264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Günther Wagner in Lugano
24 Dec 1903, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
And with regard to letters received, were they read by the occult recipient in the usual way, or did he understand the content without this?K.H.'s answer was: I have to read every word you write, otherwise I would make a real mess of it. |
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Günther Wagner in Lugano
24 Dec 1903, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
Günther Wagner had written to Rudolf Steiner on 14 November 1903:
Rudolf Steiner replied as follows: Strictly confidential! Dear Mr. Wagner! Page 73 of the (German edition) “Secret Doctrine” reads with reference to verse I, 6 (Dzyan): “Of the seven truths or revelations, only four are given to us, since we are still in the fourth round.” When you were in Berlin, I suggested, in the sense of a certain occult tradition, that the fourth of the seven truths mentioned above goes back to seven esoteric root truths, and that of these seven partial truths (the fourth regarded as a whole) one is delivered to each race as a rule. The fifth will become quite evident when the fifth race has reached its goal of development. Now I would like to answer your question as best I can. At present, the situation is such that the first four partial truths form meditation sentences for the aspirants of the mysteries and that nothing more can be given than these (symbolic) meditation sentences. From them, then, many higher things emerge occultly for the meditator. I therefore set out the four meditation sentences here – translated into German from the symbolic sign language: I. Sense according to: how the point becomes a sphere and yet remains itself. Have you grasped how the infinite sphere is only a point after all, then come again, for then the infinite will seem finite to you. II. Sense: how the seed becomes an ear of corn, and then come again, for then you will have grasped how the living lives in number. III. Sense: how light longs for darkness, heat for cold, how the male longs for the female, then come again, for then you will have grasped what face the great dragon at the threshold will show you. IV. Sense according to: how to enjoy hospitality in a strange house, then come again, for then you have grasped what is in store for him who sees the sun at midnight. Now, if the meditation was fruitful, the fifth secret arises from the four. For the time being, let me just say that Theosophy - the partial theosophy that lies, for example, in the “Secret Doctrine” and its esotericism - is a sum of partial truths of the fifth. You will find a hint as to how to go beyond this in the letter from Master K.H. [Kuthumi], quoted by Sinnett, which begins with the following words: “I have every word to read...” In the first (German) edition of Occult World, it can be found on pages 126 and 127.1 I can only assure you that almost the entire fifth secret is hidden in an occult way in the sentence by K.H. (page 127), “When science has learned how impressions of leaves originally come about on stones...”. That is all I can say for the time being about your questions. More perhaps in response to further questions. The four sentences above are what are called living sentences, i.e. they germinate during meditation and sprouts of knowledge grow out of them. With happy Christmas greetings in faithful union, Rudolf Steiner Berlin W, Motzstrasse 17
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Clara Smits in Düsseldorf
28 Dec 1903, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
I would like to add a few words to help us understand this meditation sentence. It is absolutely true that we receive as much knowledge from the world as we ourselves radiate love. |
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Clara Smits in Düsseldorf
28 Dec 1903, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
Berlin, December 28, 1903 Dearest Madam! I trust you have continued the exercises in the manner you began. I would now ask you to proceed in January in exactly the same way as I described in my last letter.1 I would only ask you to replace the sentence I gave at the time with the following: Every being you give your love to opens up its nature to you; for unkindness is a veil that covers the things of the world. As much as you radiate love, so much knowledge flows to you. I would like to add a few words to help us understand this meditation sentence. It is absolutely true that we receive as much knowledge from the world as we ourselves radiate love. However, we must not believe that we are immediately aware of all knowledge in every phase of life. Much is unconscious in us at first. And that is why I ask you to continue the meditation steadfastly. Only by doing this, and by realizing that every day we dedicate to it is not lost, will we make progress. Every day stores knowledge in us; and the day will surely come when it will appear to us in full consciousness. The sentences we meditate on are not intellectual constructs that we are merely supposed to grasp. I can only say again and again: these are living sentences, and we are meant to live with them as we do with children. We know children very well, of course, and yet we deal with them anew every day. So it should be with our meditation sentences. So everything else in your meditation remains the same in January as it was; only the sentence from December is replaced by the one given above. I ask you, dearest gracious lady, always to continue everything as it was given, until I write to you again. You can be sure that you will receive the appropriate letter from time to time. If it happens a few days after the expected time, it will not hurt. It was very nice that I also saw you for the last time in Cologne. I would have liked to have visited you again then - but time was so pressing. Lohf has now opened up the prospect that at least 6 people will be found in Düsseldorf with whom he can reconstruct the branch. That would be highly desirable. I know, dear lady, that you are doing all you can. I also know how difficult everything is. But our combined efforts must succeed, as the Theosophical movement demands of those who recognize its importance. No one can then evade this movement once they have recognized its significance. I hope to see you again very soon. Sincerely, Dr. Rudolf Steiner
