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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1941 through 1950 of 6282

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67. The Eternal human Soul: The Questions of Free Will and Immortality 20 Apr 1918, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
One realises once that the human being develops his free thinking because he does not straight continue the development in the head, but that the development must become retrograde to unfold thinking. Then one will understand the connection of the human organisation and thinking. One will understand how thinking intervenes in the organisation, that, however, the human organisation must be decomposed first, so that it can intervene.
The question of immortality will be much more important in future because one recognises that life is to be understood here as a continuation of something spiritual-mental. The first that one discovers as an unaware Inspiration is thinking which is based on the retrograde development.
However, every spiritual researcher knows that that who settles in spiritual science can get to an understanding of the things. Truth finds its way—as a spirited German thinker said—through the human development even through the narrowest scratches and rock crevices; it finds the way to humanity.
67. Manifestations of the Unconscious 21 Mar 1918, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Everyone who is to some extent eager for knowledge and has realised how useful a true understanding of reality can be to human life desires to familiarise himself with the content of Spiritual Science as presented here.
The same may be said of the contention that thinking must be in strict keeping with that of natural science and surrender completely to the conceptions arising from it. Although, understandably enough, modern people claim to be free from any tendency to believe in authority, they are very inclined, under certain conditions, to do so.
I cannot speak in greater detail today of how that which as a bodily function underlies the normal life of ideation arises through part of the organism being lifted out of the sphere of purely animal life, of the processes of growth, digestion, metabolism and so forth.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Major Theosophical Teachings 17 Apr 1903, Weimar

Rudolf Steiner
Nor should one believe in a different inheritance from generation to generation, because often siblings are fundamentally different in their individuality and even twin brothers, who were under the same organic influence, would be endowed with the most divergent character traits. The spirit or individuality in man has emerged from the primal soul and in the words “from God to God” lies the content of all wisdom. The origin and purpose of all existence is the core that underlies all religious knowledge. Everything that exists has emerged from the primal power and carries the divine essence within itself; from this view arises the individual continuation of the soul, which today is called immortality.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: Theosophy and the Scientific Spirit of the Present 20 Apr 1903, Weimar

Rudolf Steiner
Following on from the two lectures already given, the lecturer undertook to sketch out a comparative and concordant picture of theosophy and natural science for the numerous listeners who had again turned up, and the following is reproduced from this topic: In my previous lectures I have already tried to show that the great mystery surrounding us is nothing more than the lawfulness, the logical consequence of all research that has been and is being undertaken to fathom the mystery.
Exactly the same developments that the physical body of man has undergone over a long period of time, exactly the same further developments the human spirit undergoes. It is a perfect process that takes place from personality to personality.
The researcher Bunge also cites a number of examples to show that only activity has caused the further development of the human soul. However, for all those who want to understand human life, deep self-observation is essential. From this arises the realization that everything that happens around us in the universe is activity (karma) and not matter.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Pilgrimage of the Soul 20 Nov 1903, Weimar

Rudolf Steiner
It passes through the “Land of Desire” (Kamaloka), in order to bring its desires into right harmony with the whole world; it passes further through a purer spiritual world, in which it can bring to maturity the thinking ability it has developed in itself in the struggle with the world. Then it returns for a new incarnation, to undergo earthly change again for some time and to gather new experiences for its higher development. Thus the spiritual soul makes its pilgrimage through many embodiments until the earthly destiny is fulfilled and all human spirits are led over to a new, even higher existence in a world whose sublimity the present human being cannot imagine.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: World Law and Human Destiny: A Christmas Reflection 11 Dec 1903, Weimar

Rudolf Steiner
Only by placing oneself in the position of the great law of spiritual causes and effects, which brings about a balance in the many lives of the human spirit that can never be understood in one life, can one arrive at a solution to this apparent injustice in the world. Not only the theosophists of the present day know that the human spirit does not embody itself only once, but many times, but deeper spirits of all times have professed this view.
Just as this solstice brings light again, so the Son of God brought spiritual light by showing that man progresses towards perfection and by exemplifying this perfection himself. From the sounds of Christmas, if we understand the true meaning, we hear the goal of human development resound: the former harmony between world law and human destiny.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: Theosophy, Buddhism, Spiritism 26 Feb 1904, Weimar

Rudolf Steiner
Steiner was able to give his audience a better understanding of the Buddhist point of view, without, however, refuting too sharply the accusation made against the theosophical movement of engaging in Buddhist propaganda.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: Theosophy in the Gospels — An Easter Reflection 25 Mar 1904, Weimar

Rudolf Steiner
That is why Peter said in reference to the gospel in relation to the earlier mythical popular religions: “We have proclaimed to you the power and the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, not following carefully thought-out myths, but as eyewitnesses of his glory.” (2 Peter 1:16) The speaker then gave a full explanation of the “miracle of Lazarus” to show how Jesus himself first underwent an initiation in the sense of the old mysteries. Only those who understand this account of the resurrection of Lazarus recognize that it is an Easter of the spirit, not an ordinary death, but the death of the sensual man in whom the spiritual man is awakened.
One must only have prepared oneself through theosophy to really understand the deep “spirit” of the words of the scriptures. What the ancient myths have hinted at in pictures, the story of the suffering and resurrection of the Son of God has presented as an historical fact to all of humanity.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Relationship of the Germanic Peoples to Christianity 26 Jul 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
/gap] with such an intellectual culture, but with one that shows that this people had developed character traits that distinguish them significantly from others. Europe has undergone many glaciations. Once there were hot, tropical times there, then the great ice ages. Undoubtedly the ancestors of the Germanic peoples went through the last great glaciation, and under this influence something developed that is different in skull structure...
The inheritance of what has emerged from the most diverse currents is still contained, and if we understand how we have become, we understand how we have to look into the future. Only when we understand what we live in can we continue to build. Thus we will understand how we come to the views, to the material goods under which we live today, which make up our joys and sufferings.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: On the Essence of Christianity 23 Jan 1905, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
And these enlightened ones, who are known to us under various names – especially under the name of the Gnostics – applied all the wisdom they had acquired, all their knowledge, to answering the one question: to solve the riddle of Christianity.
— At the time, it was felt that one had to be mature to understand; one had to wait with the final, conclusive judgment so as not to make it without wisdom. First, one must have the wisdom in one's mind and heart that enlightens reason and enables it to reach a clear understanding.
(John 1:14) He is the Word made flesh. We learn to understand it by comparing it with the teachings of other religions. The deeper we penetrate into the understanding of all religions, the more we find the same teachings in them.

Results 1941 through 1950 of 6282

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