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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 2121 through 2130 of 6238

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149. Christ and the Spiritual World: The Search for the Holy Grail: Lecture I 28 Dec 1913, Leipzig
Translated by Charles Davy, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
But one has also had the experience of being separated by three worlds from understanding the root-causes of that Graeco-Roman world. And then, perhaps, one turns to the men of that time who tried in their own way to understand the change.
Yet when we look at this with the aid of what Anthroposophy should give us today, and are yet powerless to understand what the star should signify, separated as we are from it by three worlds—and if we ask the Gnostics: Have you understood what happened at that time in the historical evolution of humanity?
The more you feel that what I have told you is not an explanation; the more you feel that I have put before you contradiction after contradiction and have shown you only one occult experience, the perception of the star, the better will you have understood me for today. I would wish you to see clearly that at the beginning of our era there appeared in the world something which influenced human understanding and was yet far, far from being understood; I would like you to feel that the period at the beginning of our era was a great riddle.
149. Christ and the Spiritual World: The Search for the Holy Grail: Lecture II 29 Dec 1913, Leipzig
Translated by Charles Davy, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
In this fourth epoch, however, men lack the possibility of finding their way to a real understanding of what is happening. Indeed a strange paradox, is it not? For the fact that confronts us is actually this: the Christ appeared on Earth in an epoch that was least adapted to understanding Him.
The Christ was born in the very epoch that was least adapted to understanding Him. And if in the evolution of humanity the essential thing had been for Christ to work on the understanding of human souls on Earth, then—one must say it—this working would have been in a sad way.
One can understand Paul quite well, if one wants to understand him only from the standpoint of ordinary rationalism.
149. Christ and the Spiritual World: The Search for the Holy Grail: Lecture III 30 Dec 1913, Leipzig
Translated by Charles Davy, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
We will simply look up to the Christ Being as a high spiritual Being. But for understanding human evolution something else is necessary, and we have seen how necessary it is, for in relation to a certain fact the concepts and ideas which in the fourth post-Atlantean epoch aspired to understand the Being of Christ were powerless to do so.
2 Of one of these we need not speak further here, for he can be readily understood from previous anthroposophical explanations. I mean the Jesus in whom lived the Ego of Zarathustra.
And it was necessary that these forces, also, should be modified. If they had remained under the sway of Lucifer and Ahriman, the vital organs would have become merely organs of greed or organs of loathing.
149. Christ and the Spiritual World: The Search for the Holy Grail: Lecture V 31 Dec 1913, Leipzig
Translated by Charles Davy, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
And so I shall want to appeal to your souls to understand by these words something far more spiritual than anything they can signify for the and scholarship of the present time.
The profound difference between the Greek and the Hebrew conceptions of the world will never be understood unless it is recognised that the Greek conception belongs to Meteorology, and the Hebrew conception to Geology.
4 That can be said as well of John as of Elijah. Or even better of Elijah, as will be understood by those who remember my saying that Elijah remained in spiritual heights and worked through a representative, so that he himself never went about on Earth.
149. Christ and the Spiritual World: The Search for the Holy Grail: Lecture V 01 Jan 1914, Leipzig
Translated by Charles Davy, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
There are events that reflect, as though through dreams, the activity which the Christ was undertaking in the depths of the soul in order to bring human soul-forces into a right alignment with the course of Western history.
Thus I did not know how to proceed when I once asked the Norwegian Folk Spirit, the Northern Folk Spirit, about Parsifal and he said: “Learn to understand the saying that through my powers there flowed into the northern Parsifal saga ‘Ganganda greida’”—“circulating cordial”, or something like that!
It was the same when I was coming out of St. Peter's in Rome under the strong impression made on me by Michelangelo's work that you find on the right-hand side as you enter—the Mother with Jesus, the Mother who looks so young, with Jesus dead already on her knees.
149. Christ and the Spiritual World: The Search for the Holy Grail: Lecture VI 02 Jan 1914, Leipzig
Translated by Charles Davy, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
The fact that the earth truly has a soul is shown most clearly by observing weather conditions and the aspects under which they habitually occur. Under certain aspects and constellations the air is always restless; if such aspects are not present, or are few or transient, the air remains quiet.”
But the forces which had guided human history from below the surface were gradually to emerge; and Parsifal, accordingly, had to come by degrees to understand something that will never be understood unless it is approached with the pure and blameless forces of the soul, and not with traditional knowledge and scholarship.
The fact that the earth truly has a, soul is shown most clearly by observing weather conditions and the aspects under which they habitually occur. Under certain aspects and constellations the air is always restless; if such aspects are not present, or are few or transient, the air remains quiet.
Christ and the Spiritual World: The Search for the Holy Grail: Note on Ganganda Greida
Translated by Charles Davy, Dorothy S. Osmond

Charles DavyDorothy S. Osmond
It is really to be handed—as is revealed to us when from the exoteric story we enter into the esoteric presentation of it in the Mysteries—it is really to be handed to the human being who has obtained the understanding of what makes man mature enough gradually to raise himself consciously to what the Holy Grail is ...”
150. The World of the Spirit and Its Impact on Physical Existence: Luciferic and Ahrimanic Aspects of Contemporary Cultural Life 12 Jan 1913, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
For better or for worse, these personalities had an influence on world life. This can be understood by studying the history of Florence between the years 1100 and 1500, for example. Today, this influence corresponds to those people who strive to achieve a connection with the spiritual.
Ahriman lets human beings sink into the swamp of matter; Lucifer draws them away from the truth, preventing them from realizing that they are lost in an illusory world. Maya has a right to exist if it is understood as an expression of the reality behind it.
150. The World of the Spirit and Its Impact on Physical Existence: Two Currents within the Ongoing Development of the Human Being Must be Taken into Account in Education 14 Mar 1913, Augsburg

Rudolf Steiner
But in the second seven-year period, too, something occurs that we can, in a sense, understand as a current that is not connected with the merely progressive divine beings. From a certain point of view, this has already been repeatedly characterized in us.
I wanted to give you a characterization of what is in the human soul, and how we must take into account Lucifer and Ahriman if we want to understand the full human nature, if we really want to consider everything, not just look at it and say: we must fight Lucifer and Ahriman.
And from this point of view, it is actually easy to understand why people who do not at least mix something from the soul's summertime into their waking lives dry up so easily.
150. The World of the Spirit and Its Impact on Physical Existence: The Beginning of Spring, Easter Moon And Easter Sunday 23 Mar 1913, The Hague

Rudolf Steiner
In such years, a very special writing is inscribed in the universe for those who are entering into the spiritual knowledge of the world, and especially on this day of such a year, it behoves the soul, which strives to learn to understand the spiritual secrets of the universe and the becoming of time, also to learn to understand what should be written into our human development on earth with this spring festival.
And anyone who knows the connection between the sun and the moon hears with an understanding-awakening sound the legend of the Fall of Man and their seduction by Lucifer, of the words of God resounding in divine justice. Those who try to understand some of the things contained between the lines of my “Occult Science in Outline” can sense the connection between the sun-moon mystery and the mystery that is usually characterized as the temptation of Lucifer and the influence of Yahweh-Jehovah.

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