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Doris and Franz Paulus in Stuttgart
14 Apr 1904, Zurich Rudolf Steiner |
I mean (omitting the very first sentence) the following: "He who wants to understand the voice of the spirit apart from itself must first experience the nature of his own spirit. When the seeker no longer wants to hear the world of the senses alone, he must seek out that which produces this world; he must live in thoughts that make the world of the senses into an illusory world. |
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Doris and Franz Paulus in Stuttgart
14 Apr 1904, Zurich Rudolf Steiner |
Zurich, April 14, 1904 Dearest Mrs. and Dr. Paulus! Before the 16th approaches, I would like to write you a few lines about the next days of meditation. So I ask you to fill in the part indicated in my remarks with the “Voice of Silence” in such a way that during the first fortnight the first two sentences of the writing are in the field of vision of consciousness. I mean (omitting the very first sentence) the following: "He who wants to understand the voice of the spirit apart from itself must first experience the nature of his own spirit. When the seeker no longer wants to hear the world of the senses alone, he must seek out that which produces this world; he must live in thoughts that make the world of the senses into an illusory world. It is not a matter of speculating about these sentences, but of spending a few minutes living with them. To do this, one must have previously appropriated their content in such a way that one can survey it with a spiritual gaze, place it spiritually before oneself, and let it take effect without over-analysing it. Only by letting the thoughts to be meditated flow over you in complete calm will meditation bear fruit. Should anything be unclear or amiss, I request that you ask me about it, and I will answer immediately. From Lugano, I will write to you about the promised interpretation of the Seven Voices, which cannot be done for another fortnight.1 I will also write to you immediately upon my arrival regarding the Bresch remarks.2 Today I just want to tell you both that I am deeply gratified by your interest in Theosophy. When one is aware of the worldwide reputation of Theosophy, one comes to appreciate the interest of deeper natures. I will have much to write about in the next few days regarding the messages from Dr. [Marie] von Martens. In Munich, every hour was filled, and here in Zurich, too, the Theosophists from here and the surrounding area have gathered. But the train is leaving soon. So for the time being, warm greetings to you both and Arenson's from your Rudolf Steiner Temporary Address:
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Doris and Franz Paulus in Stuttgart
14 May 1904, London Rudolf Steiner |
You can be assured that in the esoteric, every instruction and every piece of advice is given in the most careful way and under the real guidance of the great spiritual leaders of the human race. Do not doubt that sooner or later you will find your way to these guides through meditation work itself. |
I now ask you to continue meditating on the parts of the “voice” that precede the seven voices in the coming weeks. I will interpret these seven voices under authorization in the next few days and you will then receive a first copy of the interpretation. |
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Doris and Franz Paulus in Stuttgart
14 May 1904, London Rudolf Steiner |
London, May 14, 1904 Strictly confidential. Dearest Mrs. and Dr. Paulus! A lot of work and travel have not allowed me to answer your kind letters in detail until today. I am particularly pleased to receive your last letter because I see that you have continued the meditation work, and I ask you to always keep it that way. You can be assured that you will always receive the necessary information from me at the right time. Because of our esoteric work in Germany, I had to spend the last few days in London here with our spiritual leader, Mrs. Besant, in order to obtain full esoteric authorization from her for everything I do in this field. You can be assured that in the esoteric, every instruction and every piece of advice is given in the most careful way and under the real guidance of the great spiritual leaders of the human race. Do not doubt that sooner or later you will find your way to these guides through meditation work itself. Only someone who has experienced what I have experienced can speak like that. I now ask you to continue meditating on the parts of the “voice” that precede the seven voices in the coming weeks. I will interpret these seven voices under authorization in the next few days and you will then receive a first copy of the interpretation. It will then be of much more value to you than if I had given it to you 14 days ago without full authorization. Because my esoteric work has only received the full consecration in the last few days. Now I turn to your questions, dear Doctor. If I were not an esoteric and did not live a spiritual life, I might say: Your questions in Stuttgart and later by letter surprised me. But through the qualities mentioned, I was fully prepared for the realization of your deep psychological insight. I can only tell you: you have good psychic gifts and a beautiful