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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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Earthly and Cosmic Man: Foreword
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Marie Steiner
Only the Group, sculptured in wood, portraying the Representative of Humanity between the vanquished Adversaries, was saved. We are hoping that by Christmas of this year, this Group will stand in a space worthy of it, in the new Goetheanum. There is a moving description of the Representative of Humanity, of the Christ Figure, at the end of one of the lectures of 1912, when there was no thought—even of the possibility—of its execution in sculpture.
121. The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls: Nerthus, Freyja and Gerda. Twilight of the Gods. Vidar and the new Revelation of Christ 17 Jun 1910, Oslo
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
See also the lecture given by Rudolf Steiner in Basle, 12.xii.1916, entitled Christmas at a Time of Grievous Destiny. The Festivals and their Meaning. Vol. 1. Christmas. (Rudolf Steiner Press).
270. Esoteric Instructions: Seventh Recapitulation Lesson 20 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
My dear brothers and sisters! Since the Christmas Conference an esoteric impulse goes through the entire Anthroposophical Society, and those members of the Anthroposophical Society who have recently taken part in the general members' lectures will have noticed just how this esoteric impulse flows through all that is worked on within the Anthroposophical Movement and through all that is still to be worked on.
And through all that is connected with the impulse of the Christmas Conference, through all that has been brought forth, is the possibility of this being the kernel of the Anthroposophical Movement’s forming an esoteric school to be seen as the esoteric school inspired and guided by Michael himself.
282. Speech and Drama: The Work of the Stage From Its More Inward Aspect. Destiny, Character, and Plot. 20 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
At the opening of a play, before the plot began to unfold and reveal how character and destiny are at work there, an ‘Exclamator’, as he was called (for they used the Latin word), would come forward—rather in the way the Prologue does in our Christmas Plays—and give a kind of summary of the moral of the play. For the stage did a great deal in those days to influence social life and behaviour.
That is to say, at secular times of the year. For the Christmas Plays are survivals of the drama of destiny; in them we see destiny working in from the worlds beyond.
Cosmic Memory: Introduction

Rudolf Steiner
Today the Goetheanum is the world headquarters of General Anthroposophical Society, which was founded at Dornach at Christmas, 1923, with Rudolf Steiner as President. Audiences of many thousands come there each year to attend performances of Steiner's dramas, of Goethe's Faust (Parts I and II in their entirety), and of plays by other authors, presented on the Goetheanum stage, one of the finest in Europe.
Curative Eurythmy: refer
Translated by Kristina Krohn, Anthony Degenaar

And what gave rise to it? The natural science course in Stuttgart at Christmas 1920/21. Frau Baumann and I went to this course—more as visitors really—since we could not understand a lot of what Dr.
300a. Faculty Meetings with Rudolf Steiner I: Sixteenth Meeting 30 Jul 1920, Stuttgart
Translated by Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch

Rudolf Steiner
Steiner: I already noticed it some time ago, and mentioned it at Christmas and in February. I didn’t go into it then because it is so difficult for me, but it comes up so often, namely, that we shut people out.
300b. Faculty Meetings with Rudolf Steiner I: Twenth-Seventh Meeting 11 Sep 1921, Stuttgart
Translated by Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch

Rudolf Steiner
Those who are less advanced will not be able to read A Christmas Carol. A new teacher: I think Dickens is much too difficult for this grade. Could we obtain a textbook for teaching language?
295. Discussions with Teachers: Discussion Ten 01 Sep 1919, Stuttgart
Translated by Helen Fox, Catherine E. Creeger

Rudolf Steiner
This was known to the people of ancient times, and that was why they placed Christmas—the time when we look for soul life—not in the summer, but during winter. “Just as a person’s soul life passes out of the body when falling asleep, and again turns inward when a person wakens, so it is also for the Earth.
159. Christ In Relation To Lucifer and Ahriman 18 May 1915, Linz
Translated by Peter Mollenhauer

Rudolf Steiner
The earth spirit is most awake in these twelve or thirteen days from Christmas to the Epiphany. In ancient ages when, as you know from the various presentations in my lecture series, human beings elevated themselves to a sort of dreamlike clairvoyance to reach a spiritual understanding of the world, in those ages the most favorable time for this process was summer.
A beautiful Norwegian legend2 tells us that Olaf &Åsteson, in church on Christmas Eve, falls into a sleeplike state and when he awakens on January 6 is able to relate the experiences he had in this condition.
It is her special mystery that she was born on the 6th day of January and had spent the time from Christmas to the day of Epiphany in a peculiar sleep-like state in the womb of her mother where she received her natural initiation.

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