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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1971 through 1980 of 6282

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Reincarnation and Karma (GA 34): Answers to Some Questions Concerning Karma

Rudolf Steiner
The laws of karma, however, belong to higher worlds. Therefore, if we try to understand an event which meets the human being as being brought about by karma in the same way in which justice is applied in the purely earthly-physical life, then we must of necessity run up against contradictions. We must realize that a common experience which several people undergo in the physical world may, in the higher world, mean something completely different for each individual person among them.
Question: “Is it possible to understand, according to the law of reincarnation and karma, how a highly developed human soul can be reborn in a helpless, undeveloped child?
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Lucifer

Rudolf Steiner
It was said of this Doctor Faust that he “put the Holy Scriptures behind the door and under the bench for a while... he did not want to be called a theologian again, became a man of the world, and called himself a doctor of medicine.
Those who listen to such words do not know how to interpret the signs of the times. And even less are they able to understand the demands of the struggling human spirit. It is not important that there are still millions today who feel satisfied by such talk.
Indeed, they had to become believers if they understood their wisdom correctly. For their wisdom became a “glad tidings” for them. It told them of the divine origin of the world and of man.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Initiation and Mysteries

Rudolf Steiner
The soul capacities of the developed mystic are related to those of the undeveloped human being in the same way that human eyes are related to the eyes of an ape. It is understandable that those who are not mystics understand the soul nature of the mystic as little as an animal can understand the thinking of a human being.
For it makes sense to communicate to a person only that which he can understand; or, in other words, to communicate it to him only when he has acquired the conditions for understanding.
And just as the eye becomes powerless in the face of the source of light, so human understanding becomes powerless in the face of the original sources of wisdom. This understanding fails at first.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: The Human Aura

Rudolf Steiner
According to this school, an organism has been understood when the complicated physical and chemical processes that take place within it have been understood.
Clear thinking should have prevented this struggle. For just as no one should dispute that one understands a clock once one has grasped the mechanism of its parts, so too a clear-thinking representative of the life force could not object to the claim that one understands the organism in this sense scientifically if one knows the effectiveness of its substances and forces.
[ 37 ] The threefold aura is to be understood from these three members of the soul. For through these three members it becomes understandable that the inner life of man suffers influences from two sides.
34. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914: Theosophical Congress in Munich

Rudolf Steiner
Therefore, the following should be taken with a grain of salt, as a mere description of the underlying ideas. Munich was chosen as the venue; the time was the days of Pentecost, May 18, 19, 20 and 21, 1907.
For the spiritual basis of this movement cannot be called upon to express itself only in thoughts and ideas, in theories, etc.; rather, as a content of the soul that has emerged in our time, it can have a fruitful effect on all branches of human activity. Theosophy can only be properly understood if we set it the ideal of stimulating not only the imagination and the human soul, but the whole human being.
Edouard Schuré's truly mystical drama “The Children of Lucifer” is a shining example of how a world view striving for the heights of knowledge is completely transformed into artistic figures. Only a mind of this kind could undertake what Schuré did, to resurrect the “sacred drama” of Eleusis before the soul and the eye of the present man.
34. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914: Presidential Election

Rudolf Steiner
For it is, after all, a matter of internal Society business; and this journal is to be devoted to objective Theosophical work and administrative questions only insofar as these are related to that work. However, under the present circumstances, I cannot fully implement this point of view. This election matter stirs up so many things, and has already caused so much discussion, that it would be badly received from many quarters if I were to remain completely silent on the subject.
Besant in the March issue of The Theosophical Review on the Society's foundations. This article could be understood to contain nothing more than the following. The Theosophical Society requires its members to recognize the universal brotherhood of mankind.
The writer of these lines must confess that he regarded this essay as a correct, even self-evident expression of an occultist attitude, and that he assumed that other Theosophists also think so, until the April number of the Theosophical Review, in which it is said from many sides and repeated endlessly that such an attitude is the height of immorality and must undermine all good morals in society. And again and again the refrain, spoken or unspoken: can someone who preaches such immorality be president of a decent society?
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: What Does Theosophy Mean for People Today

Rudolf Steiner
This science has armed the eye so that it can look into the farthest regions of the stars; it has made innumerable living beings visible in the smallest drop; it has conquered the globe with its natural forces and treasures. It is therefore understandable that it is able to exercise a tremendous power, and it is to be expected that this power will grow in the future.
If the religious documents did not express wisdom in its most direct and original form, but clothed it in images and stories, it was because it was thus more accessible to people at a certain level of understanding than in the form of pure concepts. They had to speak to the emotions and the imagination, because these attain their perfection before reason.
[ 12 ] Thus, if properly understood, the theosophical spiritual tradition can fulfill the most necessary mission in today's spiritual life.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Theosophy as a Way of Life

Rudolf Steiner
From this point of view, the theosophical attitude will not lead to aloofness from the world, but to active participation in life, indeed to the noblest and most understanding practice. For its arena is not a workshop in which material products are delivered, but life itself, as it takes place between human beings.
Such “questions” arise from all areas of life: the social question, the legal question, the women's question, the educational and school question, the health and nutrition question, etc. The underlying cause of all this is that certain conditions in life must be newly regulated. And a fundamental difference from earlier times is that such regulations must now be brought about with the participation of the individual.
The theosophical way of thinking is not only not far removed from the practical questions of life when it is understood in the right light, but it rather strives for the only possible practice. Only those who do not want to look beyond the narrowest circle can deny the practical sense of such a direction in life.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Theosophy Morality and Health

Rudolf Steiner
The more one penetrates into them, the more they become effective forces in the soul. If one understands theosophy correctly, this is what is meant when one says that mere knowledge, theoretical understanding, is not what matters, but life.
[ 10 ] Another objection raised against the “Theosophical Society” is the difficulty of understanding its teachings, which are said to be accessible only to people with a certain level of education.
What this school of thought has to proclaim can, if the right forms of expression are found, be understood by everyone. Indeed, nowhere is it possible to find the right form of expression for every level of education or life experience to the same extent as here.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Theosophy and Science

Rudolf Steiner
It is not going too far to say that there is currently no greater obstacle to understanding theosophical claims than the possession of a doctorate. [ 2 ] This, however, is detrimental to the spread of Theosophy. For it is only too understandable that anyone who does not fully understand things will be taken aback by such a fact. And so it is not always out of malice that it is said: you theosophists only attract the uneducated classes; you are unable to win over people who are at the 'height of science'.
One must first free oneself from it if one wants to understand the clairvoyant researcher. One must become free of the thought habits created by “science” and its common prejudices.

Results 1971 through 1980 of 6282

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