precondition for both spiritual knowledge and for working in the physical world from the spiritual planes. What you experience simply shows that you have contact with the spiritual powers of the world, and your whole nature shows again that you are called to apply these spiritual gifts in a noble way to help people. Among other things, you repeatedly asked me who I was. The time will come when we can talk about it. But today I will only tell you that I have reason to believe that you did me a great service in an earlier life. Don't misunderstand me. Of course, errors cannot be ruled out in spiritual observations either. But I am not a person who lives in illusions. In the spiritual fields, I am one of those people who are called cautious and also 'sober'. That is why I can speak of justified belief. In my earlier life, centuries ago, a personality played a role in my life that snatched me from a certain family sphere and opened up the paths for me that were necessary for my former profession, a Catholic priest. Those were times when the church had not yet completely fallen into disrepair as it has today. At that time, you showed the lack of prejudice that still appears to me today as so great in you. At that time, you probably also created the conditions for your present life. These are suggestions that I ask you to take as critically as possible; but I can only tell you that I consider them fully justified. If what I say seems plausible to you, it will also be clear to you that you are called to psychic life. Do not be frightened by this predisposition. We must regard such gifts as a sanctuary; we must live with them as intimately as we live with the tables and persons in our physical environment. We must accept them objectively, and our self-confidence, our “I”, must always remain intact and at our core. We must never allow ourselves to be enslaved by such influences. They are given to us; but never with the intention of overwhelming us. Whatever may come, hold fast to the principle that all the powers of the world, physical as well as spiritual, are there in the present epoch of the world's development for the purpose of helping man to fulfill his mission here on this earth as a free, self-conscious, thinking, self-supporting being. The spiritual powers and influences are only meant to guide him to find the right way here. And today woman in particular is called upon to find and assert her self. Everything that happens in this field will contribute to the welfare of mankind. I will be back in Berlin on May 17 and will continue this letter then.1 For now, I send you both my warmest regards in good faith. Yours Truly, Rudolf Steiner
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Mathilde Scholl in Cologne
14 Jul 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
You know that I am basically willing to do whatever might be demanded of me. I do not understand how external changes in the school can influence the degree of development of the human being. However, there must be something serious and important in this, since Mrs. Lübke, whose right hand is unusable and under medical treatment, wrote to me with great difficulty with her left hand. I am certainly grateful to her for it, but I believe she is worrying in vain. |
The weaknesses of others should never find our censure – at least not in our hearts – but we should try to understand them in every way. Every E.S. disciple takes on the study as a duty. You will soon receive the interpretation of “L.a.d. |
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Mathilde Scholl in Cologne
14 Jul 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
On July 13, 1904, Mathilde Scholl wrote to Rudolf Steiner:
Rudolf Steiner replied as follows: Dear Miss Scholl! I am sending you the pledge in the attachment. Please copy it out and send me your copy with your signature to pass on to Mrs. Besant.1 The pledge contains what unites the members of the E.S. Of course, all the obligations that the Shrâvaka has already taken on continue to apply. As soon as you have sent me the signed pledge, I will also send you some provisional papers. Nothing else can be provided at the moment, but soon. Please do not worry about possible changes at the school. Such things never affect the inner development of the individual members, but rather the school's work on the physical plane, as it extends from the higher to the physical plane in the world. Of course, one must always consider what is good for the world. You, who are a loyal and devoted student of E.S., and who are definitely on the right path, will not be significantly affected by the changes.2 The individual points of the pledge must be kept if we want to make progress on the occult path. But there is no need to be pedantic about everything. It depends solely on the attitude. How one can support the Theosophical movement is entirely up to one's own decision. It may be necessary, due to one's position or circumstances, not to say to the world that one is a Theosophist. But if one works seriously, however quietly, one has kept one's word. It is important to watch one's speech so that one offends fewer and fewer others by it. This leads to the opening of the gate that the masters close. The weaknesses of others should never find our censure – at least not in our hearts – but we should try to understand them in every way. Every E.S. disciple takes on the study as a duty. You will soon receive the interpretation of “L.a.d. W.” [“Licht auf den Weg” – “Light on the Path”].3 I will answer everything else this week as well. Best Wishes, Dr. Rudolf Steiner
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Amalie Wagner in Hamburg
02 Aug 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
The Esoteric School is an occult institution, that is, it is under the direction of highly developed individuals. These are people who have already gone through the path that the majority of people still have to take. |
