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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 6261 through 6270 of 6282

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264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: Diagram of the Cultural and Historical Influence of the Masters Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
But how the physical immortality of adepts is to be understood in reality is explained in the lecture Berlin, December 16, 1904 as follows: “It is not a matter of physical death, but of the following. The physical death of the one who has recognized the Philosopher's Stone for himself and has understood how to extract it is only an apparent event for him. For other people, however, it is a real event that marks a major stage in his life. For the one who [...] understands how to use the Philosopher's Stone, death is only an apparent event. It does not even constitute a particularly important stage in life; it is something that only exists for others, who may observe the adept and say that he is dying.
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: The Nature and Work of the Masters II 14 Jul 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Within us lie the powers in germinal form, which have come to full bloom in the Masters. 10. To understand development, we can observe the development from plant to animal to human. 11. This symbol is shown to us as a symbol for the development of the plant: ⊥ 1 12.
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: The Nature and Work of the Masters III 11 Nov 1905, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
Memorial notes by Eugenie von Bredow Necessity for the esotericist to understand the plan that humanity is unconsciously working out under the guidance of the white lodge. The humanity of the earth is its center, that which is important in this world.
People will draw out the forces in the flowing water and make them useful to themselves, they will catch the powerful forces that lie in the sun's rays through powerful mirrors and know how to make them useful to themselves; they will learn to control the forces in the earth's interior that are now being triggered by volcanic eruptions and that originate from a powerful spiritual being in the earth's interior; the most marvelous machines will be devised by men to put all these triggered forces at the service of mankind, indeed they will get the magnetic power of the whole earth under their control, for the earth is but a great magnet whose south pole is at the north pole and whose north pole is at the south pole.
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: The Nature and Work of the Masters IV 13 Dec 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
He spoke about the Dalai Lama and his election from among children born under special natural phenomena. He spoke about the spirits of the fire mist, whose disciples were our masters; he spoke about the development of man into such a powerful being.
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: The Nature and Work of the Masters IX 23 Nov 1907, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
He was called “of the Oberland” because he came from the upper world. It was Jesus of Nazareth who lived and worked under the name “the great unknown of the Oberland” in the 13th or 14th century. Johannes Tauler was taught by him.
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: The Nature and Work of the Masters X 15 Nov 1909, Düsseldorf

Rudolf Steiner
I will speak of that which is the first and greatest in the world, of that which he has revealed to me, the great spirit, which is Ahura Mazdao. But he who does not hear my words, as I understand and grasp them, will experience evil when the earth's course has come to an end in his age.“ 13
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: The Nature and Work of the Masters XI 19 Apr 1909, Düsseldorf

Rudolf Steiner
This is absolutely necessary if the esoteric work we have to do on ourselves is to have the right effect. Only under this condition can our esoteric work bear the right fruit. The school, on the other hand, has to fulfill the condition that everything that flows through it comes only from the great teachers whom we call the Masters of Wisdom and of the Harmony of Feelings.
What the Mystery of Golgotha has brought to Humanity is there; but the understanding of it can only dawn very gradually in human souls; indeed, even today it cannot dawn universally.
Since the 16th century, the human brain has clearly changed in a way that is perceptible to the clairvoyant, with the purpose of enabling people to gradually learn to understand Christianity in its full meaning. We have seen that during the 4th to 14th centuries, copies of the etheric and astral bodies of Christ were given to personalities who, in this way, kept the spirit of true Christianity alive.
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: Master Personalities Associated with the Awakenings in the Gospels

Rudolf Steiner
The second age, that of Zarathustra, is resurrected so that in the sixth post-Atlantean age there can be a true understanding of the Christ. And the first, the ancient Indian age, experiences its resurrection in the seventh post-Atlantean age with the help of the power of the Christ.
With this power within him, he can work even before the sixth post-Atlantean age; already in the fifth cultural age, he prepares the sixth, the one that will show the deepest understanding of the Christ impulse, the one that will best understand the Gospel of John. (Among the twelve apostles, Lazarus-John himself is, as it were, represented by another.
“And the Christ Jesus strictly forbade them that no one should know.” A commandment that obviously cannot be understood in a physical, real sense. But the secrets that took place with this awakening were to remain unknown and hidden for a long time.
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: Ancient Traditions from Personal Conversations with Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner
Confusion should not surprise us, because the Apostles were able to exchange their bodies even under the then prevailing very different laws of the soul. The three disciples in Gethsemane were in any case part of the innermost circle of the twelve, and Lazarus also belonged to it.
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: Supplement Concerning the Masters

Rudolf Steiner
Those who helped humanity, who governed and directed it, who were statesmen and leaders of great religious communities, were under the influence of higher beings. During the Lemurian and Atlantean races, they were directly dependent on those higher beings who had undergone their development on other planets.
(It can be studied in Pythagorean philosophy). 3. The secret of alchemy. (This can be understood through the works of Paracelsus and Jakob Böhme). 4. The mystery of birth and death.13 5.
The great significance of the realization that evil is the fundamental mystery of our time also makes it possible to understand why the visible emblem of the Anthroposophical Movement, the Goetheanum, was associated with it.

Results 6261 through 6270 of 6282

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