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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1961 through 1970 of 6282

˂ 1 ... 195 196 197 198 199 ... 629 ˃
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Bible and Wisdom 17 Jan 1907, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
The scholars of late Judaism applied all their ingenuity and all their mental power to understanding this book. And so it was in those times that the highest knowledge was applied to achieve understanding.
We see regularities and monstrosities in nature, we know that it would be nonsense to criticize nature, we do not do that, we seek to understand it. Understanding is the basic attitude we must have; we must pursue everything in the spiritual life with understanding, pursue everything with love, not with the yardstick of sympathy and antipathy.
Theosophy will offer an explanation of the Bible, an understanding of it again. Even something like the splitting of the creation account will bring it closer to human understanding again.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Origin of Evil 18 Jan 1907, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
And for those who deny the Divine, the existence of evil is easily one of the reasons for such denial. They say: How can one imagine a world under divine guidance where evil reigns in the most diverse forms? In any case, this question of evil intrudes mysteriously and disconcertingly into our lives.
This is an explanation of the concept that seems to shed light on our understanding. In modern times, the question of good and evil seems to be playing a role again, for example in the work of someone who has impressed many, many people, Nietzsche.
What a whole group is in the animal, man has for himself alone. To understand this, we need only consider the fact that a person has a biography, whereas an animal does not.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: Theosophy, Buddhism and Christianity 07 Mar 1907, Düsseldorf

Rudolf Steiner
Even more powerful are the impulses that affect the student in the secret schools who is undergoing spiritual training. It becomes completely clear to the person undergoing this spiritual training that there is what is called a spiritual core of being.
Thus Hermes gave the Egyptian people an image of the original wisdom, and the Rishis taught in a way that the ancient Indians could understand. This original wisdom was made understandable by Zarathustra for the Persian people, and it was Pythagoras who did the same for the Greeks.
That is why Theosophy is not a sect, but an instrument, a servant that leads to an understanding of the highest spiritual existence. That is why it is not unscientific, and precisely because Theosophy shows the common essence in Buddhism and Christianity and all other major religions, it is not a religious community at all, but an instrument for understanding every religion.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Parable of the Unjust Steward. Luke 16 09 Apr 1907, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and he who marries a widow commits adultery. (Luke 16:1-18) To understand this parable, it is first necessary to see where it is found; it is found in the Gospel of Luke.
The son who always stayed at home is less favored by the father than the “prodigal” son who has undergone the test, who has returned to the fatherland, who has been resurrected. This is a perfect expression of what grace means, which paves the way from a loving heart to another loving heart.
“Old times - new times.” It is now understandable that the Pharisees mocked, of whom it says, “They were greedy.” (Luke 16:14) The translation is not quite correct; it would be better to say, “They had a mammonistic attitude.”
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Bible and Wisdom 25 Apr 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
When the patriarchs are spoken of and their age is given in huge numbers, then we have to understand that these so-called patriarchs must be seen as representatives of tribes. The Bible students had been doing this for a long time, but they did not know what was actually behind it.
It had to be clothed in images for humanity at that time, because if the great spiritual leaders of humanity had expressed these truths in the form in which they are expressed today, they would not have been understood; they had to speak in images. Everything, absolutely everything, is in a state of development, including consciousness!
If we compare the meaning of the first three gospels, we find that a certain mood underlies them all. The Gospel of Luke points to the initiation school of the Essenes and therapists, which is why we find a certain social character in his parables.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Bible and Wisdom I 23 May 1907, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
It is a beautiful, great experience for the spiritual researcher to be able to say: As long as I stood in relation to doubt and rejection, I learned to understand it, then it became valuable to me again, then I looked into it again into tremendous depths. Then there is the point of view: Yes, I have understood a lot, but I still have to learn to understand much, much more. So you then find more and more that you understand, and you are surprised that you criticized some things earlier that you just did not understand, and that now it appears to you in a completely new light.
Then one is inclined to say: Through spiritual science I have come to understand some things, have learned to appreciate some things – there is much I do not yet understand, but now I no longer criticize, but wait quietly and patiently until I too will one day understand the rest.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Bible and Wisdom II 24 May 1907, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
Today, let us take a look at some specific facts that can illustrate this relationship to us, that can show us how, if we understand this relationship in this way, we can indeed arrive at a new understanding of this religious document. You will understand that it is impossible to even touch on such a broad subject in summary, considering all the things that could be considered.
Spiritual science points this out to us again. It points out to us, if we understand it correctly, what is called prophecy, that which underlies all of this. Only the initiate can and can clearly recognize this, but humanity can have a feeling for it, an awareness of it, since the appearance of Christ Jesus on earth.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Bible and Wisdom I 08 Jun 1907, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
Goethe was also familiar with this. Today, all this seems difficult to understand. We must realize that the spirit of materialism is not very intrusive where it appears as theoretical materialism.
Take geometry, this very ordinary school geometry. You can understand it from itself. You do not need to know how it came about. What does a schoolboy know about Euclid?
Then comes the time when the person says to himself, “Now you are beginning to understand some of it.” One comes to assume that where one cannot keep up, one just does not yet understand.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Bible and Wisdom II 09 Jun 1907, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
The true theosophist must first learn wisdom to understand the meaning of the Bible. 666 is composed of 400, 200, 60 and 6. This means or is called: Sorat.
Hermes had lived according to this prescription, and thus, when he described his life, he described what others had already experienced before him. We will better understand the matter if we understand the meaning of the stages: one was used to form the character, another brought the phenomena of the astral world closer, and others brought explorations of even higher worlds.
A new understanding of the Bible must now be opened up. I will give you a comparison here. In the Middle Ages, people swore by the books of Aristotle.
34. Reincarnation and Karma (GA 34): How Karma Works

Rudolf Steiner
I myself have been changed by them. Let us suppose that I have undertaken something in which I succeeded only partially. I have pondered on the reason for this partial failure.
Because he has a corporeal existence, the human being acts under the influence of impulses, desires, and passions. And these have a significance in two directions.
It brings with it the results of the experiences undergone in previous lives, transformed into the capacities of its being.—In order to realize the far-reaching character of this fact we need only elucidate the process by a single example.

Results 1961 through 1970 of 6282

˂ 1 ... 195 196 197 198 199 ... 629 ˃