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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1571 through 1580 of 6338

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69d. Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Relationship Between Spiritual Science and Natural Science and the Riddles of Life 20 Jan 1913, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
That is precisely the task of spiritual science; in undertaking this, it proceeds in its field according to the same method as natural science in its. What matters is the similarity of the observation.
The mystics who have known it have spoken in such a way that one approaches the external necessity of existence. You only understand the mystics when you know this yourself; yes, you have this experience in this moment – it is a significant discovery.
And although it is true, and cannot be disputed, that once Du Bois-Reymond said that we understand the sleeping human being, but that we no longer understand him from a scientific point of view when the ray of consciousness enters him – [What constitutes joy and suffering can no longer be researched] – one must also admit that the solution to the riddle of life cannot be found in this way, which leaves a possibility for a solution open where natural science ends.
69d. Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Essence of the Human Soul and the Mystery of Death 26 Feb 1913, Heidelberg

Rudolf Steiner
When we speak of spiritual science in our present time in the sense in which it will underlie the considerations of today's lecture, we are by no means speaking of something that is recognized in our time, not even remotely of anything popular.
Of course, my dear audience, if you approach these things with today's habits of life and thought, then the opposition is understandable, and [also] that many declare it to be fantastic and dreamy. But it is the same here as with all great truths.
But it is the same with these things as with what arises under the earth and what is illuminated by the sun on the earth. When a mine is dug out and then illuminated by the sun, it is the same as with the achievements of spiritual science.
69d. Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Mystery of Death 13 Mar 1913, Augsburg

Rudolf Steiner
Many an inner, seemingly justified contradiction is illuminated there, appearing fully understandable to those within this field of research. Besides this, there is also another reason why it is difficult to make oneself understood.
Linked to the riddle of death must also be the riddle of life. If the question is asked out of an understandable curiosity or out of an interest that is close to the human heart, it cannot be solved. The investigations into the question of death are also those into immortality.
However unlikely and unpopular it may be, one also comes to see more like a past life on earth. This assertion can only be made under two conditions: either the person making such a claim has no sense of truth, or he must have a sense of truth as strict as in mathematics.
69d. Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Inner Nature of the Human Being and Life Between Death and Rebirth 04 Oct 1913, Oslo

Rudolf Steiner
Inner connections exist between all people in a good and evil sense, in love and hate, in an understanding and unintelligent sense. Our aim should be to establish spiritual bonds in the physical body that are spiritual forces.
69d. Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Origin of Evil and the Evil in the Light of Spiritual Science 06 Mar 1914, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
How do we as human beings attain consciousness? When a person sleeps, under ordinary circumstances he has no consciousness; only when he wakes up and, in the familiar way, collides with the world everywhere, does normal consciousness arise, his self-consciousness, in what opposes the soul.
Take, for example, monistic materialism, which has developed from natural science, particularly in the nineteenth century, and under whose ideas some of our most ideal men live as if under a heavy burden. Because this philosophy has penetrated ever deeper into the human soul, it has made it possible to see through material laws, and everyone living today is unconsciously dominated by the knowledge of these laws of material existence, which have, however, pushed back the free view into the spiritual world.
Answering questions Question: So can life only be understood when suffering is evenly distributed? Rudolf Steiner: When talking about oxygen, we should not expect to solve all of chemistry's questions at once.
69d. How Can We Gain Knowledge of the Supersensible Worlds? 09 Mar 1913, Munich
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
It is this which induces people to take up a negative attitude towards spiritual science. We can understand this, and, as stated, no objection can be raised against it; on the contrary, our contemporaries are quite helpless.
Though it is easy to describe this in words, it is one of the most stirring experiences which we can have. The ground under our feet seems to vanish. Everything which constituted our thoughts and feelings is surrendered, given up.
Under the ground there are mines and ores, which cannot exist upon the surface of the earth, under the direct influence of the sunlight.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: The Humanities and the Future of Humanity 09 Dec 1910, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
So if Huxley thinks he can preserve life with these means, then under certain restrictions there is no objection to it, but I would still like to raise the question of whether this can actually still be called life.
The destruction of such high powers of the soul can never be a question in nature under any circumstances; nature never treats her capital so wastefully [...] As for the personal survival of our soul after death, this is how it is in my view.
When it is emphasized that a healthy soul can only dwell in a healthy body, this is to be understood to mean that the healthy soul alone was able to prepare a healthy body as its dwelling, but not the other way around.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Zarathustra, His Teaching and His Mission 31 Jan 1911, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
All soul life has been greatly modified, and the development of what has come into being is now a satisfying study. Man's spiritual development would have to undergo the same investigation to shed light; one has to go back to earlier states of mind, where people became aware of a different environment than they are now.
Zoroaster is not an abstract spirit who only moves in generalities; that is why lower spirits are under Ormuzd. Today's man is comfortable and wants to ascend to the highest God right away. The six or seven Amschaspands were, as it were, messengers.
Then, in the Feroars, we see the spiritual archetypes that underlie everything else. Plato says: All sensual things are based on archetypes. But here it is meant more abstractly.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: How to Refute Theosophy? 27 Nov 1911, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
The theosophist must make the opposite of fanaticism his most important quality – [understanding of people should be the theosophist's hallmark.] He must be able to penetrate [into the souls of others], into the souls of opponents [and gain understanding for the justified refutations].
This is how it can be expressed; and we must learn to understand this fully as Theosophists, only then can we keep ourselves free from fanaticism. Only the most important guidelines could be given here.
We should not try to beat them out of the field, but above all strive to learn to understand them. Let us now show by way of example how this is to be understood. In 1868, the philosopher Eduard von Hartmann wrote a book called “The Philosophy of the Unconscious”.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: How to Justify Theosophy? 29 Nov 1911, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
However, those who cannot verify it because they do not understand enough mathematics do not prove anything against it. Mathematics, however, only brings truths that relate to relationships.
Now a dream is not yet reality, but in such cases dreams are the realization of what shines into consciousness from the supersensible worlds. How this is to be understood can be seen from the well-known dream of the farmer's wife who, in her dream, seems to hear an edifying sermon by the pastor and, upon awakening, hears the cock crow that has awakened her and thereby, in the returning consciousness of a sermon, has aroused the image of a sermon, since she had thought of the pastor's edifying words before falling asleep.

Results 1571 through 1580 of 6338

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