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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 1561 through 1570 of 6338

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69d. Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science: How Can We Gain Knowledge of the Spiritual World? 05 Mar 1911, Hanover

Rudolf Steiner
It is all too easy to dismiss these methods as unscientific. Today, we understand something quite different by the word “scientific”. Therefore, it is necessary to first examine what “scientific” is.
One can think, one can feel without one's body. One comes to this realization after undergoing such exercises. This is annoying for some people today, but it is nevertheless so. Our physical body acts as a mirror.
To explore and experience the spiritual world, it is necessary to penetrate the spiritual world, but to understand it, unclouded logic is necessary. However, it is difficult to apply unclouded logic today.
69d. Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science: Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science 17 Nov 1911, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
In this connection, however, the fact must be taken into account that not all courses of life are to be understood in the sense of a continuous ascent, but despite many fluctuations, whether rooted in man or not, the sum total of repeated lives is an upward climb, a gain.
This also makes the ascending and descending nature of the individual courses of life understandable, so that in this respect, too, life can provide us with evidence for the views presented. The spiritual soul essence enters the germinating body of the child and forms it as the builder of this body.
This can also be achieved through meditation and concentration, under the influence of which the human being is prepared to overcome space and time with his perceptions and to see differently than is possible when seeing in physical everyday life.
69d. Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Essence of Eternity and the Nature of the Human Soul in The Light of Spiritual Science 02 Jan 1912, Hanover

Rudolf Steiner
This contradicts today's habits of thought, people's perceptions [yes very much; it is only too understandable that Theosophy must still be considered fantasy, wild reverie]. But the completely logical way of proceeding in spiritual research, [the basic methods] meet the strictest requirements of natural science, even if it is not admitted.
69d. Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science: Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science 28 Jan 1912, Kassel

Rudolf Steiner
There is a logical thinking that cannot escape this. Let us assume that a person would indeed undergo a change in such a way that only the body is still active; all soul, on the other hand, is extinguished.
But] it was said that he was a Calvinist, which undermined his reputation. The powers that he otherwise gave to humanity with all his soul were transformed into prophetic gifts – visionary gifts, like the power of thought into warmth, warmth into movement and so on. The visionary gifts could only take place under certain conditions. Nostradamus created a laboratory for himself, that is, a room with a glass roof where he stayed at night.
69d. Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science: Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science 06 Feb 1912, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
If we want to examine a substance in science, we cannot recognize its essence under certain conditions. Although oxygen is contained in water, we cannot examine it in water; we must first separate it from the water by a physical process, only then can we examine its essence.
If we start from scientific prejudices, we will say that it is possible that the entire spiritual life, with all its sensations and feelings, with everything that takes place within, is nothing other than a result of physical life, just as the flame is the result of processes in the candle. But this does not hold up under deeper examination. It must be clear to us from common sense that there is something to it. In the state that a person goes through from falling asleep to waking up, the processes that we can only understand as life processes take effect on his body.
What we have set up as our self-willed destiny has given the first impulse, and only in this way do we come to a real insight into what we were when we began our present existence on earth, when we understand destiny as something self-willed and connect it with our soul life, which we get to know through self-observation.
69d. Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Essence of Eternity and the Nature of the Human Soul in the Light of Spiritual Science 07 Feb 1912, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
And although the humane administration of that school fully understood that this was natural and did not harm the student, he still had this experience behind him, he had gone through the anxiety attacks.
After a break of several years, the dream always returned periodically. This will not be understood unless this strange dream experience is considered in the context of the rest of that person's life.
In it, the re-embodied Plato was to appear as a student who cannot understand Plato. This could have shown how something that was direct imaginative life is not carried over from an earlier existence into a later one.
69d. Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science: Man and His Relationship to the Supersensible Worlds 19 Feb 1912, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
[This is a question that has been asked at all times.] There is a higher world, [underlying reality of the external world], a supersensible world, and man has certain relationships to this world, which is cognizable to him if he rises to this world, which is possible through religious faith.
Self-will [self-love] prevents us from recognizing ourselves; self-will must be broken in order to understand what it is. If a person could look inside themselves, they could discover the spiritual and psychological.
Our thoughts are living weaving forces in the universe. The soul, which understands itself as living in the whole universe, feels its connection with it. Answering questions Question: About Nietzsche.
69d. Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Hidden Depths of the Soul 24 Feb 1912, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
But it is precisely from this impotence of life that one gains knowledge when one observes how the human being seeks to understand and recognize the hidden forces, how they work in life, how they can advance it and keep it in order.
There we have an element that comes from conscious experiences, but is always submerged in those regions where it can work on our entire life. But sometimes what has gone underground in our overall state is brought back up, but brought up in a certain way, not just brought up when the ordinary, everyday consciousness through which we connect with the external world is switched off in a certain way - what has gone underground can sometimes be seen rising in the semi-conscious states of the dream world.
Then it is so that the impressions can live out as artistic fantasy, as that about which no one but the artists can say: the things are there, they rise up from the depths of the soul. And then we understand the powerlessness of ordinary consciousness, understand how the artist wants to expose the depths of his soul, even if he does not have them in front of him like a clairvoyant, and that it seems more important to him how things permeate each other.
69d. Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Origin of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science 26 Feb 1912, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
Most of the people present who are dealing with the question from the point of view of natural science must understandably have the impression that anything that can be said here from the point of view of spiritual science about this question is basically directly opposed to what natural science has to say about the point – understandably, dear attendees, and I ask you to bear in mind that this is being said.
Therefore, for spiritual science it is clear: Even if it is justified in terms of material formation that such a primeval nebula is there, then a spiritual event underlies this outer event, just as the activity of the spiritual soul underlies the events in the human body.
Just as it is surrounded by air today, so it was surrounded by a soul-spirit shell in those days, and just as it rains from the air shells today and the soil is fertilized by seeds, so spiritual-soul [seeds] once fertilized the living substance, causing the fertilized earth to produce man. It is quite understandable that people who are grounded in science are turned off by such ideas, and this is perfectly understandable to the spiritual researcher.
69d. Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Supernatural Worlds and the Nature of the Human Soul 19 Jan 1913, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
If today, from the point of view of the world view from which my presentations are to be given here, we speak about the nature of the human soul and its connection with the supersensible worlds, then, understandably, to someone who judges what is to be said here from the point of view of today's general education, it must at first appear strange, peculiar, perhaps even fantastic.
Now you know: you have to separate yourself from what you were so in love with, what you thought was your everything, what you used to call your being; it is as if the ground disappears under your feet. Only now do you feel how you loved yourself, and what you have to tear out when this soul life is shown to you objectively.
Just as the outer eye [does not see itself] and knows nothing of itself, and thereby becomes permeable to the outer world, so man must, through the procedures undertaken, have made himself permeable, as it were, to the spiritual world; [then one sees the supersensible world].

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