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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 1631 through 1640 of 6338

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68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Repeated Earth Lives As The Key To The Human Riddle 09 Dec 1905, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
Only when he is able to do this can he begin to understand what it is that reincarnates itself. Now we must once again briefly consider what remains and returns to earthly existence and what passes away.
There comes a time for everyone when they will realize that the more they ascend, the more they will also come to understand their previous lives on earth. For the majority it is still quite impossible. One must first know what is embodied before one can recognize what happens to it.
Anyone who knows what happens to a person will understand the context. Anyone who believes that a person receives everything from nature will find it strange.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Ideals of Humanity and the Ideals of the Initiates 16 Jan 1906, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
The great geniuses of humanity, the poets, composers, painters, sculptors, all these guides of humanity are recorded in history, which some understand better and others less well. They stand at the top as the guides of humanity; but those from whom they draw their strength stand behind them.
All learning from the initiates consists in our being led, in our being shown the way, but what we are, that we must tell ourselves. No one can understand this, no one else understands this deep secret; only each person understands it for himself. To have come so far that we have the “inner word” — the letter — that enables us to develop spiritual powers.
If a number of people could be together who have purified their passions, desires and wishes in this way, they would be in harmony with each other, as are the thoughts of these people. When a person has undergone this purification, they find themselves in something similar that encompasses everyone, they are in harmony.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Three Worlds 03 Feb 1906, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
One of them had fallen on its back and was so unhappily placed under an iron bar that it was unable to right itself. The other two crabs tried in vain to help their comrade back on his feet.
If the religious element slumbering in every human being is not satisfied, it will eventually break through the brain; the brain does not understand it and becomes ill. The higher worlds break in on man, and he does not understand them. That is the essence of mental illness.
But culture will soon produce blossoms that will only be understandable to those who understand the occult. Therefore, it is advisable to listen quietly and to process what you hear.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Inner Development of Man 12 Feb 1906, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
Although this must be regarded as one of the tasks of Theosophy, it is not mandatory for every member of the Theosophical Society to undergo such inner schooling with the help of knowledgeable teachers; rather, it is entirely left to the discretion of the individual.
Plato demanded that those accepted into his school first undergo a mathematical course of study so that their thinking would be a reflection of undisturbed mathematical thinking and reasoning; then the laws of the spiritual world would flow into the student.
It states that everything we have acquired in the way of work and virtues, and everything we have committed in the way of mistakes and transgressions, must become recognizable in this or another life and regulates and determines our existence in a lawful manner. This view is what makes our existence understandable in the first place and allows us to recognize our relationships with the world around us. After death, the physical body, as an organism living on the mineral plane, falls back to the mineral plane, to the earth matter; it dissolves into it.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Haeckel's World Riddle and Theosophy 21 Mar 1906, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
6. How did language come about? (Laws must underlie it). Theosophy makes it clear to us in a different way. Let us look at sleep with her.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Evolution of the Planets 05 Apr 1906, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
More recent science has so often said: We do not need any spiritual authors of the world. Science has finally led us to understand this world in a purely mechanical way and to understand how the individual parts interlock. So we don't need a creator. — That's just as clever as claiming that because you understand how to take a watch apart, you don't need to assume a watchmaker.
In our stages of development, love is expressed, and in the earlier ones, wisdom. You can also understand this comparatively. If you understand it, you will find that our entire material earthly structure is embodied wisdom. Look at the rock crystal. You have to study, apply reason, to understand, you have to calculate. The spirit that you draw out must have been put in. Natural scientists have not yet come to understand these forms.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: German Theosophists of the Nineteenth Century 11 Apr 1906, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
Darkness is precisely the nothing. The something, the good, can only be understood by the fact that evil is a nothing, only a shadow. Schelling also called human beings, as a physical body, a perfection.
The personality lays the foundation for development. Certain Western views underestimate the personality and believe that we simply shed our personality at death. No, we take its fruits with us.
The most wonderful fruits can be gained there. Then one will truly understand the energy that emanated from those minds. “Man can do what he should, and when he says, 'I cannot,' he will not.”
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Paracelsus 12 Oct 1906, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
He lived from 1493 to 1541, that is, at a time when the ideas of the Middle Ages began to give way to new views. Today's science does not yet understand him; it has so far been materialistic in direction; that too brought great things. Humanity had to limit itself to the external world.
What was the state of the art of healing at that time? It was completely under the influence of medieval pharmacology – Galen – and had degenerated. People tried to cure illnesses with trivial means, and he humorously describes how the doctors of the time only knew a few rules and applied them without understanding.
Only in the totality of these three - that is, in the whole knowledge of the world - is the basis for understanding disease. If Paracelsus needed a basis, he searched for the spiritual, for the invisible within the visible.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Blood is a Very Special Fluid 30 Nov 1906, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
In the same way, we want to understand the human being by considering what the spiritual archetype of blood is. To do this, we have to follow the path of human development together.
Theosophy or spiritual science distinguishes, in addition to the body that we have in common with all inanimate nature, an etheric or life body, but understands it to mean something different from the physicist's understanding of ether. While science previously assumed only the physical, it too has recently come to recognize a kind of life principle.
These aspects of the human being are not to be understood as separate parts, but rather as seven levels, degrees of his being, like the tones of a scale or the colors of the rainbow.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Richard Wagner and Mysticism 04 Dec 1906, Bonn

Rudolf Steiner
Even though the Theosophical movement has gained few followers in the last 30 years, it may be said that there is a growing understanding that it is supposed to provide something that sheds light on all branches of spiritual life. Today, an attempt will be made to show how the personality of Richard Wagner can be understood in a special way from the point of view of the Theosophical worldview.
Just as little as the plant, the poet needs to understand what he carries within him, which then makes him understandable. Just as it would be absurd to believe that a plant knows the laws by which it grows, it would be equally absurd to believe that Richard Wagner knew anything of what can be understood from him.
As an artist, he built on Shakespeare on the one hand and Beethoven on the other. To understand this, we need to know what the mystical element is in the human being. He is a mystic who is able to see the spiritual in all the world, in all movement.

Results 1631 through 1640 of 6338

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