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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1921 through 1930 of 6282

˂ 1 ... 191 192 193 194 195 ... 629 ˃
65. From Central European Intellectual Life: The Question of Immortality and Spiritual Research 24 Mar 1916, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
For the goal consists precisely in overcoming what one has initially undertaken: that thoughts cease to be thoughts in the strict sense, that the activity of thinking, free of the thought, now takes hold of us in becoming and weaving. That is the characteristic of the spiritual research path: that something must be undertaken and something else comes out. And precisely because something is undertaken, something else comes out.
One can see certain underground connections. And this same paper wrote at the time of the three-year anniversary of his term of office: “Among the very first to be murdered if mobilization occurs will be Jaurès.
65. From Central European Intellectual Life: The Development of the German Soul 13 Apr 1916, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
For example, the word 'nature' entered the Germanic character of Central Europe through Christianity. Of course, the way it was understood at that time, the word 'nature' is beyond the grasp of anyone who takes it only in the sense in which we understand it today.
In the direction I have indicated lies a science that will one day, when it exists, make understandable what exists between nations. Only then will there be a great possibility that nations will consciously understand each other fully.
In any case, it is already in the German national soul that, as it seems to me, the German can understand the others better than they understand him, even if they do not have to understand him as badly as they do now in our fateful times.
65. From Central European Intellectual Life: Body, Soul and Spirit in Their Development through Birth and Death and Their Place in the Universe 15 Apr 1916, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
All that I have described so far only enables man to understand the world around him in all its phenomena. The spiritual world is present in the outer world in its effects, but these effects can only be fully understood when one grasps the spiritual foundations of these effects.
At one point in an essay he wrote about Macauley, Herman Grimm tried to understand how one can understand historical development and the place of the individual human being in history.
Indeed, this is felt most acutely when one tries to understand the historical development of humanity. And today it is obvious to seek to understand the historical development of humanity because we are at such a significant stage of this historical development.
65. The Spirit of Fichte Present in our Midst 16 Dec 1915, Berlin
Translated by Beresford Kemmis

Rudolf Steiner
If we follow out the history of Fichte's influence, we can understand how it was that this man, the most German of the German philosophers, did not train any real students of philosophy.
By opening the ears of the spirit we can hear Fichte, if we understand him at all, directly as if he were a living presence speaking out of the heart of his people.
We cannot help ourselves, if we understand him aright, we must feel this spirit of Fichte to be 1.
65. Why is Spiritual Investigation Misunderstood? 26 Feb 1916, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
What is needful, however, in order to reach a deeper understanding of Spiritual Research (mind, I do not say in order to become a legitimate follower of its teaching), what is needful for a legitimate understanding is hard thinking.
Otherwise, anyone who shirked the trouble of going into the matter seriously could understand, or rather imagine he understood it, from reading those popular works that are so palatable to him.
20 And there is a second point, which will also be understood by those who wish to understand it. Man, in the face of the unknown, always experiences a peculiar feeling, primarily a feeling of fear.
66. The Human Soul and the Human Body: The Human Soul and the Human Body 15 Feb 1917, Berlin
Translated by Henry Barnes

Rudolf Steiner
Are they useful tools in order to come to an understanding of life? The illness of thought which I indicated and wanted to make clear through these grotesque examples is enormously widespread in our contemporary thinking.
One needs only to draw attention to the excellent work which the Haeckel pupil, Max Verworn, has undertaken in the Goettingen laboratory showing what occurs in the human brain, in the human nervous system, when we connect one representation with another, or, as one says in psychology, when one mental representation associates with another.
Just in relation with the human being must this bridge be erected by our achieving strong spiritual-scientific concepts, which lead to an understanding of the bodily life of the organism. Because it is just in the understanding of bodily life that the great questions, the question of immortality, the question of death, the question of destiny, and of similar riddles will find their comprehension.
66. The Human Soul and the Human Body: Riddles of the Soul and Riddles of the Universe 17 Feb 1917, Berlin
Translated by Henry Barnes

Rudolf Steiner
What is characteristic is that natural science with its current methods fails to ascend to an understanding of what the ether actually is. Natural research for its real activity always requires material bases.
The human being, when he undergoes these inner soul processes, does indeed gradually attain to the etheric from within. Then the etheric will be directly present for him. Only then, however, is he really in the position to understand what a sense perception is, to understand what actually occurs in the perception by the senses.
66. Mind and Matter — Life and Death: Soul Immortality, Destiny Forces, and the Human Life Cycle 01 Mar 1917, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
And if we add the fact that the soul life is undermined by undermining the health or the organic connection of certain parts of the body, it becomes clear from all this how right the scientific world view is in this area.
But this already indicates that knowledge and understanding of this soul-life cannot be acquired in the ordinary course of life, dependent as it is on the outer world.
There, fate itself is continually working on our soul, so that the way in which man is involved in his fate can be understood just as little by ordinary consciousness as what is happening in the room in which one is dreaming can be understood by the dreaming consciousness in terms of external, sensual-physical events.
66. Mind and Matter — Life and Death: The Human Soul and Body in the Light of Knowledge of Nature and Spirit 15 Mar 1917, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
But the question must always be raised: Are these concepts also applicable to life? Are they useful tools for understanding life? — The mental illness that I have thus hinted at and explained by grotesque examples is extremely widespread in our thinking today.
And because we experience the spiritual in the soul directly, the soul, in the forms that I characterized in my Philosophy of Freedom as underlying free will, is really not alone in the spirit, but is, to a high degree, in a higher and, above all, different way, consciously present in the spirit.
This bridge must be created in the human being by our coming to strong spiritual-scientific concepts that also carry us over into an understanding of physical life. For it is precisely in the understanding of physical life that the great questions, the questions of immortality, of death, of destiny, and so on, are understood.
66. Mind and Matter — Life and Death: Soul Enigma and World Enigma: Research and Contemplation in German Intellectual Life 17 Mar 1917, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
And then one arrives at a view precisely on these riddle-questions, which I could express in the following way. He who wants to understand matter, substance, in the way it is usually understood, is like a person who says: I now want to get an impression of darkness, of a dark room.
For this mystery of the ether will be solved as the human soul undergoes those inner processes through practice, which I have often characterized here and which are described in more detail in my book “How to Know Higher Worlds”.
Well, what happens there can basically only be understood when one has brought the inner soul process so far that the inner etheric-physical has become a reality.

Results 1921 through 1930 of 6282

˂ 1 ... 191 192 193 194 195 ... 629 ˃