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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2111 through 2120 of 6238

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250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: On the Seven-year Anniversary of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 02 Nov 1909, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
If I had heard a lecture like the one on 'The Mission of Wrath' four years ago, I would have been able to understand it, of course, but I see that there are different ways of understanding it. This is the case with such things, in which there really is something to it. There is an understanding that someone might have who is perhaps hearing these lectures for the first time but is not aware that “Theosophy” exists. Then there is a second understanding that someone has who has embraced Theosophy, and they might make a strange discovery in the process.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: Ninth General Assembly of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 30 Oct 1910, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
When he feels confronted by any kind of cultural activity, the modern man asks himself: Do I understand it, or don't I understand it? If he doesn't understand it, he rejects it. This was particularly characteristic of Basel, where a feature article was written on the occasion of a Theosophical lecture, which began with the words: “What is most striking about Theosophy is its incomprehensibility.”
It is always difficult to discuss things that, so to speak, require a certain nuance of feeling for the understanding of everything that is given from the source of Theosophy. In principle, all this is certainly understandable to the scrutinizing reason and logic.
Steiner said: “A motion that is framed in the form in which it is introduced cannot be a motion, it can only be an appeal, and can only be addressed to the meeting as such. It is not, in fact, an undertaking of the Theosophical Society, but a theosophical matter that is being undertaken officially by a number of theosophists in private.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: The Suspended Sixth Congress of the Federation of European Sections in Genoa

Rudolf Steiner
The sixth congress of the Federation of European Sections of the Theosophical Society (Adyar) was supposed to have taken place in Genoa from September 17 to 21, 1911, under the motto “From Buddha to Christ”. The contrast between Annie Besant's and Rudolf Steiner's Christ teachings was to be discussed openly there.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: Tenth General Assembly of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 10 Dec 1911, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
I was also granted the opportunity to look into this heart; and please understand that what I call tragic is meant in the sense that most of you would understand it from my lectures.
This afternoon, I have already explained what I understand and think about this matter. Therefore, under no circumstances can we allow our leader to be disparaged in this way.
Why have personal hostilities been directed against us? Are our names under the proposal of Dr. Vollrath or under our own? Does it perhaps have something defamatory? Does it violate the essence of the Theosophical Society?
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: An Esoteric-Social Future Impulse: An Attempt to “Found” a Theosophical Society and Art 15 Dec 1911, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The first point I have to communicate to you is that under the direct patronage of that individuality, whom we refer to by the name he gave to the outer world during his two incarnations, that under the patronage of this individuality, a working method is to be brought into being as a foundation.
You may say: I am speaking in many words that may not be fully understood. That must be the case with something like what it is about here, because the matter must be grasped in its direct life.
Those who have already gained some insight into what is at stake will understand me in this regard. These words are said less because of the content than because of the guidelines that were to be given.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: Federal Founding 25 Dec 1911,

Rudolf Steiner
The speech given by Baron von Wallen on December 14, following the general assembly of the German section and about his “experiences on lecture tours in Scandinavia and England”, met with a mood among the assembled friends that, under the effect of the events at this general assembly, was pushing for a term. If the general assembly itself was an indication that the spiritual movement, which was inaugurated ten years ago by Dr.
Both questions could be answered in the affirmative if the federation were to be established in a positive way, and the subsequent discussion resulted in the unanimous decision to appoint a provisional working committee to establish the federation, in which all foreign friends present and the members of the board of the German section should participate. The undersigned was elected chairman of this provisional committee. The committee meeting scheduled for the following day (December 16) went as follows: the chairman presented the points of view set out below, which were to be regarded as an expression of the mood of the preceding negotiations, with the request that each participant in the meeting should express their opinion on these points of view individually.
The whole foundation with its provisional form is to be understood as an attempt to gather those who can agree with the principles of the covenant. For this purpose, a central office has been created where the results of this attempt are to be collected.
148. The Fifth Gospel III: First Stuttgart Lecture 22 Nov 1913, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
If the great Bath Kol were to speak to any human being now, there would be no one to understand the voice from the spiritual world. Humanity has changed from the time of the old prophets. Even if those great, those glorious revelations of primeval times were to resound today, the ears to understand them would be missing.
For it is only by observing these facts that one can fully appreciate the course of human development, how an ancient wisdom was also present in the Jewish people and how impossible it was to understand this ancient wisdom at the time when it only, one might say, tentatively in a single soul between the ages of twelve and eighteen, but only caused this soul agony because no one could have understood how this Bath-Kol had expressed herself, how this revelation was only there for this soul to suffer endlessly.
The strange thing was that everyone around him seemed to understand him less and less. Only his stepmother or foster mother had gradually developed a certain understanding of the tremendous — albeit incomplete — emotional and loving process taking place in this soul.
148. The Fifth Gospel III: Second Stuttgart Lecture 23 Nov 1913, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
The conversation between Jesus and his mother proves to be of great significance for the real understanding of the mystery of Golgotha from the point of view of spiritual scientific research. The mother understood Jesus better and better.
He spoke of the great teachings of Bath-Kol. He spoke of how no one had been able to understand him, how he could not speak of what was pushing him to tell someone. He told his mother that even if the old teachings had been there, the people to understand them would have been lacking.
But even today, humanity is not particularly far in its understanding of the Christ impulse. The effectiveness of Christ did not initially depend on the understanding that was shown to him.
148. The Fifth Gospel III: First Munich Lecture 08 Dec 1913, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
Many scriptures were applied to him. The scriptures were not understood, and he was also understood little with the mind; but with the heart, one felt all the more deeply his love, the extraordinary of his existence and his effect.
Jesus of Nazareth was not inclined to perform the pagan cult, as is understandable; but when he looked at the people with his gaze, which had now been heightened to a kind of clairvoyance, born of pain and love, he already understood something of the essence of the decline of paganism.
Now something strange happened: little by little, the love and understanding of the stepmother or foster mother for him grew more and more, while his brothers and sisters did not understand him.
148. The Fifth Gospel III: Second Munich Lecture 10 Dec 1913, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
Thus spoke Lucifer to Christ Jesus, in whom, to be sure, the divine essence of the Christ was now present, who could understand Lucifer, but in order to understand, had to make use of the astral body of Jesus of Nazareth, as it had developed through the Zarathustra ego, which had permeated the astral body of Jesus, so that he could use it as a tool.
To understand this mystery of Golgotha better and better will be the task of progressive spiritual development.
If one does not know what to consider the main thing, and believes that one is doing real theology today by adhering to words in this way, adhering to what is true, that the sayings have already “been there,” it is implied that we are in a deep crisis with regard to the understanding of Christianity, from which one can already understand that a real understanding of Christ can only come into the world when today's theology, which has the public office of watching over the understanding of Christ, first dies.

Results 2111 through 2120 of 6238

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