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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1651 through 1660 of 6338

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68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Richard Wagner and the Spirit World 25 Feb 1908, Hanover

Rudolf Steiner
At the time of the ancient Atlantis, people lived under very different conditions than we do today. Year in, year out, Atlantis was covered by dense masses of fog.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Essence of Sleep and Death 06 Apr 1908, Goteborg

Rudolf Steiner
Strangely, the audience in this otherwise quite Theosophically interested city consisted of just under 100 people. Perhaps it was the German language that deterred them – the universal Theosophical language is actually English – or perhaps it was the old Hegel, with whom probably the majority of today's audience has failed to become more closely acquainted.
The speaker emphasized that in order to understand the second part of “Faust”, it must be studied in the theosophical light. That “the universal Goethe” and in particular his Faust poem, the subject of seventy times seven interpreters, was thus also exploited for the theosophical exegesis, is hardly more than one might expect.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Tolstoy And Carnegie 06 Nov 1908, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
Tolstoy presents these impulses of Christianity in a relatively simple way. He says: When man understands these impulses, it is clear that he has within himself a spark of an eternal divine power that permeates the world.
And Carnegie implements this in a whole system. He says he understands very well that the man who gives something just to get rid of the beggar does more harm than the miser who gives nothing at all.
And in other circumstances, Tolstoy sees this friend – and he becomes his admirer, he understands this very clearly. There you have the view of people who are considered parasites, so to speak, on one side and on the other.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Where and How Can one Find the Spirit? 01 Dec 1908, Wroclaw

Rudolf Steiner
We do not wish to speak in generalities, but to make ourselves understood by means of an example. Let us place before our minds, here and now, a symbol, a picture, which the pupils, under the influence of their spiritual science teachers, have long used to develop their souls higher.
Let us first answer this question. To do so, we must first understand something that can help us to understand the profound symbol of the Rosicrucian. However, what I am about to say is not what is important for the inner development to clarify this symbol or image, but rather the inner deepening and immersion of the soul.
Now it would, of course, be foolishness – an easily understandable foolishness – to say that a person ceases to exist in the evening and is reborn in the morning.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Natural Science at a Crossroads 17 Jan 1909, Pforzheim

Rudolf Steiner
To recognize that what is being said is correct, all that is needed is an unprejudiced, healthy human understanding. This human understanding, however, must not be clouded by all sorts of suggestions and prejudices.
We must not say that man developed from a lower animal form, but we must say that man comes directly from the spiritual, and that the lower animal forms also developed from the spiritual, but entered physical existence too early. This also helps us to understand the relationship between animals and humans. Animals must bear the same forms and traits as humans, because they have undergone the same line of development, but have condensed too early.
Let us assume that copper and chlorine combine. These combine under the appearance of fire. Heat occurs. If you now want to separate these bodies again, you have to supply the same heat again.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Practical Training of Thinking 13 Feb 1909, Nuremberg

Rudolf Steiner
When what has been researched in the higher worlds is then related, it can be understood by anyone who does not let themselves be deterred from this understanding by the prejudices that flow into them through the suggestion of our contemporary culture or any other culture. If Theosophy can be understood in this way, then it is not only useful but necessary for everyone, regardless of their station in life.
This never leads to practical thinking. It is very difficult to be understood in these matters. When I gave this lecture recently, someone said afterwards: Yes, I always have the idea: If someone has a thick, red neck and also looks very thick in other ways, then he is a materialist, the person himself “tells” me that through his appearance. — The person who spoke has heard everything that has been said, but has not understood it.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Clairvoyance: the Subconscious and the Superconscious 08 Mar 1909, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
And the actions of these spiritual beings, what they undertake unbound by space and time, we experience in second sight. When we see things far away in second sight, it is a descent into the depths of consciousness.
It is therefore always emphasized that what spiritual science hears from the spheres can only be grasped with ordinary human understanding. It cannot be expressed strongly enough that Theosophy can be grasped with ordinary human understanding.
You have to keep telling people who come to you: Approach the physical world first, apply our minds to these facts and try to understand them. But who has an unimpaired mind, unclouded by the suggestion of so-called scientific facts!
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Life after Death, a Fact of Reality 14 Mar 1909, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
But the methods by which the invisible, supersensible aspects of human nature can be seen are accessible to everyone. If he undergoes the methods that the initiate has to undergo, if he develops clairvoyance, then he undergoes something similar in the spiritual life to what the person working with the microscope undergoes in the physical life.
For those present, who approach this sentence with common sense, the facts of clairvoyant consciousness cannot, of course, be proven externally, but they can understand them. They can say to themselves: If I accept the facts, then life becomes understandable to me.
And then Christ came into the world, that was a strange advance. Those who understand the essence of Christianity, who understood it in the first century, for example, had a different feeling about the name Christ.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Wrath of Zeus. The Chained Prometheus 21 Oct 1909, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
From now on, the question of God and immortality was understandable to him. It would be so easy to arrive at the human 'I', at an understanding of it, if one were to say to oneself: There is something expressed in the I that is distinguished from all other concepts or names by the very fact that it is spoken.
It is wrath's [mission] to prepare love. This is understandable when you consider that what is supposed to become judgment in reality threatens to degenerate into extremism.
Then we can look into the deep abysses of the soul in such a way that we can apply it practically. Only then do we understand as different fruits that which speaks to us spiritually from this point of view [through] Aeschylus in his drama [of] Zeus towards Prometheus, whom we will only understand when we understand what the mission of anger is in the astral body for the development of the I into the ability to love.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Human Character 29 Oct 1909, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This work of art is the famous Laocoon: a priest with his two sons standing there and entwined by snakes. Many people have endeavored to understand this work of art. ... All this is expressed in a wonderful way, one must... in the right way understand.
By looking at human character in this way, we can gain much for our understanding of life, but also many things that the educator needs if he wants to develop human character step by step.
How the human being then affects life itself is best shown when we understand how the I is active in the individual members of the soul and how these interact. Now there is something else to be borne in mind in particular.

Results 1651 through 1660 of 6338

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