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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 2871 through 2880 of 6176

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121. The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls: Angels, Folk Spirits, Time Spirits: their part in the Evolution of Mankind 07 Jun 1910, Oslo
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
But the members of the individual peoples will only be able to offer their proper, free and positive contributions if they have, above all, an understanding of their ethnic origin, an understanding for what we might call “the self-knowledge of the folk”.
In the same way we find Beings of a higher order who underwent their human stage on the Old Sun. These Beings are the Archangeloi or Archangels who are two stages beyond man and who underwent their human stage two epochs earlier.
They come from the spheres of activity of widely different Folk Spirits and yet they have some common ground of understanding. In the same way various people were able to understand one another in Atlantean times because in every age there is something that transcends the Folk Soul, which can bring the various Folk Souls together, something that is more or less universally understood.
121. The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls: Normal and abnormal Archangels and Time Spirits. 08 Jun 1910, Oslo
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
The etheric aura of the human being is part of him as long as he lives. It is united to his physical body and only undergoes modification in so far as man progressively develops during his lifetime and lifts himself to a higher moral and intellectual plane.
Those who imagine that a few ideas suffice for the understanding of the higher worlds are very much mistaken. With a few superficial ideas they would certainly contact the Archangels.
A study of the character of the North American people shows a people who, for the time being, are under an abnormal Spirit of Personality. We shall therefore only understand world history, in so far as it consists of the history of peoples, if we observe the normal and abnormal Archangels, the normal and abnormal Spirits of Personality in their mutual relationships and cooperative activity and at the same time follow up their influence upon the successive peoples in the course of the world's history.
121. The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls: The inner Life of the Folk Spirits. Formation of the Races 09 Jun 1910, Oslo
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
In the course of these lectures we shall undertake investigations that will readily strike a responsive chord in all of you because they will stimulate your immediate and lively interest. But since the picture would otherwise be incomplete we must first embark upon such inquiries as are necessary in order to ensure a full and complete understanding and which you will find rather more difficult to grasp than the central theme of our lectures.
If we take the example of a particular people and study it, then, in the light of what we have said, we shall have understood and comprehended this people.
121. The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls: The Evolution of Races and Civilization 10 Jun 1910, Oslo
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
During the first third of life when, in effect, he is under the dominion of the abnormal Spirits of Form, man reaches sexual maturity and develops his capacity for reproduction.
This was always known in the Mystery Schools. You will now understand why I said that what I had to communicate might be somewhat dangerous because people might take offence.
In the remote past man descended to Earth under the guidance of the abnormal Spirits of Form and was associated with his particular geographical region.
121. The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls: Manifestation of the Hierarchies in the Elements of Nature. 11 Jun 1910, Oslo
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
It will be seen from the last lecture that if we wish to make an impartial study of the facts underlying our present investigation we must transcend those prejudices which might easily arise on matters which I must now describe objectively.
It would be as well to begin by acquiring today an understanding of the Hierarchies of which man is the lowest member. You will recall that we placed man on the lowest rung of the Hierarchical ladder.
In order to see the working of the Hierarchies more and more clearly in the truths underlying our external Maya we must raise our consciousness from the astral plane to the planes of lower and higher Devachan.
121. The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls: The Five Root Races of Mankind 12 Jun 1910, Oslo
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
With a progressively more definite and concrete conception of this racial distribution you will develop an inner understanding of the racial characteristics peculiar to the peoples spread over the Earth, an understanding of this unique cooperation of the normal and abnormal Spirits of Form.
The Caucasians therefore are determined through the senses. Now you will also understand why a people like the Greeks who were consciously under the special influence of Jupiter or Zeus and who felt themselves to be a focal point for the Zeus influence, were predominantly determined by what flows into the nervous system via the senses.
From here we shall pass on to something which will be easier to understand, because we shall be able to relate it to something familiar to us, namely, to tribes and peoples.
121. The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls: Advance of Folk Spirits to the Rank of Time Spirits. Monotheism and Pluralism 12 Jun 1910, Oslo
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
If we wish to understand the period when the division of mankind into the five root races of which we have already spoken took place, we must look far back into early Atlantean times.
In India, for example, the ultimate abstraction of the Unity underlying all things was divided into a tri-unity, just as the one God of Christianity is divided into Three Persons.
Here lies the signal importance of Scandinavian mythology for the understanding of the real, inner being of the Scandinavian Folk Soul. Herein, too, lies the great significance which the understanding of this mythology has for the further development of this Archangel who certainly has the potentiality to rise to the rank of an Archai-being.
121. The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls: The Five Post-Atlantean Civilizations. Greek and Teutonic Mythology 14 Jun 1910, Oslo
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
We can scarcely understand the fundamental character of Teutonic mythology unless we review once more the five successive ages of civilization in the post-Atlantean epoch.
Amongst the Indians this came comparatively late, at a time when the people was already to a certain extent very mature, when the had already undergone what the Teutonic peoples still had to undergo when they had developed their ego. Bear this carefully in mind.
What gives the immediate feeling that Thor is related to the individual human ego is that what was to be transmitted to every individual ‘I’ from the spiritual world could, in fact, be transmitted. If we bear this in mind we shall also understand more clearly the fragmentary information that has come down to us. It is important to have a right understanding of these individual Gods.
121. The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls: Loki - Hodur and Baldur - Twilight of the Gods 15 Jun 1910, Oslo
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
Man would see the world differently if he had not fallen under the influence of Lucifer and his followers, if he had not been obliged to submit to the influence of another power after he had opened himself to the invasion of a Luciferic power.
Those who were present at my last series of lectures will easily understand that.1 I should like to emphasize once again that the signs and symptoms of physical death are karmically connected with the Luciferic influence.
Hence they had experienced the spiritual world in a much more distant past than the men of the North, and they only knew from memory that the spiritual world had once been within reach. Hence the peoples of Asia Minor could well understand the words: “Change your mental attitude for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!” They could understand the words: “The Kingdom of Heaven is nigh unto you even here upon the physical plane.
121. The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls: The Mission of Individual Peoples and Cultures in the Past, Present and Future. 16 Jun 1910, Oslo
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
His conception of Christ is such that it can only be understood by students of Spiritual Science because he lifts it to ever higher planes and reveals its infinite potentialities, showing that our understanding of Christ today is only a beginning, because the Christ Impulse has only been able to reveal to mankind a fraction of what it holds in store. But if we look at the conception of Christ as presented by Hegel, for example, we find that Hegel understood Him as only the most refined, the most sublimated Spiritual Soul could understand Him. But Solovieff's conception of Christ is very different.
The concept of Christ rests upon a clear realization of what took place when the Christ Spirit entered into the man Jesus of Nazareth who had already developed all the necessary attributes. We must first of all understand the two natures of Christ and the union of both at a higher stage. As long as we have not grasped this duality, we have not understood the Christ in all His fullness.

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