Those who enter the order of the Shrâvakas undertake nothing more than to consciously work towards their own perfection, so that they may increasingly become servants in the perfection of the whole human race. |
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Amalie Wagner in Hamburg
02 Aug 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
Berlin, August 2, 1904 Dear, dear Miss Wagner! Today I am able to send you the first information regarding the E.S. It is necessary to start by talking about the meaning of the school. The Esoteric School is an occult institution, that is, it is under the direction of highly developed individuals. These are people who have already gone through the path that the majority of people still have to take. Such highly developed individuals possess a high degree of wisdom, are endowed with an unlimited source of love for humanity and with the gift of helping those who want to walk the path of perfection. Those who enter the order of the Shrâvakas undertake nothing more than to consciously work towards their own perfection, so that they may increasingly become servants in the perfection of the whole human race. Of course, everyone can only do as much as is within their power. The school demands nothing. It only wants to provide the means by which everyone can perfect themselves as is necessary for themselves and for humanity. And to achieve this, the aforementioned perfect individuals provide occult assistance. Those who sign the “promise” begin to be influenced by these perfect individuals in a way that they may initially be completely unaware of. In this way, he works for the benefit of all humanity simply by belonging to the school. All the obligations that the [shrâvaka] takes on are only for his own benefit. For without keeping these obligations, it is impossible to achieve the set goal; and membership of the school would be pointless. Dear Miss Wagner! I will now explain to you very briefly what needs to be done. You can only start with everything on August 18. And at that time, I would ask you to begin. For reasons known only to the occultist, the beginning must be made at very specific times. All this will become clear to you later. Then the following would be to be done. 1. In the evening, before you go to rest - preferably before you fall asleep - I ask you to repeat the following sentence in your mind every evening:
Once you have thought this through, but thought it through in such a way that no extraneous thought intrudes into your consciousness while you hold this sentence in front of you, then spend four to five minutes looking back over the experiences of the day. I ask you to let these experiences of the day pass before your mind's eye and to realize how you feel about these events. You observe yourself and ask yourself whether and to what extent you are in agreement with yourself, what you could have experienced better, what you could have done better. In this way you become your own observer. The idea is to observe yourself from a higher point of view, and gradually the “higher self” becomes the ruler over the everyday person. In doing so, however, everything that is equivalent to worry or grief about what has been experienced should be avoided. We should merely learn from our own lives, make it a lesson. We should not think of the past with regret – there is time enough for that during the rest of the day – but bravely use this past for the future. Then we learn for our present personal existence, and we learn above all for the time that lies beyond death. When you have completed this kind of review of the day, you fall asleep with thoughts of the people you love and want to help. This may be followed by the presentation of an ideal of life with which you are particularly involved. Now in the morning. As soon as possible after awakening, a little meditation is to be done. It consists of the following: 1. Recalling the above thought: “Radiant...” 2. The actual meditation (6-8 minutes) I ask you to take a sentence each day from the “Nachfolge Christi” (The Imitation of Christ) by Thomas a Kempis. This is done as follows. For the first eight days, take a sentence from the third chapter, “Happy the man whom truth...” Memorize this sentence so that it is completely in your mind. Then, for the indicated six to eight minutes, fill your entire consciousness with this sentence. All other thoughts should be excluded. In this way we absorb such a spiritually living sentence into our entire being. We permeate ourselves with it. And its power radiates through everything we do and are. You keep the same sentence every day for 8 days. Then comes the next sentence and so on. The third part of the morning meditation is devotion to that which is divine and sacred to us, for example to Christ. This should take at least 4 to 6 minutes and consist of devotional worship of our Holy Being. These are all the exercises for the time being. Through these exercises, it becomes possible for the perfect beings (masters) to approach us and to take us up into the stream that leads to perfection. Regarding 6. of the rules 2 I only note that the only exception in which a sip of wine may be taken is at the Holy Supper; there is no harmful effect because it is a ceremony. This abstinence should, however, be strictly observed. It is not a matter of fulfilling a duty towards the school, but of promoting perfection. Especially for the Shrâvaka it will suffice if alcohol consumption is avoided in the main. But here too, better is better. I shall write the third book shortly.3 Engel is [Julius] Engel in Berlin. He translated the “letters that helped me”.4 However, I ask you not to practice the things that are indicated there for the time being, but... [end of letter missing].
