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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2101 through 2110 of 6238

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36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: Anthroposophy and Idealism 29 Apr 1923,

Rudolf Steiner
A better understanding of anthroposophy would be gained than is the case today from some quarters if one were to delve into the nature of the intellectual struggles that took place in the second half of the nineteenth century.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: Anthroposophy and Mysticism 13 May 1923,

Rudolf Steiner
Just as 1 Today, mysticism is understood to be the search for inner experiences that satisfy the human being after the longing to know one's own nature and one's relationship to the world has arisen.
The anthroposophical researcher must know these things; he must understand the paths and prospects of mysticism. But his path is different. He does not penetrate directly behind the mirror of memory and thus into the bodily organization as the mystic does.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: The Goetheanum in Dornach and its Work 24 Sep 1922,

Rudolf Steiner
It is not intended as a new religion; but religious deepening, which is not hostile to any confession, can be promoted by an understanding of the spiritual world and by the practice of a spirit-filled art. The construction of the Goetheanum already serves this purpose.
The educational work is a beginning of this effectiveness. It will depend on the understanding that the Dornach idea finds in wider circles how it will prove effective for the most diverse areas of life.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: Anthroposophy, Education, School 25 Dec 1921,

Rudolf Steiner
Anthroposophy strives for an understanding of the world and humanity that it can apply in a fruitful way to the art of teaching and educating.
One cannot understand the phenomena of childhood without also seeing in them the characteristics of the adult human being.
You cannot do anything with such beautiful principles as long as you do not carry in your own soul an understanding of the whole course of human life. And anthroposophical knowledge of the human being strives for such an understanding.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: Pedagogy and Art 01 Apr 1923,

Rudolf Steiner
It allows one to be happy in earnest and full of character in joy. Nature is only understood through the intellect; it is only experienced through artistic perception. The child who is taught to understand matures into 'ability' when understanding is practised in a lively way; but the child who is introduced to art matures into 'creativity'.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: Pedagogy and Morality 08 Apr 1923,

Rudolf Steiner
The child lives completely absorbed in its surroundings until the period around the seventh year, when it undergoes the change of teeth. One could say that the child is completely absorbed in its surroundings. Just as the eye lives in colors, so the child lives entirely in the expressions of life in its surroundings.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: Seventh General Assembly of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 26 Oct 1908,

Rudolf Steiner
But perhaps some of the things that could help us understand the spirit of the stars under which we stood at the founding of the German Section can be said.
It is not a matter of us judging Dr. Vollrath, but of our not understanding each other; and if Dr. Vollrath says that we 'do not understand him at all', that is one reason for it.
Vollrath wants the very best, but he just can't do it. He also lacks the understanding to see the matter. How can someone advise him if he doesn't understand? If he wants to learn something, I'm willing to work with him.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: Personal Report on the Budapest Congress 02 Jun 1909, Budapest

Rudolf Steiner
Windust from Holland gave a lecture in English on the very interesting topic “The Druids, their Symbolism and Mysteries”; unfortunately the lady's voice and manner of speaking were not clearly understandable. The speech by the Russian Madame Vunkowsky in French about the meaning and correlation of colors, numbers and sounds was very interesting and inspiring.
After the lecture at half past eight, a moonlight excursion was undertaken on foot or by carriage to Blocksberg, Gellert-hegy, which was also attended by Mrs. Besant and Dr.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: The Budapest International Congress of the Federation of European Sections of the Theosophical Society 21 Jun 1909, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
One could feel satisfaction at how, although perhaps only a very few could physically understand the speaker at the moment when the most diverse languages were being spoken, the Theosophical movement is an element that will gradually develop a language that goes from heart to heart, from soul to soul, creating understanding between different nations.
How has revelation always come to us differently? Understanding these questions, the goals of development, the great moments in development, that is what matters in the Occident.
He was one of those Magyars who stood up for the development of Magyar independence, for conditions that were only partially achieved under Ferenc Deák. He felt it deeply as a disgrace done to his nation that under the so-called Bach regime, Germanization was carried out and Magyar identity in Hungary was completely ignored.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: Eighth General Assembly of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 24 Oct 1909, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
But when he delved into what people really knew about Klopstock, it turned out that they had hardly read him. In Theosophy, understanding is the only thing that matters. Those who want to understand within this from the very source of spiritual life will probably grasp Lessing's word, somewhat modified: “We want to be praised less, but understood more diligently.”
If these admirers had more often written in their hearts: We want to understand less than admire, the subsequent opposition would not have asserted itself. It is not outward worship and admiration that we should show to the Teachers, but we should strive for their understanding.
This understanding does not require clairvoyance, but rather the mere application of sound reason. Only those who have the will to do so, who apply their reason to the matter, will understand.

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