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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1621 through 1630 of 6338

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68a. The Bible and Wisdom 05 Dec 1908, Hanover
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
But circumstances were such that in the time of Galileo, those who were imbued with the teachings of Aristotle to the same degree as this above mentioned follower, did not understand the Greek Master in the very least, Aristotle meant something different, something very much more spiritual, than what we understand to-day by the nerves.
Let us take for sake of example an old book—Euclid's Geometry. Anyone who understands something of Geometry to-day will understand this book. But one would of course only place reliance on someone who had really studied Geometry to-day.
A man who approaches the Bible by spiritual investigation experiences the fact that details become clear to him about which he formally had doubts because he could not understand them. It becomes evident that it was his fault when he was not able to understand. Now, however, he understands what once escaped him, and he gradually works through to a point of view where he says: ‘Now I understand certain things and see their deep content: others, again appear to be incredible.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Birth and Death in the Life of the Soul, A View of the Theosophical Worldview 16 May 1904, Hanover

Rudolf Steiner
Only by recognizing the human being as a creature whose life between birth and death is only one link in a long chain of lives can the seemingly unjust fact be explained that happiness and suffering are so unevenly distributed among individuals; the individual lives are linked by hidden causal connections, and in one life one reaps what one has sown in the previous one. Finally, the speaker emphasized that an understanding of these spiritual truths requires a certain spiritual development, and the purpose of the Theosophical Society is to promote this.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: What can the Modern Human find in Theosophy? 07 Nov 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This goes beyond mere external sensory appearance to an understanding of life, soul and spirit. In the realm of sensory appearance, there is emergence and decay, birth and death.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Illumination of Nietzsche and Theosophy 28 Feb 1905, Weimar

Rudolf Steiner
And in the light of theosophical considerations, many a Nietzschean could be understood, and much of the negativity in Nietzsche could be explained. - The lecture was followed by a discussion in which the speaker answered the questions put to him in detail.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Man And His Entities 25 Apr 1905, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
In the lectures, the speaker explained how the human being is made up of different entities and how the practical mystic, by undergoing a certain training, is able to turn his attention completely away from the physical body so that he no longer sees it, but instead looks at the space filled by a similar one, the etheric body, which is extraordinarily finely organized and is the carrier of life.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Overcoming Materialism from a Contemporary Point of View 13 Sep 1905, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
The speaker tied in with simple, universally understandable things and showed that one does not have to remain doubtful before the highest mysteries of existence, but that there is knowledge about that which lies beyond the world of the senses.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Origin and Nature of Man 14 Oct 1905, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
Today's science seeks to understand man, like everything else, through dissection. It uses the external senses to gain insight into the nature of man.
The other, an art connoisseur with understanding, is opened to the wonders of the soul and spiritual worlds, which left the other quite untouched.
In the one, only the intellect had been developed; in the other, soul and spirit had undergone a development that created the right mood to understand and enjoy the work of art. Anyone who wants to live a life in the spirit must be clearly aware of one thing: that thoughts and feelings are real things.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Haeckel, the Riddles of the World and Theosophy 13 Nov 1905, Zürich

Rudolf Steiner
I, the speaker continues, do not want that. Rather, I want to contribute to an understanding of Haeckel's world view. Haeckel's importance lies in the continuation of Darwinism, in the expansion of the evidence that all living things are based on a unified organization and that humans are also a link in the one great series of the animal world.
Darwin's and his epigones' most significant work consists mainly in the fact that they drew the ideas of the unified context of all organisms (including humans) down to a level accessible to all of humanity, proved them to be true, and thus made them understandable to the mind. In this respect, Haeckel's “Welträtsel” (World Mysteries) is an astonishingly great achievement.
But in an age when even the smallest living creature, the cell, can be seen by the armed bodily eye, the materialistic world view – and especially materialistic biology – is understandable. The “habits of thought”, whether religious, idealistic, materialistic and so on, play a major role.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: On the Future of Man 18 Nov 1905, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
A glance at the pyramids, these magnificent giant structures, may serve to illustrate this to us as a small example. If we consider the transformation that Egypt underwent through the work and creation of the pyramids, in which the colossal masses of stone were moved from one place to another so that these structures could be built, and which withstood the floods and inundations, it can give us a small glimpse of the transformation that the whole earth has undergone and will yet undergo through the work of man.
Always keep the same temperature. Fourth: General, loving understanding of people, understanding of all beings, tolerance – Titiksha. Do not condemn or detest the criminal, but try to ennoble him; do not say “I do not like him,” but try to bring him to a higher level, look for the essence everywhere.
Can I help him? I do not want to judge him, but to try to understand him. And so the disciple must be tolerant towards all beings. Fifth: Unbiasedness towards all events - Shraddha.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Creation of the World and the Descent of Man 01 Dec 1905, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
Theosophy brings the old teachings of creation, which in our days have been dismissed as childish and naive, and which were tried in their creation, into mythical form to approach the understanding of contemporaries, to reintroduce them. A glance at these old teachings shows that they all have the same basic idea about the creation of the world, only expressed in different ways.
When the ancient Egyptians conceived of their Osiris as resting in sleep in the world, they thereby demonstrated a fine understanding of the ancient wisdom teachings and the essence of all religions. In the second lecture, Dr. Steiner began by noting that the question of human descent is connected to what we understand by human destiny. As a theosophist, one must have a different view of human descent than the materialists.

Results 1621 through 1630 of 6338

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