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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 21 through 30 of 6282

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154. The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path: Understanding the Spiritual World II 12 May 1914, Berlin
Translated by Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner
The articles and clichés are passed on from one paper to the next and are translated into every language, and in each language another distortion and more stupidity are added. Of course, it is not hard to understand what happens when the aims of our serious and sincere spiritual science clash with what the outer world can understand.
It is important that we be aware how deep our understanding for the tasks of spiritual science in the world must be. You may want to ask why we could not continue to work with our concepts modestly and anonymously even among those who cannot understand us, as we did before we started the building in Dornach.
What matters is that we should have a proper appreciation for and understanding of our cause in our hearts. I do not say this to accuse or criticize anyone, but to remind you once again how earnestly we must try to understand the new that is to grow in us to counterbalance what comes from the world outside, particularly in the opinions of other people.
253. Community Life, Inner Development, Sexuality and the Spiritual Teacher: The Philosophy of Psychoanalysis as Illuminated by an Anthroposophical Understanding of the Human Being 16 Sep 1915, Dornach
Translated by Catherine E. Creeger

Rudolf Steiner
For the time being, let me just say that we must leave the physical body and undergo a higher form of development in order to achieve an understanding of structures corresponding to physical human nature during the Saturn stage.
That's how we can come to clarity on this issue. Only after we have completely understood everything we have discussed today can our understanding be allowed to lead to name-calling. When we call psychoanalysis a smutty theory, that obviously really is name-calling; however, our insight into the objective fact of the matter is what compels us to call it by this name.
Those who have gone through a real struggle to understand what psychoanalysis actually is can freely call it a smutty theory without losing their objectivity.
236. Karmic Relationships II: Understanding Karmic Connections 30 May 1924, Dornach
Translated by George Adams, Mabel Cotterell, Charles Davy, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
The ability to perceive karmic connections in human life demands a clear understanding of laws and conditions of existence with which, generally speaking, the man of modern times is entirely unfamiliar.
In an epoch, for example, when a prophetic being was venerated under the name of ‘Elisha’, girls were sometimes named ‘Elisa-beth’, that is to say, the ‘house of Elisha’.
You have only to picture it to yourselves, entering into it with the right feeling and understanding. Imagine now that you are observing the manifestations of destiny in the life of a human being.
224. The Waking of the Human Soul and the Forming of Destiny: The Need for Understanding The Christ 29 Apr 1923, Prague
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
One of those who struggled out of the character of that period toward an understanding of Christianity is to be seen in Augustine. In this Augustine we see a spirit who could no longer understand the ancient form of the conception of nature.
Just as little conception did these ancient times have of mere matter; on the contrary, spirit existed in everything. This was something that Augustine could not understand. What Gnosis understood, and what was no longer understood later; what our own period does not at all understand,—this is true: no matter exists of itself; this was known by the Manicheans and they beheld the descent of Christ in the light of this view.
What occurred on Golgotha is not merely an event that has laid hold upon the physical, earthly history of humanity, but also a spiritual event. No one can understand the Event of Golgotha who does not understand it in the spirit. Anthroposophical spiritual science, therefore, is at the same time preparation for a new understanding of the Christ and of the Mystery of Golgotha.
273. The Problem of Faust: Faust's Knowledge and Understanding of Himself and of the Forces Actually Slumbering in Man 17 Jan 1919, Dornach
Translated by George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
These deities of primeval peoples appear primitive to man today—mere idols. This is so because modern man has no understanding for idols. This is so because modern man has no understanding for all that flows out of elemental forces.
And, we ask, does he know at all how Homunculus is to become man? Nereus has indeed understanding, even to the point of prophetic clairvoyance; and he makes noble use of this understanding, but even so does not really succeed in reaching what is innermost in the human being.
He uses the microscope; he examines the germ-cell under the microscope, before it is fertilised, after it is fertilised, and so on. He has no feeling that what he thus examines in the smallest object under the microscope is constantly before his eyes in the macrocosm.
