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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1981 through 1990 of 6282

˂ 1 ... 197 198 199 200 201 ... 629 ˃
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Eduard von Hartmann

Rudolf Steiner
Anyone who has looked into the whole business can understand that this official philosophy could not have any effect on wider circles. Hermann Lotze had indeed attempted to describe a large, comprehensive body of ideas in his “Mikrokosmos” (1856-1864).
At the time, these writings also had no profound effect. And that is understandable, because they came at a time when the natural sciences had taken a significant upswing. In them, people believed they could find the only sure ground of “facts” that could be trusted.
If a person is clear about this, then he will give up all such striving. Now one could say, however, that under such conditions all existence is pointless; and the “philosophy of the unconscious” would therefore actually have to recommend to man the annihilation of his existence.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Life Questions: The Theosophical Movement I

Rudolf Steiner
[ 9 ] The conditions under which the Theosophical movement exists will be better understood than is often the case at present if we consider that the essence of it consists in the publication of some of those truths which were formerly regarded exclusively as so-called secret sciences.
However, there are still many people today who believe that what the intellect has not grasped is not understood at all. In contrast to this, it must be emphasized that not only the intellect is a cognitive faculty, but that one can also understand things through feeling, through imagination and through other soul forces.
In what happened in the most ancient times, the riddle of what the soul experiences today is solved; and from the way in which the most ancient has become the present, one understands what one is oneself: and from this understanding one can gain satisfaction of the mind and strength to act.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Life Questions: The Theosophical Movement II

Rudolf Steiner
And it is easy to understand why such a sense of disappointment arises in someone who finds that certain ideas he has formed about his progress are not at all applicable.
[ 9 ] If we now ask ourselves how, under present conditions, wider circles relate to these three paths, which lead to theosophy, we will soon become aware of many obstacles that stand in the way of unprejudiced understanding.
It is unfortunately only too true that the philosophy currently in vogue is not very suitable for leading to theosophy. And anyone who is under the authority of this philosophy has only an obstacle to understanding the higher worlds. [ 15 ] The latter fact in particular is bad for Theosophy.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Prejudices from Alleged Science

Rudolf Steiner
They point out that even today the cloudy sky outweighs the unclouded sky, so that life is still largely under the influence of sunlight that is weakened by cloud formation, so that one cannot say that life could not have developed in the former cloud cover.
“At the lowest levels of civilization, where people still feel very powerless and surrounded by sinister dangers at every turn, the feeling of fear and, accordingly, the belief in evil spirits and demons, understandably predominates. At higher levels, on the other hand, where a more mature understanding of the interrelationships of things and a greater power over them gives rise to a certain self-confidence and stronger hope, the feeling of trust in the invisible powers also comes to the fore, and with it the belief in good and benevolent spirits.
There is no help for anyone who wants to get involved in such “logic”. He may understand this logic with the sentence: “In our human ancestors, our ego used to live directly and it will also live on in our direct or indirect descendants” (Forel, “Leben an und Tod”, page 21).
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Memorandum about Friedrich August Wolf

Rudolf Steiner
However, he also showed that a mind that seeks to understand the nature of education must feel the need to solve the relevant questions not with general phrases, as is so often the case in educational science, but rather, as he must proceed, to survey the nature of the various stages of life in detail.
To be ennobled by religion, spiritual love, chivalry, respect for the female sex, bold, enthusiastic undertakings. 6. Reawakening of the arts and sciences with a reflective, critical spirit. At the grammar school.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: On Kant's Epistemology

Rudolf Steiner
To give just one example: what modifications did certain questions in physics undergo as a result of the discovery of the mechanical equivalent of heat and the law of the conservation of energy!
Dogmatic philosophy presupposes them as valid and simply applies them in order to arrive at knowledge corresponding to them; Kant presupposes them as valid and only asks himself: under what conditions can they be valid? What if they were not valid at all? Then Kant's edifice of doctrine lacks any foundation.
We may open the Critique of Pure Reason wherever we like, and we will find that all the investigations within it are conducted under the assumption of these dogmatic propositions. Cohen (“Kants Theorie der Erfahrung”, p. 90ff.) and Stadler (“Die Grundsätze der reinen Erkenntnistheorie in der Kantschen Philosophie”, p. 76£.) attempt to prove that Kant demonstrated the a priori nature of mathematical and pure scientific propositions.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Is there Such a Thing as Chance

Rudolf Steiner
Secondly, it is possible that the shared experience of the five hundred people has nothing to do with their karmic past, but that precisely through this shared experience something is being prepared that will bring them together karmically in the future. Perhaps these five hundred people will undertake a joint enterprise in the distant future, and the misfortune has brought them together for higher worlds.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: About Mental Illness

Rudolf Steiner
Answer: Modern medical science is certainly not aware of the lawful connections in higher worlds; but as far as the assertion mentioned is concerned, there is a truth underlying it. What is called mental illness and what is a disease of physical organs can only have its immediate origin in physical facts.
And for those who can see this connection, the following statement is absolutely correct: Man makes himself insane, that is, brain-sick, through his wrong thoughts. But one must first understand such a statement before criticizing it. And contemporary medicine – not all physicians, of course – lacks the means to understand it.
Merely condemning the medical profession and its materialism does not accomplish anything. The theosophist should understand why today's physicians cannot understand him, while he is perfectly capable of understanding these physicians.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: The Animal Soul and the Human Soul

Rudolf Steiner
In the case of animals, we are generally satisfied if we understand and describe the “species”. For example, who would want to write three biographies of a lion in the same way as of a human being, with father, son and grandson?
Otherwise, he would also have to conclude that a little goblin sits inside the clockwork that indicates the time, moving the hands forward, or inside the vending machine into which he throws ten cents and which “gives” him a bar of chocolate in return. It depends on where the spirit is that underlies a thing. The spirit of the clock must be sought in the clockmaker. The matter is somewhat less simple when we speak of the spirit of the animal.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: How does Buddha's Teaching Relate to Theosophy

Rudolf Steiner
A person can live in accordance with a world view without fully understanding it. Indeed, he will understand it better later if he has already lived in accordance with it.
Our great masters never tire of admonishing us again and again not to fall into rigid dogmatism, not to turn the search for wisdom into mere word wisdom. Under certain circumstances it is even un-theosophical to teach the Hindu or Buddhist formulas in the Occident.
Theosophy should not be Buddhist propaganda, but rather a help for everyone to achieve a true understanding of their own inner world.

Results 1981 through 1990 of 6282

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