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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1661 through 1670 of 6282

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68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Asceticism and Illness 13 Dec 1909, Nuremberg

Rudolf Steiner
Asceticism in the sense in which it was meant in ancient Greece and wherever the word was understood in its general meaning has something to do with what underlies Theosophy. Asceticism is something that can lead to the highest heights of existence, but taken to an extreme, it can become idleness or even worse.
But he, for his work in the spiritual world, needs the clairvoyant consciousness. To understand the messages of the researcher, none of this is necessary, one should just take them in impartially and examine them seriously.
But the one about whom this is said would rather be considered an authority less often, but in return be better understood. (Example: What Lessing says about Klopstock). The same applies to the secret researcher: he does not want to be praised at all and much rather not revered as a master personality, but to be understood and tested!
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Secret of Death as The Key to the Riddle of Life 17 Dec 1909, Wroclaw

Rudolf Steiner
So let us talk about life and death and hear what the researcher says and what life says. The researcher says: To understand this great mystery, we must first understand the nature of man. We are dealing with a four-part entity.
And so death becomes something that guarantees us the opportunity for development. Under this condition, much that was previously dark is understood, including the Old and New Testaments, these supreme books of humanity. — Eating from the tree of life is forbidden to man, because otherwise he would have to stop in his development.
We must penetrate step by step, seeking the spirit and understanding what it reveals. Man ascends ever higher—his life is eternal and is subject to the law of karma.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Knowledge and Immortality 05 Feb 1910, Kassel

Rudolf Steiner
This applies to the person as well as to the blind man who has undergone the operation. There are as many worlds as the person can open up through his organs. Once these organs have been opened up, then the person can understand the nature of death.
The I is the first supersensory faculty in us. Once we have recognized and understood the I, we can look back. This realization of the self brings consciousness of past lives on earth.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Special Questions Concerning Reincarnation and Destiny 24 Feb 1910, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
At a lower level, it is like someone born blind undergoing an operation. Then come spiritual facts, spiritual beings, then comes hearing and seeing with spiritual ears and eyes.
The ego peels itself out of the entire sphere of the environment. An accident that we do not understand is how the ego, which must renounce, relates to the environment. Accident is everything that can be spatially called sleep.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Essence of Sleep and Death 26 Feb 1910, Elberfeld

Rudolf Steiner
Then the spiritual researcher experiences something similar to what happens at a lower level to a person born blind, who undergoes an operation and gains sight. Color and light flow in. This is what the spiritual researcher experiences.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Mission of Devotion 12 Mar 1910, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
This is what shows us, at the moment when we break through, so to speak, the ordinary looking and ordinary understanding, how far we are from a complete understanding of the world. Then we encounter the great guardian of the threshold.
Everything that we want to understand one day and can only understand when we have entered into it must first work in us in a dark way, like a yearning.
But when we learn from the understanding of the mission of devotion to grasp our own soul as it draws us as the eternal feminine towards the eternal masculine, which is to flow into us as world wisdom, then we also gain from this understanding of the mission of devotion this higher understanding of the real union with the eternal masculine in the world.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: On Fichte, Schelling and Hegel – The Value of Philosophy for Theosophy 17 Jun 1910, Oslo

Rudolf Steiner
An understanding of Aristotelian thought is the prerequisite for understanding the philosophy of Fichte, Schelling and Hegel.
Therefore, do not think that it would ever occur to me to be harsh to those who do not understand Fichte and distort him. I understand every misunderstanding, I understand every objection, however many there may be, I understand Schopenhauer, who called Fichte a windbag and a charlatan.
Those who cannot bring themselves to understand that these things must be understood in this way will not be able to understand Hegel's philosophy, Hegel's logic.
68b. Carnegie and Tolstoy 06 Nov 1908, Munich
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
At the same time its mission is to make life intelligible, to be a guiding star in work and action, giving us a broader and deeper understanding of what happens in our environment, through a comprehension of the underlying spiritual causes.
This lecture does not “take sides” with either of these lives; but the conditions of their development must be understood in order to explain the contrasts: and if Spiritual Science has any task in regard to these men it must be that of understanding and explaining how these differences are evolved from the underlying principles of existence.
“It is well,” Carnegie says, “that beside the hut stands the palace, for there is much they should hold in common.” We must understand his limitations. What struck him forcibly was the personal, brotherly feeling between master and servant under earlier conditions.
68c. Goethe and the Present: What Weimar's Goethe Archive Means to us, from Personal Experience 22 Nov 1889, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
One of these is to grasp and appreciate the poet's magnificent appearance in all its aspects, to understand the origin of his writings from his soul life and to put the relationships of his works to each other in the proper light.
He sees how every idea of this genius goes back to spiritual struggles that he has undergone in his inner being, how every conviction he has expressed is the conclusion of a spiritual process that we can follow in very many cases.
This is proof that in Weimar they know how to promote the legacy of the great German with just as much understanding as they once understood how to create the basis for the man on which he could build his way up to the heights of humanity.
68c. Goethe and the Present: Woman in the Light of Goethe's World View 29 Dec 1889, Hermannstadt

Rudolf Steiner
Anyone who does not see in Goethe this beginning of culture, from which everyone must start, who wants to somehow relate to the education of the present, simply does not understand his time. And I must unfortunately confess to you that your brothers in the heart of Europe, especially the younger generation, have by no means grasped their task in relation to Goethe.
We can only become free with our people and in our time, not individually. To bow down under Goethe's authority when we have recognized its height is not servitude, but the Goethean form of freedom.
If that de-divinized love is selfish, then this love, which is based on devotion, is the only passion that is free of selfishness. To understand the truly spiritual nature of Goethe's love, one need only take a look at his often-challenged relationship with Frau von Stein.

Results 1661 through 1670 of 6282

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