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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1641 through 1650 of 6338

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68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Blood is a Very Special Fluid 11 Jan 1907, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
There is no matter that does not express spirit, and no spirit that is not expressed somewhere in matter. One understands why a face smiles, why it cries, when one knows the underlying pain and joy; one understands the lower when one knows the upper. Thus we will understand what corresponds to blood in the spiritual when we understand what blood means in the world. To do this, we have to consider the fourfold nature of the human being.
Certain things in the Bible are impossible to understand without understanding the meaning of blood. Right at the beginning of the Old Testament, you find that Adam, Abraham and so on live to be 800, 900 years old.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Blood is a Very Special Fluid 22 Jan 1907, Nuremberg

Rudolf Steiner
The lower, matter, expresses the spirit, the upper, everywhere. And we learn to understand the lower when we get to know the upper. We understand the matter of blood when we get to know the upper that corresponds to it.
It has never said anything other than this: that it is the soul itself, under the impulse of the ego, that causes the blood to flow either under a sense of terror or under some other feeling that belongs to the soul, that this soul, this ego, drives the blood and thereby the heart.
You need to know this if you want to understand the writings that are based on spiritual science. One writing belongs here above all: the Bible.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Riddle of Existence 05 Feb 1907, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
In addition to the big existential questions, however, there are still questions in life, the solutions to which should not only satisfy our minds and ingenuity, but should also pour into our hearts like comfort and reassurance, filling our souls with a harmonious mood that truly understands life. Of course, not only the mind should have a say in the objective solution of the existential questions.
Similarly, abilities can still develop in the human soul that can then reveal to us what is still hidden today under impenetrable veils. This spiritual vision may be just as great an experience for a person as physical vision is for a blind person.
At the beginning of the nineteenth and at the end of the eighteenth century, people still spoke of a life force, which was understood to be something quite different from something that exists according to purely mechanical laws.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Origin of Man 31 Oct 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This is because they branched off earliest and, since humans have perfected themselves, have undergone a decline, [taken a direction of decline, and are the ones that are furthest from the original form].
[But after all, people work with buzzwords today, not with facts.] Now we can only understand the origin and descent of man if we consider the relationships between these elements of human beings in the present-day individual.
It is the worst materialistic superstition, and basically very interesting, that even on scientific ground it has been pointed out [although he has made significant blunders] that the fact of consciousness of the simplest sensation can never be explained from the facts of the physical body. We can understand the sleeping person, but never the waking one. Why? When a person sleeps, all these facts seem to sink into an indeterminate abyss, and because that is missing, we can understand what remains.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Clairvoyance and Fantasy 07 Nov 1908, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
To have this image in your mind, to understand the [circle], you do not need chalk, no external observation. You can construct it in your mind and realize all the laws in your mind.
There we have the real basis of imagination, and there we understand that Schiller could say of Goethe, how with him understanding and reason and feeling and all the soul powers work together harmoniously and are fertilized by imagination.
And so we can also understand that Goethe can be the view: There is a form of imagination that does not need to agree with external truth, but which has its own certainty.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Essence of Man as the Key to the Secrets of the World 24 Nov 1908, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
Just as the movement of the blood and its location are truly changed under the influence of the soul, so we must now only imagine that basically all material events are caused and conditioned by their soul-spiritual causes, which lie behind them and which the human being only does not perceive as easily everywhere as in this primitive case, but which can serve as an example.
Thus, we see how, through this complete examination of humanity, we come to understand our relationship with the whole surrounding world in a way that, one might say, does not belittle but rather elevates the human being.
Is there a reason why man has to separate the other kingdoms from himself in the course of development, and what is the significance of this? There is a significance that we can understand by making a comparison. Imagine that something coarse is mixed into a substance that has dissolved.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Natural Science at a Crossroads 01 Dec 1907, Nuremberg

Rudolf Steiner
Anyone who is familiar with this spiritual science is by no means inclined to underestimate the serious obstacles that stand in the way of a person's understanding of spiritual science if he looks at things impartially.
He said: If a person is sleeping and you examine the movements of his brain, the fact is not present in the person: I see red, I smell the scent of roses. You can understand this sleeping person, he said. But as soon as he wakes up, scientific understanding of the mechanism ceases.
Thus, today, natural science, if it wants to understand itself correctly, stands at the beginning of the way of thinking that leads directly into spiritual science.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Beginning and the End of the Earth 16 Dec 1907, Elberfeld

Rudolf Steiner
That would not only be presumptuous, but a nonsensical undertaking if one wanted to put forward any theory that contradicted firmly established, thoroughly researched facts.
Now, let us ask ourselves this: can a logic that truly understands itself, a thinking that truly understands itself, take such a point of view? Is this not the standpoint from which the blind would view things if the seeing were to tell him about light, radiance and color, and he were to reply: 'All you tell me is mere fantasy, mere imagination; you cannot know this'?
Even where the first mineral, the primeval nebula, occurs, spiritual science says that this primeval nebula is already a creation of the spirit. We must learn to understand everything on earth, starting with human nature. The future of the earth can only be understood by starting with the human being.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Mystery of Death and the Riddle of Life 01 Feb 1908, Wiesbaden

Rudolf Steiner
Not only when we look up at the starry heavens, at the far reaches of the world, but at every step of everyday life, questions arise about the essential riddles of life. When one person is born under such circumstances that we can already see at his cradle that hopelessness and hardship will accompany him through life, while another is born under the most favorable circumstances and with the most favorable disposition, so that it is known that he is destined for a happy life and will be able to bring many blessings to his fellow human beings, we ask: Why is that so?
On the other hand, many a theosophist believes that he must oppose the teaching of redemption through Christ Jesus because he believes in the law of karma. But if he understands the law of karma correctly, then he knows that you can always add a new item to your life account and that you can therefore always help another person.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Science at a Crossroads 17 Feb 1908, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
That knowledge of the spiritual world shines into what is important to us, it speaks to our feelings and emotions. It might now seem that we are far from an understanding between science and philosophy. Those who only half understand a theosophical lecture or read about it often think that theosophy is empty chatter, a fantasy, and the theosophist who is under the influence and hypnosis of the scientific creed finds this justified.
The movement in the brain could also be seen, but the sensation of “I see red” cannot be understood. Du Bois-Reymond says: A bridge will never be built, it is never possible to see how the atoms move.

Results 1641 through 1650 of 6338

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