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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 6251 through 6260 of 6282

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264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Günther Wagner in Lugano 29 Aug 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
In July 1904, in lectures given at the Berlin branch – which Günther Wagner had listened to – Rudolf Steiner had indicated that “a movement” would be born out of the bosom of the Theosophical Society, which would bring “a true understanding of Christianity, not in the ordinary sense” (July 11, 1904). And on July 18, 1904, there was talk of a “John Society,” a “John Gospel Department,” whose task would be to make known to the widest circles the inexhaustible depths of the Gospel of John.
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Günther Wagner in Lugano 14 Sep 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It is undoubtedly true that Annie Besant's lecture “Is Theosophy Antichristian” could not be understood in the same way in Germany as in England, because in the last few decades the discussion of fundamental Christian questions in England has taken on a completely different character in the circles of theologians and those of their spiritually dependent preachers etc. than in England.
Before that I could only say, “I cannot be in favor of it.” I am sure you will understand me. Tomorrow I will receive Mrs. Besant in Hamburg. On Friday she will be in Berlin. Sincerely, Dr.
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Mrs. Anna Wagner in Lugano 02 Jan 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It was founded by the Masters themselves and is under the direction of the Masters. All the knowledge and power that flows into the Theosophical Society flows to it through this school. Its members undergo their probationary period and ultimately attain direct communion with the Sublime Ones themselves.
When we carry out what I have indicated, the “Exalted Masters” find access to our soul. They can help us and under their blessed influence we grow in strength, knowledge and confidence in life. Our dear Annie Besant emphasizes again and again that the Esoteric School is the “heart of the Theosophical movement”.
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Günther Wagner in Lugano 23 Jul 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Although love and sympathy will never be diminished by the theosophical life, our understanding and strength to bear will grow. We have nothing to lose by theosophy, but we have so much to gain.
These thoughts have been crossing my mind in recent weeks whenever I directed my thoughts to your dear home in Lugano, and these thoughts took on that character in my field of vision that shows that thoughts correspond to a reality. You understand me in writing this inner experience – for that is what it is – to you, dear Mr. Wagner. And perhaps you will also accept at your discretion what is a reality for me.
The departmental meetings followed. I am sending you a program under Kreuzband, from which you can at least see the titles of the extensive program that was presented.
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Mathilde Scholl in Cologne 14 Aug 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
You are a very strong, but also a very receptive nature and nothing prevents you from safely surviving the nevertheless profound transformations that your present exercises are undergoing in your astral and even your etheric body. There are not many German members of the Theosophical Society who follow or can follow the same path, but all those who do have the same experiences as you.
Then the previously unconscious organism is gradually transformed into a conscious one, and the loosened centers are subordinated to this latter. I would like to make myself understood with a small drawing. Firm connection of the three centers Psychic subconscious, which regulates these centers.
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Michael Bauer in Nuremberg 03 Jul 1906, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
3In this matter, we have to go into the deeper underlying issues. It is simply the case in occultism that, with the method that Leadbeater adopted, it is extremely easy to fall away.
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Alfred Meebold in Heidenheim on the Brenz 31 Dec 1906, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
I only touched on the question of the master implicitly by pointing out that “I” does not mean “I” when I say “I”. I knew that you would understand me correctly because I have the highest regard for the experiences you have had in life and therefore spoke to you with complete trust.
I am particularly pleased with those of my students who are learning to understand my relationship to occultism no differently than a mathematician's to mathematics. This also completely resolves the vexed question of authority.
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: General Rules of the Esoteric School N/A

Rudolf Steiner
2Regional groups, led by a so-called “Sub-Warden”, also existed under Rudolf Steiner. For example, in Nuremberg under Michael Bauer (see Rudolf Steiner's letter to him dated August 4, 1907), and in Stuttgart under Adolf Arenson, who, according to his certificate from Rudolf Steiner, was appointed in 1906 and also held meetings.
They do not belong to the actual meditation, but should be cultivated outside of it. The matter is to be understood in such a way that esoteric training is only justified if these demands are made of the student at the same time.
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: Individually Given Exercises N/A

Rudolf Steiner
Dreamless sleep experiences are always hearing experiences and, if they are to be of any value, articulated hearing experiences, e.g. words. Sometimes you don't even need to understand the words. Because they can appear in the reminiscence as in a language that is not understood by us.
Man becomes greater when he becomes simpler. ad. 29. It is important to understand that sensitivity is not the same as sensitivity. It therefore means: Before the ear is able to hear, it must replace sensitivity with a simplified perception.
The various planets are connected with the various parts of the currents as indicated. The planets are to be understood more as principles that actually always work on all globes, only on the individual in an outstanding way.
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: The Twelve-membered Essence of the Masters 29 May 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
The relevant passage reads:The nature of a Mahatma is difficult to grasp correctly and would hardly be understandable without reference to later sections of this book, so that it seems appropriate to go into it in more detail now.
When I wrote the foregoing portion of this book, I was under the impression that a supreme head, standing on a still higher plane, ruled over these five Chohans; but now the thought suggests itself to me that this personality is more likely to be a sixth chohan, the head of the sixth fundamental form of the Mahatmas; and this supposition leads immediately to the further conclusion that, to complete the recognized correspondences or relationships, there must be a seventh Chohan.
However, pondering this brings little more benefit than greater clarity with regard to the above-mentioned thought that the Mahatmas must not be understood as merely extraordinary people of great spiritual sublimity, but as necessary phenomena in nature, without which a progressive development of humanity can hardly be imagined.

Results 6251 through 6260 of 6282

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