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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 6221 through 6230 of 6238

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261. Our Dead: Memorial speech for Sophie Stinde 26 Dec 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And this idea must live in particular in the rooms under the double dome, in the rooms where Sophie Stinde's soul already worked as her co-work during this incarnation on earth.
Our relationship will have changed as a result of passing through the gate of death, changed only, not changed, and one may think that our understanding of the connection with the departed souls may then increase our overall understanding of the human connection with the spiritual world. For the understanding that we may have of such personalities as Sophie Stinde is interwoven with and sustained by love and mutual trust.
261. Our Dead: Eulogy for Helmuth Graf Von Moltke 20 Jun 1916, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
But some of what is before my mind at this moment may and should be said here, even if it is necessary for me to say one or two words in such a way that they sound more allegorical than in the actual sense, which will only gradually become understandable. This man and his soul stand before my soul as a symbol of our present and the immediate future, born out of the development of our time, truly a symbol of what should and must happen in a very, very real, very true sense of the word.
When a soul that is still very active in the beyond passes through the gate of death and now finds itself in the bright world, which is to be explained to us through our knowledge when we know it up there, when, in other words, what we are seeking is carried through the gate of death by such a soul, then, through the union it has entered into with such a soul, it is a power in the spiritual world that is deeply significant and effective. And those souls who are here and understand me at this moment will never forget what I meant here at this moment about the significance of the fact that this soul now takes with it into the spiritual world what has flowed through our spiritual science for years, that this becomes power and effectiveness in it.
But suffering and pain only become great and weighty and effective forces themselves when they are permeated with a rational understanding of what underlies suffering and pain. And so you take what I have said as an expression of the pain at the loss on the physical plane that the German people and humanity have experienced.
261. Our Dead: Eulogy for Miss Wilson and Dr. Ernst Kramer 30 Jul 1916, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Miss Wilson placed herself in our movement in her infinitely unassuming way, but with such deep understanding and such earnest devotion, not only in so far as this movement is a current of spiritual life that wants to absorb the soul, but Miss Wilson also placed herself in our spiritual movement with the deepest understanding of what this movement should be and wants to be and must be in the whole course of development, namely in the spiritual development of humanity. And with regard to this kind of understanding of our movement as a spiritual world movement, many of us will have known Miss Wilson as an exemplary personality in our ranks, and in this sense those who knew her will always turn to her in thought, but will also feel their way up to her, since she now has to continue her existence in the spiritual worlds.
261. Our Dead: Eulogies for Joseph Ludwig and Jacques De Jaager 29 Oct 1916, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
One would like to say how mysterious the two deaths we are now under the impression of are. One has occurred in the atmosphere that surrounds us today in such a painful way, surrounded by a roar that humanity will first have to understand, learn to understand, in order to realize what has taken place through the occurrence of this painful event.
That was a fundamental trait in the character of the one who has now left us for the physical world: he accepted what life brought with a strong and steady attitude, but he was also able to give himself to the joys and exaltations of life with intense interest and understanding. I have just been given a “Abendlied” (evening song) that our friend Ludwig wrote, and we would like to remember him by reciting it.
And all around it grows still, oh so still, Yet so far and so near The beings and things sing only one thing: Gloria, Gloria! And in such a deep understanding of feeling, our friend also absorbed everything that was to come out of the building and, so to speak, knew how to incorporate into his own destiny the destiny of our movement, insofar as it is embodied in the forms of our building, and he faithfully carved his diligence and love for our cause into these forms.
261. Our Dead: Anniversary of the Death of Sophie Stinde 17 Nov 1916, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Do we not already know comparatively from our physical life that we can only understand, really understand, that being in whose own existence we carry something akin, something echoing?
No longer, when we acquire an understanding of their life element, do they then need to look over at the souls, at the hearts that they have left behind here, so that they must perceive: Oh these souls, oh these hearts down there, they lack the understanding that they must have when they look up at us with a look that we can answer them! Just as one can only get to know a being here on the physical plane if one is able to delve into its world, so we can only be in understanding with our dead if we have an inner life in the conceptions of those worlds in which they find themselves.
261. Our Dead: Eulogy for Gertrud Motzkus 06 Feb 1917, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Recently, Miss Motzkus herself had to mourn the loss of her faithful friend, whom she has now so soon found again in the spiritual world, and she accepted this blow in the sense of how one endures such a blow from the consciousness of a true understanding of the spiritual world. It was admirable with what keen interest Miss Motzkus showed a deep sympathy for the great events of the time until her last days.
261. Our Dead: Address at the Cremation of Pauline Dieterle 11 May 1917, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
For the deep pain that we feel in such a moment, when life bonds are torn apart that are tightly woven, that were woven to endure existence together in shared destinies and shared life tasks, is all too justified, all too understandable. But another thing may perhaps also speak into the greatest, most bitter pain and the most bitter grief at such a moment: it is the compassion and mourning of those who, in addition to those closest to them, have come to appreciate and love those who have left the physical plane in the deepest part of their souls and from the bottom of their hearts.
That a large circle was devoted to him with the most ardent love is widely known; that he spared no effort, left no strength ineffective, to work in the direction he recognized as the right one, that is what must live in lasting memory, what can act as an example beyond this memory, and what will underlie what many souls experienced in a living connection with this soul. What Mr. Barth was to his circle, it has been described by a member of this circle when our dear members parted from the earthly shell of this our dear friend, and we can honor the memory of him best when we never lose sight of the tremendously devoted nature of the cause and the personalities.
261. Our Dead: Eulogy for Heinrich Mitscher and Olga von Sivers 07 Oct 1917, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Therefore, having the company of an individuality is a blessing and a gain in life. One must only understand correctly in such things. Certainly, some sharp, some cutting words could come from Heinrich Mitscher, but never was such a sharp, cutting word used other than in holy enthusiasm for the cause.
261. Our Dead: Address at the Grave of Marie Leyh 14 Jan 1919, Arlesheim

Rudolf Steiner
And then we saw you in the last days of your suffering and endurance: suffering had only poured out the peculiar aroma of the eternal over your harmonious face, it had only placed the spiritual-soulful internalization in your soul-searching gaze and it had sunk into your voice, which sounded so mild to us, that mysterious, enigmatic tone, which is often sunk into human voices by suffering and out of which the undertone of the divine and eternal can be heard, which can resound through all the temporal and transient aspects of the human being, even when we are confronted with an earthly human being.
261. Our Dead: Eulogies for Herman Joachim, Olga von Sivers and Johanna Arnold 21 Aug 1917, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
And ever since I knew this, it has been a dear thought for me, as you will understand after some of what I have said in this circle about the spiritual influence of the personality of Herman Grimm in modern times.
Herman Joachim was one of those who, on the one hand, in a completely objective, rational way, as it should be, absorb spiritual science, but who, on the other hand, do not allow this rationality to detract from their deep spiritual insight, their deep spiritual understanding, their direct devotion to the spirit, so that this spiritual understanding, this direct devotion to the spirit is far from ever leading such a soul to what can be most dangerous for us: fantasy, enthusiasm.
Johanna Arnold's strong and powerful soul made her a benefactress for anthroposophists in her environment, for whom she became a guide; she became a dear friend to us because we could see the strong power that she anchored within our movement. To understand the meaning of this time, to understand what is actually happening to humanity: how often in the last few years, since this terrible time has dawned, did Johanna Arnold ask me this significant question.

Results 6221 through 6230 of 6238

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