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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1951 through 1960 of 6282

˂ 1 ... 194 195 196 197 198 ... 629 ˃
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Wisdom Teachings of Christianity 17 Apr 1905, Heidelberg

Rudolf Steiner
The treatment of the topic turned out to be substantially different than one might have assumed. Under the heading “Wisdom Teachings in Christianity”, the speaker brought up completely different things, much deeper things than are currently in the memory of general Christianity.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Kernel of Wisdom in Religions 03 Dec 1905, Düsseldorf

Rudolf Steiner
If one delves deeper into the question hinted at here, one comes to the conclusion that one underestimates even the simplest religious ideas if one does not take them deeply and thoroughly. If you go deeper, you acquire the right kind of humility, the humility that says: You understand something of the great, powerful images, but there is still much you cannot fathom.
There you find the male deity Osiris and the female deity Isis. If you learn to understand the deity Osiris from the perspective of the Egyptian people, it reveals itself as a meaningful religious concept.
This is found in all religions, these threefold aspects, under which the Brahman is sought. The three aspects of the divine are understood roughly as follows in the intimate life of the different religions: The divine spirit lives in you.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: Answering Questions 17 Dec 1905, Regensburg

Rudolf Steiner
The ancient Egyptian slaves who had to build the pyramids under cruel tormentors already took comfort in it. In the time of Christ, the consciousness of it was still vividly present.
This is an ideal that can only be realized gradually. If the teaching is first understood and accepted as a theory, it will not be long before we hear theosophical concepts and thoughts from the pulpits.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Kernel of Wisdom in Religions 19 Jan 1906, Frankfurt

Rudolf Steiner
All the founders of religions, the authors of the Vedas, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the magi of the Chaldeans, the priests of the Babylonians, the world sages of the Greeks, the Zarathustras, Confucius, yes, the German mystics, Paracelsus, Angelus Silesius and Jakob Böhme – they were all, together with the greatest initiate, Jesus Christ, such guardians of humanity, such proclaimers of the religious core of wisdom. He explained what speakers understand by this core of wisdom using the example of the doctrine of the Trinity, which returns more or less developed in all religions.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: Human Freedom 11 Feb 1906, Düsseldorf

Rudolf Steiner
We can always tell what will drive it to do a certain act under certain conditions. The question, “Is man free?” makes no sense, but the question, “Does man become freer through development?”
He who is forced to act is not free; but he who recognizes the laws of the world becomes free. To understand that one should do something is to act freely. As long as we do not recognize the highest divine, we act under compulsion.
There is much in this that, with a wonderfully intimate, fine power, detaches the understanding of freedom from the human being. It is impossible for one who is filled with knowledge of God to do evil; for him, good action becomes a matter of course.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Wisdom Teachings of Christianity 21 Feb 1906, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
Translated literally, it means “spiritual self”. Everyone reflects and seeks to understand the world around them, in their own way. I don't just mean the scholars, but everyone; the farmer behind the plough has his ideas and mental images.
For Tauler, the life of Christ was not a theory; for him, these facts were real. In order to understand these facts, one must first have experienced the inner Christ. Angelus Silesius expressed this most beautifully.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: Germanic and Indian Secret Doctrine 22 Apr 1906, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
The profound spiritual basis reveals to us that a secret primordial revelation underlies all these religions. To many, this truth seems incredible, but only because of unfamiliarity with the facts, which appear to be imperfect because the great leaders can only give them such an expression as will be understood.
Therefore, we do not need any Indian terminology in Europe, we only need to understand and revive what is original in Europe. We can get to the bottom of a great European secret doctrine and will get there.
The speaker then expressed the view that the Theosophical Society in Europe had the primary task of working for an understanding of the great truths and beauties of the Germanic world of legends, as well as for a deeper understanding of the symbols of Christianity, since the forms of the Orient cannot be transferred to Europe without further ado.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: Germanic and Indian Secret Doctrine 24 Apr 1906, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
The Germanic peoples had a very special expression for it. To understand how the ancient Germans arrived at their ideas, one must delve deeper into their way of thinking.
German scholarship could have provided a good basis for a correct understanding. There is a work that presents a thorough study of legends: Das Rätsel der Sphinx (The Riddle of the Sphinx) by Ludwig Laistner.
This treasure will be unearthed; then we will understand in a unique way what our European ancestors have to say to their descendants. Theosophy is intended to create a brotherhood across all of humanity, causing people to carry into the future what they understand from the past.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: On Lucifer 09 Nov 1906, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
Higher beings play a role in human life. Lucifer is also understood to be among the guiding personalities, the leading or seducing ones. Here we must be clear about dualism – duality – which plays a role in all areas of life.
We have to go much deeper into the development of the human soul to see what reality underlies the Lucifer principle. In more recent times, views on this have undergone changes. These were already evident in the old Faust saga.
So it is not something destructive, but rather a power is evoked that is not opposed to the deity. If we want to understand this power, we must realize how man fits into the world around him. Man forms one of the kingdoms; alongside him we have the mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom and the animal kingdom.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Children of Lucifer 14 Dec 1906, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
The Bible contains theosophical truths. If we want to understand the task that fell to these Elohim, we must first realize that there are initially three types of activity.
If you can visualize these structures, you will understand the dual nature of man: the outer shell and the divine. The seven Elohim work here, and Jehovah has the task of transforming the dual-sex nature into a single-sex one.
Plato gave a solid form to the formless ideas of the initiated Moses. If we are broad-minded enough to understand them, wisdom and love breathe towards us in Hellenic culture and present themselves in the god Dionysus.

Results 1951 through 1960 of 6282

˂ 1 ... 194 195 196 197 198 ... 629 ˃