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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1991 through 2000 of 6282

˂ 1 ... 198 199 200 201 202 ... 629 ˃
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Inheritance of Dispositions and Abilities

Rudolf Steiner
are directly inherited from parents to children?” If we have a correct understanding of the laws of reincarnation, rebirth and karma, there is no contradiction in what is expressed above.
To a lesser extent, what is bound to the so-called soul body can be inherited. This is to be understood as a certain disposition in the feelings. Whether one has a keen sense of sight, a well-developed sense of hearing, etc., can depend on whether the ancestors have acquired such qualities and passed them on to us.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Reincarnation in the Helpless Child

Rudolf Steiner
The following question is posed: “Can it be understood, according to the teachings of reincarnation and karma, that a highly developed human soul is reborn in a helpless, undeveloped child?
If he were to simply appear in a new life with everything he had acquired earlier, he would not fit into the surrounding world. He has acquired his abilities and powers under completely different circumstances in a completely different environment. If he simply wanted to enter the world in his former state, he would be a stranger in it.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Idiocy

Rudolf Steiner
A person was condemned in a previous life to lead a dull existence due to an underdeveloped brain. In the time between his death and a new birth, he was able to process all the depressing experiences of such a life, being pushed around, the lack of love of people, and he was reborn as a true genius of charity.
Just as the balance of a merchant is determined by the figures in his cash book, but he can always make new purchases and sales, so new deeds, strokes of fate, etc. can always occur in a person's life, even though his life account is a very specific one at every moment. Therefore, karma should not be understood as an unalterable fate of man, as a fatum, but it is entirely compatible with freedom, with the will of man.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Why does the Theosophist Need Teachings

Rudolf Steiner
but wants to lump everything together into the vague concept of “plant”. God can only recognize those who understand the world, and self-knowledge can only be attained by those who want to recognize the things around them, both sensual and supersensual.
Let us therefore repeat less that theosophy is the consciousness of the unity of God with man, and let us seek to understand more of the secrets of the world, that is, of the divine workings in things. In this way we will also become more modest than if we always emphasize our consciousness of the God-man in us.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Theosophy and the Occult Science

Rudolf Steiner
They were cultivated in the so-called secret schools. Only those who underwent certain tests could learn something from them. They were always only told as much as corresponded to their intellectual, spiritual and moral abilities.
Otherwise they remain something that “one can believe and also not believe”. Properly understood, theosophical truths will give man a true basis for life, let him recognize his value, his dignity and essence, give him the highest courage to exist.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: The Cult of Personality

Rudolf Steiner
The listener or reader says of the truth: Yes, through what is communicated to me I can understand the facts of nature and life; but if what is said were not true, these facts would remain incomprehensible to me.
Anyone who does not appeal to the intellect of his listeners or readers, but demands personal cult or blind faith in authority, has not understood the essence of occultism. There is no better way to recognize that someone is an occultist than by demanding such blind faith or personal recognition.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Should one Refrain from all Criticism

Rudolf Steiner
The following question has been put to me: “It is often said that a person who is undergoing training in the esoteric sense should refrain from all criticism. Does this also mean that all just criticism of real bad deeds by people is to be avoided?
Abstaining from criticism does not at all imply that you should pass by the bad, evil, etc. with indifference, and that you should leave everything as it is. You should only try to understand the bad to the same extent as you understand the good. By understanding the causes, you will even be best prepared for the work of improvement. It is not blindness to evil that is useful, but understanding tolerance. The third of the four first sayings in “Light on the Path” expresses most clearly what is to be said about this: “Before the masters the voice can speak, the wounding must unlearn it.”
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Theosophy Misleading

Rudolf Steiner
However, what is usually called theosophy is not concerned with the actual science of God, but with the nature of man, reincarnation, karma and so on.” The word is not misleading if it is understood correctly. It does not mean “science of God”. Theosophy differs from ordinary science not in the subject matter it deals with, but in the way it arrives at its ideas.
What then comes out through them can contradict science just as little as the statements of a seeing person about an object can contradict the information that a blind person makes about this object on the basis of the sense of touch. If scientists were willing to understand this, they would no longer fight against the theosophical worldview. They would realize that they cannot reject its results any more than a blind person can reject the information of a sighted person about the world of colors.
People should learn from such examples. They should understand that objections may have no value at all under certain circumstances. Such objections can always be made by the person who has taken a higher standpoint and then lowers himself to a lower one.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Theosophy and Astrology

Rudolf Steiner
However, everything that deals with these things is inaccessible to common thinking, even when it is written in books. For to understand these, a deep intuition is needed. And what has been written down by teachers who themselves did not understand the real teachings, is of course not exactly suitable for giving people who are caught up in the current way of thinking a favorable opinion of astrology. But it must be said that even such books on astrology are not completely worthless. For the less people understand what they are copying, the better they write it down. They do not then spoil it by their own wisdom.
It is not surprising that people who have no idea of what Goethe is getting at are also completely unable to understand the sources of theosophical teachings. It is precisely the study of such valuable writings as Goethe's “Metamorphosis of Plants”, for example, that could serve as an excellent preparation for theosophy.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Can Theosophy be Popular

Rudolf Steiner
It will find ways and means to speak to every level of education. For it can find a form that is understandable to the simple, naive person, as well as one that satisfies the strictest demands of the scientific thinker. But one thing must not be overlooked. Often, when the difficulty of understanding theosophical teachings is mentioned, it is not because they are intrinsically difficult to understand, but because the present-day world of ideas feels alienated by what the theosophists put forward.
One should not only demand that spiritual teachings be adapted to the understanding that one has at the time, but one should feel the obligation to adapt oneself to these teachings.

Results 1991 through 2000 of 6282

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