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Doris and Franz Paulus in Stuttgart
11 Aug 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
Rather, it is gained by voluntarily, but completely voluntarily, imposing a compulsion on ourselves. Please do not understand such formulaic templates as I gave you in Stuttgart as anything other than advice, and only as advice. |
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Doris and Franz Paulus in Stuttgart
11 Aug 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
Berlin, August 11, 1904 Dearest Mrs. and Dr. Paulus! You, dear Doctor, have sent me a beautiful, poetic expression of your mood. It is very precious to me. It is so full of the mystical powers arising in the depths of your being that I can only find it confirmed what I have seen in you from the beginning of our acquaintance: you have great powers, dear lady, and you are capable of much. And in the not too distant future, your inner abundance will reveal itself to you in a surprising way, for the benefit of humanity. You are so kind as to call me “leader” in your letter. I can and may lead only as far as the exalted Master, who guides me, gives me the guidance. I follow him with full consciousness in everything I say to others. And if you recognize that, then please follow me in one thing, rather follow him: in patience. The right mood is patience. I do not say this because I want to express that you, dear woman, would not have this patience, but because we must keep reminding ourselves of this mood of patience. You say in an earlier letter that you cannot express what moves you. I can only give you the assurance that the ability to express yourself that is entirely appropriate for you will come. But again: patience. The mood of waiting quickens our steps. You think that when you repeat words in meditation that are actually self-evident, it is futile. But that is not the case. If it depended on knowledge, then it would be futile. But it depends on experiencing again and again through oneself what one should be and what one should make of oneself independently. You can find more about this in the addenda that I promised you for “Voice of Silence” and am enclosing today. You see, dear madam, inner strength is not gained by hating compulsion. Rather, it is gained by voluntarily, but completely voluntarily, imposing a compulsion on ourselves. Please do not understand such formulaic templates as I gave you in Stuttgart as anything other than advice, and only as advice. But it is advice based on the experience of occultists over many long periods of time. Therefore, I would like to ask you, dearest Mrs. Doctor, and also you, dear Mr. Doctor, to continue in meditation as you have begun. The formula given should still be short for a long time, but should be repeated briefly every morning. I think you might dwell on this formula for too long. That is not necessary. But consider that the adepts, too, let this formula run through their souls every morning, even if it is at lightning speed, as a constant self-admonition that life must never be concluded, but that every self must give birth to a higher self. The entire meditation work would therefore continue to exist for both of you: 1. In the evening, before resting, review the day. 2. In the morning:
Please limit the time as you deem fit, if you still want to do a special meditation described by you. But what I have indicated is effective and fruitful and leads up the path of knowledge. Whether we perceive what we know as self-evident or not, nothing depends on that, but that it goes through our soul. You can trust your feelings about what you know about me. I also know that you have an active imagination. But an active imagination as such is not necessarily misleading. It can be, but it can also be the bringer of opportunities for the influx of higher experiences. And you see, dear Madam, how your experiences correspond with mine in certain respects. I have written to you about this in advance in my letter from London. I will write you more soon. And as for me, I know that fantasy is as far from me as possible; I also keep myself quite far away from all fantasy with all my strength. Dear Mrs. and Dr., believe me, what I say arises in my experience with the strictness that the mathematician imposes on himself. And in my present life, before I ventured into theosophy, I did everything to ensure that no kind of fantasy could seduce me. For many years my life was trained for this. You describe young Gräser correctly. To be as he is is certainly not without danger. And people of his kind are symptomatic of the present time. I recommended him to you because I know how you are different from others. What you write about Deinhard and Bresch is certainly true. But let us be lenient. Both gentlemen cannot be any different than their karma requires.3. Let us stick together, let us throw ourselves into what we see as the right thing and let us overlook the weaknesses of others. I am very, very pleased that Mrs. Besant is coming to Stuttgart in September. For the time being, I send my warmest regards to you both, Dr. Rudolf Steiner Franz Paulus replied to this letter from Rudolf Steiner on November 30, 1904:
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Horst von Henning in Weimar
12 Aug 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
But this must be, because otherwise all occult work under ordinary circumstances is in vain. If you are looking for meditation, then I will send you the “Rules” and you can decide. |
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Horst von Henning in Weimar
12 Aug 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
