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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1931 through 1940 of 6282

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66. Mind and Matter — Life and Death: Life, Death and the Immortal Soul in the Universe 22 Mar 1917, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
If I may use an expression that is not quite correct, we will understand each other: it works and lives with us, but it is something that is not at all connected with the relationships of earth and sun.
Not even solidified milk will glow bluish, and egg white will serve as a candle, but everything that is now on earth under the law of the earth and sun, under what we today call natural laws, will one day live under completely different laws, under spiritual and soul laws, which will arise in the way I have described, from our own inner life.
It will come about that spiritual science enters into the educational life of humanity because the conditions for it are present. But some things will have to be understood again that are no longer understood today, that are only taken in by the sound of the words. I have often referred to the first step of the view that one can arrive at when observing this second current of human soul life, which can become conscious, as imaginative presentation.
66. Mind and Matter — Life and Death: The Beyond of the Senses and the Beyond of the Soul 31 Mar 1917, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
But then, when what is ethereal really becomes vivid, then one encounters the great difference between what underlies the etheric body of the human being and the head and what underlies the etheric body of the rest of the organism.
And now the child wants to know what actually underlies these mirror images. What does it do? Yes, what is actually underlying them is behind the mirror, it says; so it will either want to look behind the mirror.
I know very well that for some people what I am saying seems bitter. I can fully understand that. I can understand all the bitterness and also all the paradoxes. But it must be pointed out once and for all that in the present time there is the necessity to emerge from what is enclosed in the mere sense world and to submerge into what leads beyond the soul, beyond the senses.
67. The Eternal human Soul: Aim and Being of Spiritual Research 24 Jan 1918, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Our natural sciences strive for robust, trivial concepts easily to be understood; they adapt the observation in such a way that such concepts prevail in them. If you want to look at the soul life and at its everlasting core with such mental pictures, it escapes.
These methods are contrary to those, which approach people everywhere today and are estimated or overestimated by this or that understandably, and have to lead into the supersensible, into the area of the everlasting of the human nature.
It is a characteristic of the spiritual exercises that one finds the possibility to do stronger and stronger efforts to prevent the spiritual world from escaping more and more. Of course, these things are to be understood in such a way that they can be overcome; but they are typical for the spiritual world. A third is yet to be added.
67. The Eternal human Soul: The Human Being as Being of Soul and Spirit 07 Feb 1918, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
But the mere cognitive forces and abilities as natural sciences apply them rightly are not sufficient to understand life, soul and spirit, and one only has the option either to stop in the area of physical and chemical laws and then to renounce understanding life, soul and spirit, or to appeal to quite different cognitive forces.
This is such a place again by which the ground should be pulled away under the feet of spiritual science. However, can anybody really allow himself for the usual consciousness to think with his ego only of everything that Theodor Ziehen thinks?
Someone who says, it is doubtful that exercises are demanded by which the human being should arbitrarily reach what he can only receive like by grace understands nothing at all of the real significance of spiritual science. However, today many people know nothing about the real spirit.
67. The Eternal human Soul: Goethe as Father of Spiritual Research 21 Feb 1918, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
I would well understand if anybody considered the whole idea of this talk as an aberration. I would also understand if anybody said how one can abuse Goethe's name while making a relationship to spiritual science, because it is sufficiently known that Goethe's view is typical just because it is directed to the outer nature, and it regarded it as rather dubious to raise the lawfulness of the world to ideal heights, as Schiller did it.
He could never understood if people stated, they could think about the thinking. Only a higher ability lets the thinking appear before the human being.
One can also understand well that Goethe did not at all mean anything irreligious when he said that it is antipathetic to him to speak of the things of another world.
67. The Eternal human Soul: Mind, Soul and Body of the Human Being 28 Feb 1918, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This is shown in such a way, as if it were a special peculiarity of the soul life. However, just this is necessary to understand that that which is shown there like an impossibility must be intended as spiritual-scientific method.
With it, I have indicated how the real observer who has ascended to the true introspection can understand the work of the human soul forces and mental powers in the spiritual. While he advances with his methods further, he can get to know that ego that he experiences in this introspection with which he just does the introspection.
You can grasp the whole experience of the human being in thinking, feeling, and willing in such a way that you can also grasp an undercurrent there if you do not go into the contents of thinking, feeling, and willing. To express myself even more clearly, I would like to characterise the matter still from another side.
67. The Eternal human Soul: Nature and Her Riddles in the Light of Spiritual Science 07 Mar 1918, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It means something for it whether it is within the light mass that goes out from the sun or under the influence of the earth mass if it is in darkness, and so on. One notices that this etheric body is on a level where it is even more dependent on the whole universe, while the physical human body has this developmental state already behind itself and is now immediately dependent from the earth.
You have to be able to read that what is expressed by the characters which are joined to words; you have to learn to read in nature, so that you understand the facts of nature gradually in such a way that you say to yourself: what the naturalists recognise leads rather to questions than to answers.
That is why one does not transfer that which one properly applies to one field to another field. Does, for example, science understand the position of the magnetic needle physically in such a way that the directional forces work in the magnetic needle only?
67. The Eternal human Soul: The Historical Life of Humanity and Its Riddles 14 Mar 1918, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The essentials of this talk consist in the fact that he shows how the historical becoming has grasped a sum of human beings from an outer situation, and that that which goes forward with these human beings can be understood strictly speaking from that what they had to undertake under the influence of the described conditions.
If you learn to recognise the real stream of historical development, you say to yourself, with any mental capacity that can understand nature, you cannot look into the historical development. This is not experienced in the usual consciousness like nature, but only on that level of consciousness, which you have also in the dream.
I want to bring in an example: One could expect that the historical events run in such a way that one could compare them to the childhood, youth, mature period, and old age of the human being. Indeed, some historians were under this illusion. These analogising considerations can be rather witty but have nothing to do with reality.
67. The Eternal human Soul: The Animal and Human Realms. Their Origin and Development 15 Apr 1918, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Among these refutations, one appeared by an anonym under the title The Unconscious from the Viewpoint of the Theory of Evolution and Darwinism. The author of this writing set himself to oppose this dilettantish opponent of Darwinism.
The descending development would signify what is just so important for the understanding of the human being, and also there I advise you again to consider physiological matters, but without prejudice.
While we have tried up to now to understand the special connection of thinking and willing with the human being and animal, now one has to go into that what connects the human being with the animal concerning something that is intimately connected with the problem of evolution.
67. The Eternal human Soul: The Supersensible Human Being 18 Apr 1918, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
However, with this human self-knowledge you face a very strange paradox. On the one side, you face the necessity of understanding the human being as a supersensible being; on the other side, any usual cognitive ability is bound to the sensory appearance.
You attain this, while you focus on self-developed mental pictures that are easily understandable. I say "easily understandable" mental pictures; this is exceptionally important. Self-chosen, self-developed, easily understandable mental pictures must be because just any subconscious, everything about which one cannot know to which blurred perception it is due must be removed.
It is particularly important that in this living in easily understandable mental pictures, in this “meditating,” nothing prevails in the consciousness that may darken it.

Results 1931 through 1940 of 6282

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