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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1611 through 1620 of 6338

˂ 1 ... 160 161 162 163 164 ... 634 ˃
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Significance of Christianity for the Future 04 Feb 1909, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
The misunderstanding that Theosophy is to be understood as a new religion, or as a religion at all, cannot be dispelled often enough. It should be seen as a tool for understanding religions, for seeking the essence in the successive religions. In relation to Christianity, too, spiritual science takes on the role of a tool for understanding it in its full significance. However, it comes to a different conclusion than that of a negation.
We ask, not according to outward appearances, but according to the inner essence, for those who built it were guided by those who understand such things. But what must one understand in order to be able to create such a wonder? One must understand what a mind like Leibniz's has laid the foundation for this science.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Ten Commandments 26 Feb 1909, Kassel

Rudolf Steiner
Only from the spiritual-scientific point of view can we understand why these Ten Commandments have had such a decisive significance for the life of all humanity ever since they came into being.
But the profound significance of such an event, as it was the impact of the Ten Commandments in the consciousness of man, one will only be able to understand correctly if one explores the nature of man in such a way that one also draws attention to the supersensible aspects of it.
Lexicographic translation does not reflect reality. As the Ten Commandments were understood in those days, so should they now come before the soul. I. I am the Eternal-Divine. Henceforth you shall not place any other gods above me.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Occult Significance of the Gospel of St. John 28 Feb 1909, Elberfeld

Rudolf Steiner
In contrast to this is theosophy or spiritual science; it wants to be nothing more than the instrument for understanding these religious documents. Theosophy is completely without preconditions. Today, science does not take the same position as it did 300 years ago, when the teachings of Aristotle applied, and no one looked at nature!
Thus we see how, starting from the physical body, the other forms become ever more refined and ethereal. We see how the spirit underlies everything. This spirit, which walks through the world as an infinite being, out of which the physical is born. This spirit, underlying all existence, is described by Christian science as the Logos or the Word, the divine creative Word.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Higher Significance of the Gospel of St. John 06 Nov 1909, Bremen

Rudolf Steiner
With the appearance of Christ Jesus, humanity was faced with the task of striving for the great ideal of universal brotherhood. Understanding from soul to soul, the cooperation of separated egos outside of blood relationship has only become possible with the appearance of Jesus.
The resurrection of Lazarus proves the flowing over of his soul into the other being. The Mystery of Golgotha becomes understandable when one considers the development of humanity. The great Buddha, at the sight of death, gains the conviction that life is suffering; 600 years later, at the sight of the Christian symbol of Golgotha, the disciples gain the conviction of the victory of life over death.
Every sunrise can be a comparison for the awakening of the developed sense of truth. A forerunner for the understanding of Christ is the Gospel of John. — The speaker was rewarded with warm applause.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: Christ and Spiritual Science 30 Nov 1909, Dresden

Rudolf Steiner
Nor does spiritual science want to replace any other religious beliefs of mankind with a new religion. It serves to understand religious beliefs, it is an instrument with which one can understand the various religious beliefs, but it wants to be science in the most serious sense.
Nor is it a matter of introducing an oriental religious belief, such as Buddhism, into our society. Anyone who wanted to undertake such a task would misunderstand the basis of our entire Western culture. This basis is Christianity.
Then, when you read the Gospels, you say: Now you understand them for the first time. And you know what those who wrote them wrote into them. You discover that the Gospels are the most powerful documents of humanity.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Three Millenia Before and After Christ 23 Feb 1910, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
He had the physical instrument in his brain that, with the help of the physical instrument, he could summarize the external physical conditions and in this combination he understood: there is something underlying the whole world that underlies the human ego. Abraham was the first to recognize the deity as the world-I.
It depends on people how they can receive and understand an event when people will acquire an understanding of the experience that will develop in the first half of our century as a natural human characteristic.
Understanding must be developed here. Life here is important. This understanding is, so to speak, the last thing we have to acquire through the brain from the Kali Yuga era.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Nature of Human Destiny 13 Sep 1910, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
It depends on how we can endure fate. It not only wants to be understood and grasped, but also borne. There we see how, seemingly through no fault of his own, man is led astray by powers.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: Theosophy and the Bible 29 Nov 1910, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
The old myths and legends spoke in images, but the nature of these leads us to assume that there was a correct understanding of the spiritual hierarchies that brought about what our earth is today with man. Not a child's imagination, but only a primal wisdom could create such images. ...
An enormous amount of effort and diligence has been expended in order to understand its content; and it seems almost tragic when one realizes that in a certain respect all this was in vain, for whether the Bible is viewed from an orthodox or a liberal point of view, no one finds what is needed – it is all passed over.
At the time when the New Testament begins, the disciple no longer really understood what he saw; it remained dark within him. The great pain that lives in such people, who can no longer connect with the spirit, becomes clear to us when we consider the fate of a personality who lived at the boundary between the Middle Ages and modern times in his last incarnation.
68a. Esoteric Christianity: The Gospel of St. John and Ancient Mysteries 27 Nov 1906, Düsseldorf
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Whosoever wished to be accepted into such a brotherhood had to undergo a strict and severe probation. The probation had no immediate relation to the intellectual life.
Whoever looks upon it as a book that one should read and understand in the same way as one reads and understands any other book knows nothing of the Saint John Gospel.
When man comes to feel his unity with the whole planet—then is he “laid in the earth,” then does he undergo the “burial.” Hereon follows the seventh stage, the “Resurrection” and the “Ascension.”
68a. The Origin of Evil 20 Feb 1908, Kassel
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
They have more or less withdrawn because of the mighty transformations which the physical body has undergone (as compared with earlier forms of existence). But the further we go back in human evolution all the more do spiritual influences get the upper hand.
Thus we have to think of the structure of our earth as the cultivation of love going through the entire earth evolution of man. If we see this then we have a handle for understanding today's question, only we must be clear that man is not the only being around us. You know the spiritual investigator does not speak of the spiritual worlds as of something far off in the clouds, but he speaks of them in a natural and self understood way.
Spiritual science calls them the Luciferic beings under the dominion of Lucifer. One may laugh but just as, for example, magnetic forces are around us, so are the luciferic.

Results 1611 through 1620 of 6338

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