Berlin, August 12, 1904 My dear Mr. von Henning! Please excuse the delayed response.1 I am only now beginning to emerge from the workload. And in future you certainly shouldn't have to wait so long. I was glad to know that you were in the bath and I hope that your rest has progressed quite well. It is not good to start practical meditation work during a period of rest. Neither for your health nor for meditation. I can only advise you, if you want to practice meditation, to start it during your normal professional activity. Because meditation should not take up any time. That is even a basic condition if it is to be fruitful. I will now tell you “in confidence” (that is, just for you) what meditation consists of. In the evening, before falling asleep, - very briefly, three to four minutes - review what you have done and experienced during the day. The important thing is to let the most important events of the day pass before you. You ask yourself: Did I follow this event with an observing gaze in such a way that I can learn from it for my future life; and how should I have done it in order to achieve this purpose? Or with regard to an action that you have done: Did I do it in such a way that I can still approve of it now that I am no longer in the middle of it, but am observing myself as if I were someone else? All this should be done in such a way that you learn from yourself, that you turn life into a lesson. In this way you really do gradually achieve elevation to the “higher self”, which goes beyond the lower self. And - believe the occult experience - it not only contributes to the expansion of human abilities, but also to recovery in every respect. Then in the morning: Right after getting up. Before you have taken any nourishment, you use a few minutes – later it takes longer – for the actual meditation. If a quarter of an hour is possible, then it is better. It consists of an elevation to the “higher self”, for which there is a very specific formula that you say to yourself in your mind. I will share this formula with you “in confidence” right away if you write to me that you want to use it. Then, secondly, there is a concentration consisting in emptying the consciousness of everything that the life of everyday life brings us. For a few minutes, everything that otherwise occupies us must disappear from our consciousness, including the memory of the business and obligations of everyday life. Then we let a sentence from an inspired writing enter into this empty consciousness and give ourselves completely to its impression. We do not speculate about the sentence, we live with it as we live with a beloved child. And we keep this same sentence for weeks. Because only then does it give us its strength. Only then, after weeks, do we replace it with another sentence. For example, meditators go through “Light on the Path” sentence by sentence, which gives their meditation long content. “Light on the Path,” “The Voice of Silence,” “Bhagavad Gita” are among the best meditation books. The last part of meditation is then to create a devotional mood within oneself towards that which is the highest, the divine. In this context, it is not a question of this or that conception of the divine, but rather of that which - according to our subjectivity - is truly intimate to us. For the Christian, it may be Christ, for the Hindu, the “Master”, for the Muslim, “Muhammad”; indeed, a modern scientist may become absorbed in the “divine nature”. What matters is the devotional feeling, not the idea one has of the “divine”. If you, my dear Mr. von Henning, want to progress in the development of mystical powers, I can give you even more ways to do so. I can tell you in advance that there is certainly no danger involved in any respect. And in connection with your question, and knowing you as I do, I can tell you that there is a “closed circle” into which I may admit you if you wish. Otherwise, there is no obligation for the beginning except that towards yourself, which I have already expressed to you in this letter. The only other condition is complete abstinence from alcohol. But this must be, because otherwise all occult work under ordinary circumstances is in vain. If you are looking for meditation, then I will send you the “Rules” and you can decide. But if you want to practice meditation without such a connection, I will also be at your side with advice; only the connection to the “narrower esoteric circle” also offers the occult connection, which in itself already brings help and soul progress. I would like to answer your card, which I find so welcome. If you do not wish to join, then I ask you to remain silent about what I have written to you. Kind regards, Dr. Rudolf Steiner Horst von Hennings' reply:
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Eliza von Moltke in Bankau, Upper Silesia
12 Aug 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
The only thing I can ascribe to myself is that I have undergone strict training that protects me from all fantasy. This was a requirement for me. Because what I experience in spiritual realms is thereby free from all imagination, from all deception, from all superstition. |
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Eliza von Moltke in Bankau, Upper Silesia
12 Aug 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
Eliza von Moltke wrote on 20 July 1904:
