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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1591 through 1600 of 6338

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69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Theosophy and Anti-theosophy 10 Nov 1913, Nuremberg

Rudolf Steiner
The human being would believe that his self-awareness would be endangered, undermined, and therefore the human being is afraid to let the germinal forces arise for his next life, hence the anti-sophistic mood.
The hidden person in us still has power, still beats; man is under his influence. So man is under the influence of fear; it can be conscious or unconscious, he acts accordingly.
This is how it is with all supersensible truths. To understand them, only an unprejudiced contemplation of life is necessary; to investigate them, one needs clairvoyance.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Spiritual Science and the Spiritual Goals of Our Time 01 Dec 1913, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
He imagines it to be like an external object that commands him: “I am here, you have to recognize me.” In this way, he is very far from the right understanding. The following was explained quite philosophically in a newspaper: When you immerse yourself in Kant or any other philosopher, all the concepts are so intangible that you have to think about them for a long time before you can understand them.
Well, Spinoza, for example, who is said to be difficult for people to understand, who want to make everything vivid, should be approached in such a way that the cinematograph is used.
Science in the true sense of the word is to the praise of religious life, not to critically do something detrimental to true, religiously understood life. That it is not so widely understood, that was made clear to a large number of our friends who want to start building a relatively small structure in the near future that will provide a home for spiritual science and a variety of studies.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Spiritual Science and the Spiritual World Outlook on the Goals of Our Time 07 Dec 1913, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
Spiritual research starts from the premise that the human soul can undergo an inner development that brings about a transformation, a change in these soul forces, so that these soul forces become different in a certain sense.
What is needed now is what can be compared with the apparatus of the human soul, but I do not attach any particular importance to the comparison, with something like spiritual chemistry. To understand why a person carries out an experiment on the soul, which is not just an inner process of imagination but a real process in the soul that actually brings about something in reality, I will use the comparison with chemistry to help us understand each other.
What is sensual is not spiritual. This is trivial, but it is not understood. I am not telling fairy tales. It could happen that an otherwise very meritorious contemporary philosopher recently said or presented a [monistic] idea.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Theosophy and Anti-theosophy 09 Dec 1913, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
Then he is apt to let the theosophical mood enter into the anti-Sophical mood. In itself it is so understandable that this theosophical mood can be overgrown by the everyday mood. We therefore see the two currents: earlier the scientific, antisophical, now the theosophical longing of the soul in our time.
Where does a science based on such arguments end up? It says: we can understand the mathematical processes underlying the visible world, but not what matter is, not what consciousness is.
These explanations should lead us not to disdain anti-philosophy, but to learn to understand it. The achievements of our time, especially the great technical ones, all that in a certain sense signifies the greatness of our time, needs an anti-philosophical mood as its correlate.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Spiritual Science and the Spiritual World: Outlook on the Goals of Our Time 03 Jan 1914, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
And to bring this form to mind, I would like to compare spiritual science with spiritual chemistry, to make myself understood, with reference to the way it gains its results. Not that I want to say anything special with this comparison, but the comparison can lead us to understand what will be meant by the following remarks.
If everything that has now been discussed in principle is undertaken by the soul, as indicated in the books mentioned earlier, we can extract the spiritual-soul from the physical-bodily through purely soul-related activities.
And finally, if you practice this more and more, if you really develop it systematically, as described in my book “How to Know Higher Worlds”, if you continue with the two categories of inner practice, what falls under the category of attention and what falls under the category of devotion, we also call it concentration and meditation, then, my dear audience, then one finally arrives at a third, at a third, which I must hint at in the following way.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Theosophy as a Lifelong Pursuit 04 Jan 1914, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
And just as we can understand the picture that the painter, who can paint, has painted, so we can understand and grasp everything that the spiritual researcher has to say and put it at the service of life, without being a spiritual researcher ourselves.
One cannot understand spiritual science with a casual mind that does not want to be alive within itself. It can only be understood by trying to follow it with the living life and activity of the concepts.
First of all, this is realized in the fact that our thinking is oriented – and we can truly speak of an inner soul-good that permeates us through the understanding we bring to the ideas of spiritual research – that our thinking habits, our way of understanding, our soul mood is seized.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Theosophy and Anti-theosophy 27 Jan 1914, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Spiritual science, because it tries to penetrate into the very sources of the human soul, can understand, fully understand, where other moods come from than its own, yes, it can even, as we want to show today, fully understand the anti-Socratic mood.
He showed that natural science can only lead to an understanding of the world in which it understands motion of the smallest parts, and that it traces everything back to motion.
When we consider the human soul with its anti- and theosophical moods, both of which must necessarily be present in the human soul, as we have done today, then we can say that we are fully understanding of all opponents and enemies of spiritual science. We have to defend ourselves against them, but we understand them.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Spiritual Science in Its Relationship to Religious and Social Movements of the Present Day 13 Mar 1914, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
You have to be a painter to paint a picture, but not to understand it. It would be sad if only painters could understand paintings. In the same way, you don't have to be a spiritual researcher to understand what spiritual research has to say.
Spiritual science will open the power of the soul to see, which will grip people so that it becomes their home, so that they can become glowing and spiritualized through what they do on this earth. Such a thing can still be little understood by people of the present time. And what is not understood is most often met with hostility. If you do not understand something, you are its opponent. That is the easiest thing. Learning to understand is more difficult. Laughing and not understanding is easier. And it is precisely in the realm of antagonism that some people have gathered in relation to the building we are trying to establish as a place for the humanities.
69e. About Horses That Can Count and Calculate 18 Feb 1913, Stuttgart
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
These experts, versed in every trick and gesture of the finest kind, were not able to perceive anything of the fine shadings which according to the professors, might influence the animal. These people who were really able to understand how an animal obeys at a glance, could not discover such gestures, so that we must say: These almost imperceptible gestures can only be perceived by someone who has worked for years in a physiological or philological laboratory!
70a. The Human Soul, Fate and Death: The “Barbarians” of Schiller and Fichte 03 Nov 1914, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
For him, the question of the essence of Germanness was always clothed in form: the essence of Germanness is most deeply felt by he who always seeks the ideal of humanity in it. Not under the compulsion of mere logical necessity, nor only under that of the senses, nor only under that which comes from the physical world.
Where is Shakespeare more cultivated, where is he more appreciated, at least more understood, than in England? In the German character! The Germans have shown that they love the English better than they love themselves.

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