How do they work? They work in all that man develops as spiritual life in this, world.
333. The Problems of Our Time: The Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Nature of the Social Organism 15 Sep 1919, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
But to be able to teach and educate him means learning first to understand him. As it fell to me to give the preliminary course to the teachers working at the school, there came under my notice certain things which are nowadays taken as a matter of course.
It would be a terrible mistake to push to extremes the State control which has hitherto been under the direction of the ruling classes, and extend "Corporations" over the whole life of the State, using the framework of the State for the purpose, a procedure which could but undermine all connection between such a planned economy and the economic forces outside it.
It is easy enough to see clearly if we think impartially. We have undertaken to found a school for Spiritual Science, the Goetheanum, at Dornach, near Basel, in Switzerland.
143. Psychoanalysis in the Light of Anthroposophy: Reflections in the Mirror of Consciousness, Superconsciousness and Subconsciousness 25 Feb 1912, Munich
Translated by Mary Laird-Brown

Rudolf Steiner
Through this soul experiment a real way is opened to experience within himself, in a certain manner, his own Karma. You may say: “Yes, but I do not understand exactly what you have said.” If you say that you do not fail to understand what you imagine, but you lack understanding for something which even a child can grasp, but about which you simply have not thought. It is impossible for anyone who has not carried out the experiment to understand these things. Only he who has done this can understand. These things are to be taken only as the description of an experiment that can be made and experienced by anyone.
It is quite in order that no one grasps this who has not yet made the experiment; it is not however a question of understanding in the ordinary sense, but an acceptance of information regarding something that our soul may undertake.
143. Psychoanalysis in the Light of Anthroposophy: Hidden Soul Powers 27 Feb 1912, Munich
Translated by Mary Laird-Brown

Rudolf Steiner
The relation of this ordinary consciousness to the underlying causes of its activities has already been described in one aspect by this phrase: the impotence of ordinary consciousness.
It has been recently reported that many do not understand how to distinguish a genuine vision or imagination [This term as used by Rudolf Steiner, denotes a super-sensible faculty (Tr.)] belonging to something objective from that which appears in space but is the creation of our own subjective nature.
When he has this image before himself he will be able by its means to exert an attractive force upon the being which we may call the group-soul of the rose and which underlies its existence. He will be looking into the elemental world, seeing the rose's group-soul in so far as it dwells there.
178. Psychoanalysis in the Light of Anthroposophy: Anthroposophy and Psychoanalysis I 10 Nov 1917, Dornach
Translated by Mary Laird-Brown

Rudolf Steiner
On the other hand it is a fact that the people who concern themselves with these things today lack the means of knowledge required for the discussion and, above all, for the understanding of them. So that we may say: psychoanalysis is a phenomenon of our time, which compels men to take account of certain soul processes, and yet causes them to undertake their consideration by inadequate methods of knowledge.
She had always been able to speak German; it was her native language, but under the influence of her hysteria could no longer do so; she could speak and understand only English.
Breuer could easily hypnotize a patient, and when he had placed her under hypnosis and encouraged her to speak of it, she told of an experience she had had during her father's illness.
178. Psychoanalysis in the Light of Anthroposophy: Anthroposophy and Psychoanalysis II 11 Nov 1917, Dornach
Translated by Mary Laird-Brown

Rudolf Steiner
For those with any thorough knowledge of facts in this field realize that, under present conditions, scholars are seldom driven to their chosen science by “love,” but by quite different forces which would show themselves if brought to the surface by psychoanalysis.
And while Dessoir affirms that he has studied a whole row of my books, I could prove, again philologically, which ones of mine compose this “whole row.” He had read—and but slightly understoodThe Philosophy of Spiritual Activity, for he devotes a sentence to it that is utter nonsense.
And it is the same with other things. You can understand such a principle for a long time without applying it vigorously, in accordance with reality. But it will be one of the particular achievements of anthroposophically oriented spiritual science, that it cannot be turned in this manner against itself.
202. Psychoanalysis in the Light of Anthroposophy: Connections Between Organic Processes and the Mental Life of Man 26 Dec 1920, Dornach
Translated by Mary Laird-Brown

Rudolf Steiner
But something enters the organism at the same time. In ordinary life this is transmuted, undergoes a metamorphosis, so that the organ produces a secretion. The organs having this function are mostly glandular.
The Egyptian Mysteries led particularly to knowledge of what they then called the upper and the lower gods, the upper and the underworld of gods; and it may be said that in the act of impregnation a polar equilibrium of the upper and the underworld of gods is brought about.
The woman in question—and this is directed at no one in particular—follows the path from the beginning which culminates in the event under discussion. The human being at birth hungers to do what he does, and he does not give up until he satisfies this hunger.
305. Rudolf Steiner Speaks to the British: The Evolution of Human Social Life: The Three Spheres of Society 26 Aug 1922, Oxford

Rudolf Steiner
Ladies and gentlemen, what once existed long ago is still with us now in the form of tradition, a remnant, but we can only understand what is here amongst us if we understand what existed long ago. Similarly, future tendencies are already mingling with what is here now in the present, and we must understand those seeds of the future that are already planted in our present time.
So conditions have arisen that we entirely fail to understand in a concrete way if we only look at the social situation. We must make an effort to understand them in a concrete way, ladies and gentlemen. We must understand that in human evolution the spiritual, cultural life came before legalistic, political life which established itself as a second stream beside the first one.
305. Rudolf Steiner Speaks to the British: Social Impulses 28 Aug 1922, Oxford

Rudolf Steiner
On Founding an Association for Further Work along the Lines of these Lectures Ladies and gentlemen, from the way I have been presenting these lectures you will have gathered how much importance I attach to the sum-total of impulses amongst which a particular education method is only, you might say, a partial expression—a partial expression of what, in my opinion, ought to come about at the present moment in human evolution through a deeper understanding of life, an understanding of life founded on reality. Having noted the fundamental tone I believe I have managed to sustain during these lectures, you will believe me when I thank you most warmly—not so much in my own name as in the name of this matter as a whole for which, as you know, I would like to pledge my whole existence—when I thank you most warmly for your decision to take the matter in hand for this part of the world.

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