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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1911 through 1920 of 6282

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34. Reincarnation and Karma (GA 34): Reincarnation and Karma

Rudolf Steiner
For—and this must be emphasized again and again—the attitude of thought which underlies the anthroposophical conception of today is no other than the one underlying the scientific dictum that insects, worms and fish originate from life germs and not from mud.
The reasons are being sought for the fact that the souls of a group of children are so different from one another, although the children all grew up and were educated under identical circumstances; that even twins differ from one another in essential characteristics, although they always lived at the same place and under the care of the same nurse.
[ 27 ] Just as the nature researcher, in order to understand certain animal forms, studies the animal forms out of which these former have evolved, so the psychologist, rooted in natural science, must, in order to understand a certain soul form, study the soul form out of which the former has evolved.
65. From Central European Intellectual Life: The Human Soul and the Human Spirit 10 Dec 1915, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This will be understood more and more, especially in the face of spiritual science. Then spiritual science will no longer appear as something strange, but as the self-evident explanation and as the self-evident spiritualization that one needs for life.
I can only express it comparatively now, but it could be presented in detail. However, it will be understood quite well precisely through a comparison. When a person walks along a road and the road has a somewhat soft surface, so that every step is imprinted, the traces can be seen afterwards.
And from what has been said, it is clear that the spirit leads up to those luminous heights where we can see through the world and see it in its connection with man himself, where the soul strengthens man inwardly, where the soul is the source of what human love is, what human knowledge is. The spirit is something that can be viewed under the symbol of light, but precisely of the inner light. Soul is something that can be viewed under the symbol of inner warmth, which spreads over all of life and expands the circle in which the soul can experience life, with relish and sorrow, painfully and joyfully.
65. From Central European Intellectual Life: Fichte's Spirit Among Us 16 Dec 1915, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
And Goethe writes to Fichte when he has received the Theory of Knowledge: ”There is nothing in what you have sent that I do not understand or at least believe I understand, nothing that does not readily follow from my usual way of thinking.”
One need only open the eye of the soul. He will not be understood if he is not understood in this vivid way. But if you open your soul's eye to the greatness of your people, then he is standing among us.
We cannot help it, if we understand him correctly, we must feel this spirit of Fichte among us.
65. From Central European Intellectual Life: Faust's World Wandering and His Rebirth in German Intellectual Life 03 Feb 1916, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
But the Earth Spirit rejects him. He refers him to the spirit that he understands. And at the same time he makes it clear to him how he, Faust, is not the same as the Earth Spirit itself. What is the underlying reason for this? Now, we can perhaps recognize what is at the root of this if we consider the further progress of Goethe's Faustian poetry.
I just want to draw attention to what happens to Faust under the influence of Mephistopheles. On the one hand, in ancient times, magic, imagination or external actions were used to uncover the secrets of nature.
65. From Central European Intellectual Life: A Healthy Emotional Life and Spiritual Research 04 Feb 1916, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Therefore, as I said, these exercises, which relate to mere thinking, must never be undertaken alone. Indeed, the exercises of meditation and concentration are already undertaken in such a way that, by going through them in consciousness, the ordinary element of the will undergoes training at the same time; so that one comes to raise into consciousness what is hidden in the will in ordinary life.
But it is always necessary that the ordinary consciousness stands beside the newly attained consciousness and that what is undertaken for ordinary life is not undertaken with the newly attained consciousness, but with the ordinary consciousness.
These two souls should not be understood as more than what is already characterized in the concrete. This, then, is what must be borne in mind.
65. From Central European Intellectual Life: Austrian Personalities in the Fields of Poetry and Science 10 Feb 1916, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Many, many nations and ethnic groups live side by side, pushed together, and the life of the individual is often complicated by these underlying factors, even as a soul life and as a whole personality life. The things that now play from one nation into another, what comes to light through this lack of understanding and the desire to understand and the difficulties of life, it comes to one's attention at every turn in Austria, combined with other historical conditions of Austrian life.
And for those who have an interest in and an understanding of scientific observations, the contemplation of this Vienna Basin, with the numerous secrets of the Earth's formation that can be studied there, is deeply inspiring.
This is something that, whether it is spoken in Germany or in Austria, can find little understanding among the others, because it is basically the national conception of the specifically German.
65. From Central European Intellectual Life: How Are the Eternal Powers of the Human Soul Investigated? 11 Feb 1916, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
However, it should not just take up those pages of Kant that are convenient for it, but should seek to understand him in his totality. Then it would also understand that one can go back to Kant as the founder of our German philosophy and as an ideal of philosophical endeavor, but not to stop at him.
Oh, it is best not to deal with these philosophers and philosophies at all! But such a judgment arises only under the influence of the belief that one can grasp a philosopher only if one understands him as a dogmatist and not, I might say, as an inner artist of thoughts.
And when more is experienced in the external sense world, it is experienced through the activity of the inner. Thought must reach under the phenomenon. You cannot get down under the phenomenon without thinking. This requires an inner strengthening of thought, a real inner powerful experience and continuation of the line of thought.
65. From Central European Intellectual Life: A Forgotten Quest for Spiritual Science Within the Development of German Thought 25 Feb 1916, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
How different it appears, when rightly understood, from the spiritual knowledge of nature which is striven for as the outcome, let us say, of Romance popularism.
Troxler - who knows Troxler? And yet, what do we know of this Troxler? Under the influence of Schelling, in particular, he wrote his profound > Blicke in das Wesen des Menschen in 1811 and then gave his lectures on philosophy in 1834.
As early as the first edition of my World and Life Views, which appeared more than a year and a half ago under the title of Riddles of Philosophy, I called attention to a little-known thinker, Karl Christian Planck.
65. From Central European Intellectual Life: Why is Spiritual Research Misunderstood? 26 Feb 1916, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
My intention is to show how one can really have difficulties in understanding the spiritual science meant here, how it can be difficult for the soul to bring understanding to spiritual science, from the education of the times, from what one can acquire in terms of habits of thought, of feelings, of feelings of world view from our present time, how it can be difficult for the soul to understand spiritual science.
But you can see from this that one must already go into the nerve of spiritual science if one wants to judge this spiritual science. And it is also understandable to find, because what can be said again is so well founded, - it is also understandable that so many objections and misunderstandings arise.
Spiritual science will not do that! Spiritual science will try to understand from its very foundations that which lives in the mystery of resurrection, in order to present to mankind, which has now advanced and can no longer understand it in the old way, that which materialism has called a humbug, in the right way.
65. From Central European Intellectual Life: Nietzsche's Psychological Life and Richard Wagner 23 Mar 1916, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Philosophy could not do it in those days, insofar as it was the prevailing philosophy. Richard Wagner's musical soul undertook it. It actually undertook it out of an urge that was at the same time a deeply characteristic trait of the newer Central European essence in general.
And there Nietzsche finds: This time formation has become such that it now gasps and breathes heavily under its abundance of external knowledge, under its abundance of history. To a certain extent, one knows everything or at least seeks to know everything, seeks to relate everything to history.
Now, when Friedrich Nietzsche could no longer keep up, everything that stemmed only from enthusiasm and should have come from the power of deeper understanding fell away from him. He had to let go and undergo for himself what Richard Wagner had already mastered.

Results 1911 through 1920 of 6282

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