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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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301. The Renewal of Education: Understanding the Human Being: A Foundation for Education 22 Apr 1920, Basel
Translated by Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch

Rudolf Steiner
All education has the task of placing itself consciously in human development, but we cannot do that without a thorough understanding of the human being, an understanding that spiritual science can give to a renewed natural science.
What actually occurs within the human being? We can understand this only when we have a detailed understanding of certain interactions within the human being.
Such things are nearly all lost. Materialism has nearly lost an understanding of the physical organs, particularly those of the human being. How can we work with a human being if we are not in a position to understand what the human being is physically?
191. Meditatively Acquired Knowledge of Man: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge 04 Oct 1919, Dornach
Translated by T. Van Vliet, Pauline Wehrle, Karla Kiniger

Rudolf Steiner
Now which of man's forces are supersensible and which are subsensible? All the forces connected with understanding are supersensible, that is, everything we make use of for understanding. And these are the same forces that also form our head.
If the child absorbs something that reaches beyond his understanding, purely because of the infectious quality of his teacher's enthusiasm, he will not yet understand what he has taken in, as people say in superficial life.
Comparing this with our present day consciousness it would be like learning that man consists of carbohydrates, protein and so on—these are our constituents and they undergo such and such changes inside our body, and we cannot eat before we have understood this; for we do not eat in a physiological sense until we understand it.
261. How the Spiritual World Interpenetrates the Physical: How Does One Gain Understanding of the Spiritual World I 09 May 1914, Karlsruhe
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
To form a proper judgment of all this, we must understand clearly that the moment we turn to the study of spiritual life, we immediately have to consider what is called human fellowship.
If with reference to anything that happens to us in the physical world we could but succeed in finding the spiritual causes of some stroke of fate or misfortune, we should look beyond it, and understand that what seems supremely sad may be understood at the fount of Cosmic Wisdom. We must emphasize this over and over again. It does not alter the fact that much suffering may come to us; but it does alter our attitude to it, we do not sink under it and shut ourselves egotistically in our sorrow, or withdraw from the world's life, which we certainly ought not to do.
261. How the Spiritual World Interpenetrates the Physical: How Does One Gain Understanding of the Spiritual World II 10 May 1914, Karlsruhe
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
For this reason Christ came to earth. Greater and greater must our understanding of this Christ become. What we gather from our anthroposophical knowledge, what we try to understand about the evolution of the world and of humanity, about the higher worlds and the Hierarchies in those worlds, really brings us at the last to understand more and more the Christ-Impulse which is within us, but which may also remain hidden within us, as do many other things which we do not attempt to understand or to experience.
Anyone who, with a truly open mind, approaches the most daring teachings of Anthroposophy can understand and grasp them. Souls have not passed through their former incarnations in vain; they can find within their souls the inward spiritual language wherewith to understand what the spiritual investigators say.
We can quite understand that this is now only possible for the few, and can understand why. It is because spiritual scientific development is only at its beginning; it has not yet produced in souls the capacities and powers that can act freely.
191. Social Understanding from a Spiritual-Scientific Perspective: First Lecture 03 Oct 1919, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
But what is perhaps more urgently to be taken into account is that more and more people are also speaking out and saying that it is necessary to create an anthroposophical foundation for the personal understanding of the idea of threefolding. The idea of threefolding would be much better understood if an anthroposophical basis were created.
We have experienced historical novels, folk novels, folk novellas in which people who understood nothing about the people For example, Berthold Auerbach or similar authors – who understood nothing about the people – described the way the people were or are, and what came from this side was then accepted as an occupation, a cognitive occupation with the people.
For the anthroposophical understanding, namely the earlier so-called theosophical understanding, has always stopped at this question.
191. Social Understanding from a Spiritual-Scientific Perspective: Third Lecture 05 Oct 1919, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Natural science comprehends only that in which man is not present. One can never understand social forces and social activity in terms of natural science concepts. One can only understand social activity through the kind of light thinking that comes from the feeling that we have as world citizens.
And in our age, we live in a phase of human development in which we must properly understand precisely this fact. If you look at the newer natural science, you will find that it imparts to you all kinds of physical, actually only physical things.
It just so happened that I had this discussion with this Catholic theologian under the well-known Raphael painting, the so-called 'Disputa'. The conversation led me to try to exemplify something from the 'Disputa'.
191. Social Understanding from a Spiritual-Scientific Perspective: Eighth Lecture 18 Oct 1919, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
As long as you entertain the belief that what is out there is an external thing and what is in there is an internal thing, you cannot come to what I always call: understanding spiritual-scientific facts through common sense; because spiritual-scientific facts can only be understood if you take an unbiased look at them.
But only if one can acquire such seen ideas, not those that can be “proven”, but such seen ideas, then one again gets the possibility to understand the spiritual-scientific achievements through common sense. Because what we want arises in a certain way from the most external.
But hidden in our outermost being is a spiritual element that underlies the inner being, which is not readily accessible to people. And what happens in there, the spiritual - of course not what happens physically, but what goes parallel to this physical as a spiritual - that is not a present moment.
191. Social Understanding from a Spiritual-Scientific Perspective: Ninth Lecture 19 Oct 1919, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
It becomes understanding of karma. This means that we have now reached the epoch in the world-historical process of human development in which humanity must acquire social understanding; for this social understanding provides an understanding of karma for the next incarnation. But no human being can acquire social understanding other than by acquiring understanding for the spiritual. You see how things are connected. You see how social understanding depends on spiritual understanding, on a spiritual view of the world and a spiritual philosophy of life.
191. Social Understanding from a Spiritual-Scientific Perspective: Tenth Lecture 23 Oct 1919, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And basically, it is already the case today that we can only understand the after-death life in the right way if we look at the prenatal life. You see, there are secrets of life.
So our languages are obstacles to understanding the social. Therefore, humanity will only advance in its understanding of the social if it emancipates itself from mere linguistic understanding.
What is written here on this hill will only be properly understood if one says to oneself: There are many demands of humanity in the present time that should have an answer.
175. Building Stones for an Understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha: Lecture I 27 Mar 1917, Berlin
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
This distinction between soul and spirit has virtually been lost in the West. But we cannot understand the real nature of the Mystery of Golgotha unless we have a clear understanding of the distinction between psychic man and spiritual man.
Since the Old Testament, for example, can only be understood if we are conversant with certain things which are related to imaginative conceptions, it is clear that in the nineteenth century especially the possibility of understanding the Old Testament has been lost.
The further back we go the more we realize that the understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha in ancient times depended upon this tripartite division of man into body, soul and spirit.

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