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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1581 through 1590 of 6338

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69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: How to Refute Theosophy? 08 Jan 1912, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
Moreover, since it is only possible to become familiar with spiritual science through difficult, dedicated work, it is understandable that some of our contemporaries feel repelled by Theosophy, and as a rule these are not the people with the worst sense of truth.
According to the then prevailing view, the brain was thought to be composed of atoms, so it was not possible to penetrate to an understanding of how the appearances of consciousness should arise from the constant or changing position of these atoms.
But if the undulation theory is correct, then it can be used to explain the phenomena of light and colors and to predict them under certain conditions. Even if the processes take place differently, this theory proves to be useful.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: How to Justify Theosophy? 10 Jan 1912, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
If anything alive comes into being, it cannot be assumed that only what is present in a particular place comes into being, just as flies do not simply arise out of the dirt, which they soon appear on. If we bring together the necessary substances under the appropriate conditions in the laboratory, we can do nothing but provide the opportunity for life to come to them.
The following experiment may clarify this: When the spiritual researcher applies all his exercises to himself and places his soul under the influence of the same, he will eventually notice that he awakens with his soul slipping out of the physical-etheric body sheaths - a process that was otherwise only possible by falling asleep.
Thus we see: anyone who wants to arrive at an understanding of the self must necessarily deal with the objections of the doubters in order to recognize their true significance, and he is forced to seek out broader points of view.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: The Nature of Spiritual-scientific Knowledge and its Significance for Human Life 17 May 1912, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
Sensory observation cannot lead to truth in the field under discussion. Spiritual science wants nothing more than to fathom the highest, most valuable insights using the same logical paths as scientific insights.
But Goethe did not mean by “mystic” what is today understood as nebulous, but rather that man becomes more and more mature through his experiences and actions, he matures and forms the fruit of his life.
However, for this to happen, it is necessary for man to transform himself into an instrument. How do we understand, recognize anything at all? If we can know how things, how a work of art, is composed, if we are able to follow it in its becoming, in composition, when man himself is present.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: The Tasks of Spiritual Research for the Future 25 Sep 1912, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
It is the task of today's and tomorrow's lectures, which I have the honor of giving to you, to present this. It is basically quite easy to understand that today people carry around many popular beliefs and ideas that they have constructed for themselves in order to build a world view; but they object when spiritual research wants to enter into the spiritual life of the present day and assert that, in addition to what human understanding can comprehend, in addition to what the ordinary mind, which finds its fulfillment in the comprehension of scientific research, can comprehend, that in addition to all this, there is something in man that is designated by names that are so horrible for many, such as “etheric body,” “astral body,” and “ego carrier,” so that man does not only consists of the substances of the external world, but that he should also carry within himself supersensible elements, such as the supersensible etheric body, or the astral body, which is completely supersensible and underlies the physical organization, and the carrier of the actual ego, the deepest fundamental essence of man.
And precisely those who know the conditions and foundations of spiritual science will find it understandable that much resistance can arise in the modern soul against such assertions. And so we find among the objections the assertion: We overlook existence, and what first presents itself to our senses shows us that we have a closed world in sense existence, which can be known from within ourselves.
Then one may hear this or that objection, ridicule and worse – one will find it understandable precisely as a spiritual researcher, will be able to understand the people who, from their point of view, cannot do otherwise today than the opponents of natural science did centuries ago: holding heresy trials.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Spiritual Science and Human Life 26 Sep 1912, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
I will cite something that bears witness to such understanding, and which will occur to an increased degree when spiritual science becomes more and more established in the souls that need it.
This shows us how understanding through the spirit is possible between the most educated and the simplest, most primitive soul.
Spiritual training is necessary for research; but when these facts are there and, formulated in concepts, words and ideas, then even the simplest mind can understand them, anyone can understand them. Nothing more is needed than to surrender to these ideas, concepts and words without prejudice; for it is the case with these spiritual facts that when we let these ideas take effect on us, they prove themselves.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Truths of Spiritual Research 02 Jan 1913, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
Wisdom as such is not luminous, but we can imagine it under the image of a luminous sun and surrender to the symbol that expresses the idea of inner warmth.
One may be inclined to spiritualize everything, then he will understand the secrets that the person has placed in the picture. The other would only look at the color combinations in the picture. Just as the painter relates to his picture and is not satisfied until his skill is reflected in it, so the spiritual researcher relates to his experience when he has conveyed it to other people in an understandable way. This picture, when it is painted by the true spiritual researcher, is such that every understanding observer who stands before it can understand it - explanations would only disturb, because the picture must be grasped inwardly.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Errors of Spiritual Research 03 Jan 1913, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
In the nineteenth century, historians appeared who spoke of ideas in history. Those who understand the facts in this area know that ideas live in people, but that they cannot work to understand them.
Just as not everyone needs to become a botanist to understand botanical research, not everyone needs to become a spiritual researcher either – although anyone can become one.
Rudolf Steiner: The questioner usually understands positive Christianity to mean what he understands by Christianity. I cannot go into this further, I would have to talk a lot about the Christ impulse, the Christ presence.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Truths and Fallacies of Spiritual Research 11 Jan 1913, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
Those who want to enter the spiritual world must start from sound human understanding. The second thing we have to bring with us is a healthy moral state of mind and soul, a soul mood and soul disposition that has, in a sense, managed to be free of soul moods.
This comparison is usually not favorable. This is easy to understand, because when a person begins to know himself, he then knows everything that is missing in him.
This is not the case: only those who want to explore the spiritual world must be able to see into it. Any unbiased person can understand it. How does the spiritual researcher relate to the ordinary state of mind? A painter must learn much before he can create a picture.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Truths and Fallacies of Spiritual Research 14 May 1913, Strasburg

Rudolf Steiner
To fathom spiritual truths, you have to be a spiritual researcher; to understand them, you just have to apply common sense, even though they may be considered heresy or fantasy.
But that is not logical, because a person does not learn to speak on their own if they are placed on an uninhabited island. It depends on a perfectly sound understanding of human nature. Otherwise one faints, or it is like under anesthesia when consciousness does not function properly.
The present earthly life comes from previous earthly lives. We then understand our destiny when we understand our previous life: misfortune has made me the person I am now. The Alpine plant thrives only where it corresponds to its environment.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Spiritual Science and the Spiritual Goals of Our Time 08 Nov 1913, Nuremberg

Rudolf Steiner
One must not merely believe what the spiritual researcher says - only inspiration can come from such a lecture. Understanding is based on understanding the language that is spoken. Just as one can understand the scientific world, so the spiritual researcher describes it. What seems paradoxical need not be untrue: little by little it is raised to general understanding. The spiritual researcher faces the real spiritual goals of the present day. Science has lost sight of the spiritual goals of our time.

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