The Ideas Behind the Building of the Goetheanum: The Artistic Impulses Underlying the Building Idea 09 Oct 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
In today's lecture, my task will be to contribute something to the understanding of what lies in the artistic impulses that carry the building idea of Dornach, in order to then develop this building idea in more detail in the next of these lectures.
These mystery dramas have been seen and experienced down to the last word, down to the tone of voice, as they stand, and the one who introduces allegorization does not understand them. He cannot really bring out the measure of super-sensibility that lies in them, for he only imprints the intellectual concepts into what should actually be experienced in the artistic sense.
If one continues in this feeling and sensing, then one comes to understand how, through having different feelings for the head than for the rest of the organism, one experiences something as a sculptor that is neither gravity nor vertically acting buoyancy nor even spreading force.
289. The Ideas Behind the Building of the Goetheanum: The Artistic Impulses Underlying the Building Idea 29 Jun 1921, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
Someone who has never heard of Christianity naturally does not understand the Sistine Madonna either. And someone who has no sense of Christianity would never understand the Last Supper in Milan in the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie.
Man is always the balance between these two. We do not understand the human being if we do not see in him the balance between these two, the Luciferic and the Ahrimanic.
The building may rightly call itself the “Goetheanum” for the reason that precisely such a Goethean understanding of nature also strives for an understanding of the world. Goethe says: Art is a special way of revealing the secrets of nature, which could never be revealed without art.
243. True and False Paths in Spiritual Investigation: What is the Position in Respect of Spiritual Investigation and the Understanding of Spiritual Investigation? 22 Aug 1924, Torquay
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
It is essential to realize that we must not immediately undertake investigations into the spiritual world; but on the other hand if we do not adopt undesirable practices, such as experimenting with karma when there is no karmic necessity, or with mediums whose procedure we do not understand; and if we rely upon the everyday consciousness, which is the right condition of consciousness for this world, then we will attain to a perfect understanding of the communications of Initiation Science.
How can we expect to recognize Cosmic Man if we have not first prepared ourselves to understand Cosmic Man as he really is! It is precisely out of this understanding of the Cosmic Man that Christology can grow. Thus you see how true paths lead into the spiritual world, to a knowledge of birth and death and of the relationship of the human organism to the Cosmos, to the recognition of evil and to knowledge of Christ, the Cosmic Man. All this can be understood, when it is presented in such a way that the various aspects are shown to support each other. And the best means of finding one's own way into the spiritual world is through understanding and by meditating upon what is understood.
218. Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy II: The Art of Teaching from an Understanding of the Human Being 20 Nov 1922, London
Translated by Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch, Roland Everett

Rudolf Steiner
If people have not risen to a genuine comprehension of the spirit, how can they learn to understand the soul? They can gain understanding of the soul only by understanding the expressions and activities of their own soul.
You can feel yourself to be above children and think that you are wise and children are dumb. You might feel that children cannot understand what you, in your wisdom, can understand about the immortality of the soul, so you will create a picture for them.
Selflessness and a true desire to deepen your understanding of human nature, and gaining a true understanding of humanity—these are the basic elements of genuine teaching.
330. The Reorganization of the Social Organism: The Path to Psychic Experiences and Knowledge as a Basis for a Real Understanding of People 09 Jul 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Then the human being knows that he develops ideas, that he has emotions, that he has a will that drives him to action – in short, the human being knows that something lives in his consciousness, underlying the will, underlying the emotions or feelings, underlying the ideas. But when he then reflects, “What is the relationship between what I think, feel and will, between the content of my inner soul life and my outer life?”
The spiritual researcher will have to speak of the struggles he had to undergo in two directions. For many people today, these struggles are in an abstract world, but only for the faith of these many people.
I will have to speak about what arises from the basis of such a soul life, which is capable of understanding from common sense that what I have said today is based on truth, about necessities for the social development of the present and the near future.

Results 21 through 30 of 6282

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