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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: How to Understand Illness and Death 29 Oct 1906, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner of Berlin gave three theosophical lectures at Café Luitpold. The first dealt with the topic: “How do we understand illness and death?” After a general introduction about the theosophical views of the human being, the relationship between the inner life and spiritual forces and the physical body, their gradual manifestation in the different age groups, the speaker explained how the saying is proved: nature has invented death in order to have much life.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: How Do We Understand Illness and Death? 21 Jan 1907, Nuremberg

Rudolf Steiner
Hartmann says that man is so constituted that at a certain time in his life he loses his understanding of his environment, and a younger generation must follow that has this understanding. Man would be a stranger within the world if he were not taken away. — You see, again nothing substantial!
The Bible is a strange book of secrets, and those who think they understand it best usually penetrate its spirit the least. We shall gain a better insight into our subject and a better understanding of it if we first try to understand it entirely from the mind of its author and from the thinking of the people from whose circle the Apostle Paul grew, the ancient Hebrew scholars. In this context, “sin” means something quite different from what we call moral transgression today. And anyone who understands sin in the way that it is understood in today's church doctrine does not understand this word.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: Understanding People (Brentano and Nietzsche) 16 Jul 1922,

Rudolf Steiner
Here we shall not go into the relationship that Brentano, in his way, finds between Jesus and Nietzsche, but only into Brentano's absolute rejection of the whole of Nietzsche's way of thinking. As understandable as this rejection may be for someone who knows the natures of both personalities, it is just as significant as an expression of a significant phenomenon of our time: the lack of understanding in general with which people today can face each other, who draw their education from the culture of the time.
But anyone who looks at certain social facts of today's life with an open mind can see that an immense amount will depend on an understanding accommodation of the most diverse individual views for the progress of civilized humanity, especially in the near future.
Recognition of the spiritual world will bring understanding of the human being; doubt in the paths of knowledge into the spiritual breaks the bridges from soul to soul.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: Why Has What is to be Understood By The Theosophical Movement Been Presented Within The Theosophical Society Until Now? 14 Dec 1911, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Over the years, I have tried hard to create an understanding for everything that arises as a kind of consequence of feelings and emotions. No one, if they analyze conscientiously, will be able to say that I have treated society differently than in terms of the consequences of the facts at the time.
And since that time, reversing the facts has been rampant in a strange way. It is difficult to make it understood what this reversal means. At the time, people said: Yes, many people will leave because of the disunity!
You then arrive at the place where you are invited and the host says: I don't want to know anything about that person, it's none of my business. Yes, how should we understand such a thing? As a kind of insult to your personality. There is hardly any other way. If you introduce someone to someone else who is valuable to you, and the other person rejects them, it is not possible.
91. Inner and Outer Evolution: Helpful Concepts for Understanding Ancient Legends and the New Testament 19 Aug 1904, Graal

Rudolf Steiner
But they have an occult power which acts on people, and with fidelity they reproduce sayings of a depth which can only be an expression of what is called the highest wisdom. [... ] As long as occultism was at the bottom of religion, the stone kingdom was regarded as that which is most perfect; the plant has only a small part of Kama in itself, but it has it nevertheless; animal and man are filled with it; the chaste, desireless of the crystal was put up as an ideal to the disciple; the human intellect serves desire, concupiscence; it is therefore not perfect at its present stage, it serves the special being, while the mineral emerges from the general nature and dissolves into the general. As the emblem of man striving for understanding, one has considered the serpents - Naga - who brought understanding to men, [they were] therefore called seducers, since they brought with understanding the freedom to choose between good and evil.
Again by an initiate, Heracles is an initiate - descends into the underworld. Everywhere we find similar Prometheus sagas, with the remarkable addition that through spiritual wisdom, through an initiate, comes redemption.
91. Inner and Outer Evolution: Helpful Concepts for Understanding the New Testament 20 Aug 1904, Graal

Rudolf Steiner
Let us read further at the crucifixion: “Woman, behold your son.” All this can only be understood by the researcher of secrets: the people of an initiate are referred to as his mother. At the same time, he has outgrown his people, he arises from them but grows beyond them. Here we, as 'mother', must understand the Jewish people. Mary of Magdala represents the part of the people who believe in him because of his miracles; 'Cleophas' wife' represents the part of the people who feel Jewish.
91. Inner and Outer Evolution: Helpful Concepts for Understanding the Days of the Week 21 Aug 1904, Graal

Rudolf Steiner
186. The Fundamental Social Demand of Our Times: Understand One-Another 21 Dec 1918, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
And if we would gather up into a single sentence what has been passing through our souls in recent weeks—then we may say: It is necessary for men to strive ever more and more for a full mutual understanding. This quest of a true mutual understanding among men coincides with what we explained yesterday as to the fundamental impulse underlying what we here call Anthroposophical Spiritual Science.
He must recognize that the same thing must now need to be undertaken on the path of the Spirit as has hitherto been undertaken on the path of Nature. Only so can the path of Nature be saved from its aberration into a purely Ahrimanic realm.
Yet this will only happen in our time if we have the will really to understand this life all the Earth over, to understand it as it works in man himself. Moreover we can only understand the single human being if we understand the character of human groupings.
196. Some Conditions for Understanding Supersensible Experiences 18 Jan 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Something else, for example, might come about. The Ahrimanic Powers, which under the influence of the impulses working in men to-day are becoming extremely strong, might succeed in preventing earth-evolution in a certain respect.
The moment untruthfulness asserts itself, the super-sensible experiences fade away without being understood. People are never willing to believe this, but it is a fact. The first requirement for understanding the super-sensible world is the most scrupulous veracity in regard to the experiences of the senses.
Whenever things are said from the standpoint of a kind of thinking that has nothing whatever to do with the sense-world, but in complete freedom creates out of intuitions, people do not understand it. My Philosophy of Spiritual Activity was not understood because it can be grasped only by one who is intent upon unfolding really free thoughts, one who is truly and in a new sense a ‘Master of the Liberal Arts’.
154. The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path: Understanding the Spiritual World I 18 Apr 1914, Berlin
Translated by Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner
To this day, this has been extremely difficult for many people to understand. That is why they speak of Christ as only a great cosmic teacher. For those who really understand the full significance of Christ, this is simply nonsense.
As soon as it is examined, everything becomes understandable. One does not need clairvoyance for this; our ordinary understanding is enough to really grasp and comprehend all this gradually—of course, “gradually” will be inconvenient for some people.
The more advanced soul is clearly the one that comes to sound judgments out of its ordinary understanding—and this ordinary understanding is completely sufficient to grasp spiritual science if one is free of preconceived notions.

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