In response to this letter, Rudolf Steiner replied: Dear Madam, Please do not assume that I will continue my practice of writing you as few letters as possible in the future. I will explain to you in person why this one is coming so late. In the future, I will write to you very regularly. Please consider the enclosed document 1 to be completely confidential. In such matters I am only an instrument of higher beings, whom I humbly revere. I deserve nothing; nothing depends on me. The only thing I can ascribe to myself is that I have undergone strict training that protects me from all fantasy. This was a requirement for me. Because what I experience in spiritual realms is thereby free from all imagination, from all deception, from all superstition. But even today I speak to few of this. People may think me a fantasist; I know the difference between truth and deception. And I know that I must go the way I go. If you make the exercises outlined in the enclosed document yours, dear Madam, then you must not start before August 19 or after September 3. This is written, as the occultist says, in “the signs of heaven”. If you do not want to start between August 19 and September 3, it would be necessary for a later time to contact me again. Between August 19 and September 3, any day is possible. I often think of the wonderful hours I was privileged to spend in your house [in Berlin]. I have also grown very fond of your husband and have high hopes for his spiritual future. Sometimes people take special paths; but many paths lead to knowledge.2 May you fare well in Silesia and have the inner peace you need. With warm regards, Dr. Rudolf Steiner
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Michael Bauer in Nuremberg
14 Aug 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
However, strict adherence to them is necessary because only under this condition is real progress in spiritual life possible. If you are ready to enter, please write to me. |
For it is precisely an “occult” school. It was founded directly by the Masters and is under the leadership of these Masters. And so the Theosophical Society constantly receives the truly living knowledge from this occult school. |
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Michael Bauer in Nuremberg
14 Aug 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
Michael Bauer had apparently written to Rudolf Steiner on July 28, 1904, based on a previous conversation:
Rudolf Steiner noted in the margin: “answered with rules 14. 8. 04”. His answer: Dear Mr. Bauer! In response to your kind words, I would like to say the following: Your relationship with the Theosophical movement is so intimate that you will find the best satisfaction in your esoteric life by joining the so-called “Esoteric School”. However, I ask you to consider the messages I am sending you about this as intended only for you and to treat them in the strictest confidence. Nobody is asked to join this occult school. But we may communicate its existence to those to whom we think it possible. And I want to give you such a communication. If you do not consider it appropriate for you to join, then you may disregard the communication and write to me to that effect. I will then immediately give you, without you being a member of the school, the necessary information for an esoteric course of development and will meet all your wishes. First of all, you will find enclosed the rules of the so-called Shrâvaka Order, [see page 141]. One must first become a Shrâvaka (literally a listener) and follow the prescribed rules, then one is promoted to the higher degrees. You will see that observing the “rules” is quite easy to begin with. However, strict adherence to them is necessary because only under this condition is real progress in spiritual life possible. If you are ready to enter, please write to me. I will then send you a short “promise” by which you become a member and then, on September 22 or 23, for example, I will give you all the further information. I would just like to write a few words about the nature of the school. You know that the “Theosophical Society” has a relationship to our exalted masters in that they gave the theosophical impulses to H.P.B. [H. P. Blavatsky], then leaving it to her to shape the movement on the physical plane. The Theosophical Society was founded by H.P.Blavatsky and Olcott in 1875 for this reason. Our occult school has nothing official to do with it. For it is precisely an “occult” school. It was founded directly by the Masters and is under the leadership of these Masters. And so the Theosophical Society constantly receives the truly living knowledge from this occult school. Little by little, the exercises prescribed by the school lead to knowledge of the masters. As long as she was on earth, H. P. Blavatsky was the head of the school. Now it is Annie Besant. Within Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland, I have been entrusted with the leadership of the school. As I said, this is not meant as pressure, but only as a message based on trust. If you join, you will have no obligation other than to follow the rules. If you cannot do it, please return the rules to me. I will then answer your letter in another form so that your wishes are also fulfilled outside the school. But within the school one does have the necessary support from the higher planes. I will write to you immediately if you are a member in Germany and let me know of your interest. I will also send you all instructions for a proper meditation that imparts occult knowledge. Annie Besant can possibly give a few lectures in Germany in September. However, since she can only stay in Germany for a few days, she will only be able to give a lecture in Munich for Bavaria. Believe me, dear Mr. Bauer, if it had been possible, I would have considered a lecture by Annie Besant in Nuremberg as well. However, due to Ms. Besant's limited time, it is absolutely not possible. She will speak in Weimar on September 18 and in Munich on September 20; and I hope that you and your wife will be able to attend the lecture at one of the locations. Kind regards to your wife and family, Dr. Rudolf Steiner |