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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2881 through 2890 of 6160

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121. The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls: Nerthus, Freyja and Gerda. Twilight of the Gods. Vidar and the new Revelation of Christ 17 Jun 1910, Oslo
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
It is therefore a question of having a proper understanding of the goal ahead. If, then, Spiritual Science reflects the knowledge of the Christ Being, and if we start from a true understanding of this Being whom we look for in the very core of the European peoples themselves, if we set our future hopes on this understanding, then we shall not be motivated by any kind of personal predilection or temperamental predisposition.
It is proof, if proof were needed, that we are able, though some may not be conscious of it, to understand each other at the deepest levels of spiritual knowledge and that we shall understand each other, especially in those matters I emphasized at the last Theosophical Congress in Budapest and which I repeated during our own General Meeting in Berlin when we had the great pleasure of seeing friends from Norway amongst us.
We can best serve mankind if we develop our particular talents so as to offer them to the whole of humanity as a sacrifice which we bring to the progressive development of culture. We must learn to understand this. We must learn to understand that it would not redound to the credit of Spiritual Science, if it did not contribute to the evolution of man, Angel and Archangel, but were to support the convictions of one people at the expense of another.
121. The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls: Preface 08 Feb 1918, Berlin
Translated by A. H. Parker

A. H. Parker
Neither the information provided by orthodox science, nor the study of anatomy and physiology suffice for an understanding of the psychic life of man. If we wish to understand the inner life of an individual we must study the soul as well as the body, and if we desire to gain real insight into national characteristics we must explore the psychic and spiritual element underlying them.
The conditions in the life of the various peoples, as well as their mutual relationships, can thus be clearly understood, whereas without this basis there can be no true understanding of this approach. Either one must seek a basis for the psychology of peoples in a spiritual reality or one must abandon such a psychology in toto.
But the members of the individual peoples will only be able to offer their proper, free and positive contributions if they have, above all, an understanding of their ethnic origin, an understanding for what we might call ‘the self-knowledge of the folk’. ” No doubt the time has now come when the fate of humanity itself demonstrates the truth of this view.
The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls: Synopses

A. H. Parker
In future man will be able to direct his body from outside. In order to know what a nation is we must understand the missions of these Beings. Lecture Two Climate, nature of the soil, plant-cover, etc. are the physical expression of a spiritual reality.
Lecture Four Important to understand how nations and folk communities arise out of races. Earth passed through three states or conditions before the present Earth condition.
Lecture Six For a full understanding of cosmic evolution it is necessary to correlate the contents of the different lectures. The creation of races described in detail.
122. Genesis (1959): The Seven Days of Creation 19 Aug 1910, Munich
Translated by Dorothy Lenn, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
I will deal later with the question of how we should understand the “day” of creation; for the moment I am concerned with the irruption of light and of air from without, of the separation of water from solid.
You must clearly understand that no plants, as we understand the term today, sprang up at that time, but that out of a psychic activity, out of a cosmic, musing activity, sprouted species, in other words the group-souls of the plant kingdom.
Truly we need no historical proof, the words furnish their own proof. When we understand the matter in this way we realise that it was only after the fifth “day” of creation that anything new could happen.
122. Genesis (1959): The Forming and Creating of Beings by the Elohim. The Aeons or Time-Spirits 20 Aug 1910, Munich
Translated by Dorothy Lenn, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
We know that the chief, the most comprehensive activity is undertaken by the Elohim themselves; but after they had laid down the main lines, so to say, after they had exercised their great creative forces, did they not appoint other Beings such as the Archai to represent them on the spot?
In this way everything fits together into one great system, even for our understanding. But of course it is only when you have followed up what I am saying for years that you will acquire a real grasp of how everything without exception falls into place.
It is this Spirit who is hidden behind the customary phrase “the first day.” We shall only understand the still deeper meaning of this first day when we also understand what lies behind the verse: And the evening and the morning were the first day.
122. Genesis (1959): Light and Darkness. Yom and Lay'lah 21 Aug 1910, Munich
Translated by Dorothy Lenn, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
If you read the relevant passages in my Occult Science you will come across something extremely important for the understanding of all development—the fact that at each stage of evolution certain Beings remain behind. Only a certain number of Beings reach their goal.
And the others—forgive me for saying this—those whose knowledge of occultism would perhaps equip them to understand the essential nature of the Goethean theory, know too little about physics for me to be able to discuss the subject in detail.
But something else is also necessary as well as light. To understand what this is, we have to consider the rhythmic alternation of sleeping and waking. What does it really mean to be awake?
122. Genesis (1959): Elementary Existence and the Spiritual Beings behind it. Jahve-Elohim 22 Aug 1910, Munich
Translated by Dorothy Lenn, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
This is how we have to understand the underlying purpose of this course of lectures. We tried in the preceding lectures to form an idea as to how spiritual Beings, whom we know from Spiritual Science, are to be rediscovered in Genesis.
An appearance is precisely an appearance. As such it is a fact; but we do not understand it if we stop short at its apparition. We can only appreciate it and give it its proper value as appearance, if we go on beyond the appearance.
This shows how necessary it is to have recourse to occult sources if one wishes to understand things. What does the biblical criticism of the nineteenth century make of this? It says: “We find in one passage the name Elohim, in another the name Jahve.
122. Genesis (1959): The First and Second Days of Creation 23 Aug 1910, Munich
Translated by Dorothy Lenn, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
In our efforts to understand existence it is our practice to trace the course of some aspect of its development up to the present time, and we have had many opportunities of becoming familiar with the idea that everything we perceive around us is in course of evolution.
It would be superficial to think, because the angels underwent their human stage on the Moon, that they must therefore have had on the Moon such a consciousness as man has today on the earth.
This is the significance of the word “beautiful” or “good.” Wordy explanations will not help us to understand the Genesis account, but only diligent search for the secrets which are really hidden behind the words.
122. Genesis (1959): Stages of Human Development up to the Sixth Day of Creation 24 Aug 1910, Munich
Translated by Dorothy Lenn, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
When we have grasped this, then we shall understand why it is that in so many accounts of the creation the incarnation of man is represented as a descent from the periphery of the earth.
Today it is very easy to criticise the Bible, as long as one ignores the fact that the ideas under attack were only born a few centuries ago. Those who inveigh against the Bible the most vehemently are fighting a fantastic invention of the human mind, not the Bible; they are shadow-boxing. It is the task of Spiritual Science, by communicating its findings, to point once more to the true meaning of the Bible, and so clear the way for the tremendous impact it should make upon our souls when we learn to understand what resounds to us so impressively from ancient times. 1.
122. Genesis (1959): The Moon Nature in Man 25 Aug 1910, Munich
Translated by Dorothy Lenn, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
From a certain point of time the earth is left to itself, and, because its finer, more spiritual forces have withdrawn with the sun, undergoes a certain coarsening. But man, such as he has become through the Saturn, Sun and Moon evolutions, still remained for a time with the earth.
Thus he has the disposition to be something other than a mere earth being. As men we have the earth under us; the moon had to be cast out of the earth, but not until the right dose of its nature had been injected into man himself.
By what name could they have called those Beings, who underpinned alike the creation itself and their own knowledge of it? What sort of word could they have had for them—unless it were one which filled their whole hearts in the moment of receiving this revelation of the world-creative powers?

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