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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2901 through 2910 of 6160

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103. The Gospel of St. John: The Prophetical Documents and the Origin of Christianity 29 May 1908, Hamburg
Translated by Maud B. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
We are now at a point in this religious record which is very difficult to understand, especially for those who do not go at it properly. This passage must be clearly understood, particularly because with the words Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the most extraordinary confusion has arisen.
That age—in which he seemed to coalesce with the outer reality—was alone qualified to understand that the Divine is able to appear in an individual man. All earlier epochs would have understood almost anything more easily than this.
Thus the birth of Christianity appears as something positively necessary in the whole spiritual course of human events. If we desire to understand what form Christianity should gradually assume, understand what form was prophesied for it by such an individuality as the writer of this Gospel, we must take under consideration, in the next lecture, certain essential and important concepts.
103. The Gospel of St. John: The Effect of the Christ Impulse Within Mankind 30 May 1908, Hamburg
Translated by Maud B. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
John has not, up to our own age, been understood is due to our whole materialistic evolution. Such a materialistic culture as has gradually developed could not fully understand this Gospel. The spiritual culture which must begin with the Anthroposophic Movement will understand this document in its truly spiritual form and prepare what will then lead over into the sixth epoch.
John, we are now able to say: The Christ Impulse was so great that mankind of the present has understood but very little of it, and only in a later age will it be wholly comprehended.
103. The Gospel of St. John: Christian Initiation 30 May 1908, Hamburg
Translated by Maud B. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
John, we must first acquire the material for an understanding of the concept, Mother and Father, in its spiritual sense, as it is intended in this Gospel and at the same time in its actual meaning.
In many gatherings of very good Christians, one can hear it said: "Anthroposophists talk of some kind of an esoteric Christian teaching, but Christianity needs no esoteric teaching; for only that can be true which a simple, unpretentious mind can perceive and understand," which means, of course, only what the speaker can perceive and understand. He therefore requires that no one should perceive and understand anything different from what he himself perceives and understands.
How is this accomplished? It is a matter of understanding the human astral body in the state in which it exists in its purity. During the day this astral body is immersed in the physical body.
103. The Gospel of St. John: The Nature of the Virgin Sophia and of the Holy Spirit 31 May 1908, Hamburg
Translated by Maud B. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
If, in a certain sense, this has been rightly understood, we shall also comprehend what is meant when it is said that the Movement for Spiritual Science has the mission of raising Christianity into Wisdom, of rightly understanding Christianity, indirectly through spiritual wisdom. We shall understand that Christianity is only in the beginning of its activity, and its true mission will be fulfilled when it is understood in its true spiritual form. The more these lectures are understood in this way, the more have they been comprehended in the sense in which they were intended.
The Gospel of St. John: Introduction
Translated by Maud B. Monges

Marie Steiner
It brings us what we need in order that the central point of human and earthly happenings may again be understood, that belief may be changed into knowledge, unbelief into understanding. It is active among us since the beginning of this dark century with those forces which are able to transform our darkness into spiritual light.
The force for this revitalization streams out of the Mystery of Golgotha, but there must be a human activity springing up to meet it, understanding how to open itself up to it. In order that this might occur, Rudolf Steiner was active among us.
The whole of cosmic wisdom must be called into play in order to understand this greatest of all mysteries. The other mysteries were a preparation for this, and Rudolf Steiner led us gradually and steadily into their essence and meaning.
104. The Apocalypse of St. John: Introductory Lecture 17 Jun 1908, Nuremberg
Translated by Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
He was one of those spirits of whom we hear little to-day and whose works are understood still less; but he will signify very much for man's intellectual life in the future when he is once understood.
That the Christian faith, the message of the Gospel, can be understood at every stage of consciousness has been taught for a period to be reckoned almost in millennia.
We misunderstand the Apocalypse, if we do not understand it as the impulse given for the future, for action and deed. Everything that we have let pass before us to-day can be understood out of anthroposophical Spiritual Science.
104. The Apocalypse of St. John: Lecture I 18 Jun 1908, Nuremberg
Translated by Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
There has always been in this city a very earnest search for the knowledge of great spiritual truths, and a deep understanding of anthroposophical life, of the true anthroposophical attitude towards life, has always been manifest.
Darkness spreads around man. For the human astral body to-day under normal conditions is so organized that it is unable of itself to perceive what surrounds it. It must have organs.
This had to be avoided from the very outset. The first step towards initiation had to be undertaken with man in the ordinary physical world, in the same world where man perceives with the physical senses.
104. The Apocalypse of St. John: Lecture II 19 Jun 1908, Nuremberg
Translated by Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
Every word in the Bible has a deep meaning and only he can understand the Bible who knows how to value every single word. That is the first thing. Then, however, in the pre-Christian Mysteries something special had to take place.
It was like a common group-soul-“I” which included the whole race and those that understood the matter said: That which really forms our inmost immortal being dwells not in the separate members but in the entire race. All of the several members belong to this common “I.” Hence one who understood the matter knew that when he died he united himself with an invisible being which reached back to Father Abraham.
104. The Apocalypse of St. John: Lecture III 20 Jun 1908, Nuremberg
Translated by Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
The civilization of which we are now speaking was directly under the influence of the Atlantean flood, or the great glacial epoch, as it is called in modern science.
They investigated the courses of the stars, they understood the laws of the position and the orbits of the stars and the influence of their aspects upon what took place below on the earth.
In the future it will rise to a transcendent glory, because only then will humanity understand the Gospels. When these are fully understood it will be seen what an enormous amount of spiritual life they contain.
104. The Apocalypse of St. John: Lecture IV 21 Jun 1908, Nuremberg
Translated by Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
In this universal destructive element there will be everywhere individuals who lift themselves above the rest of warring humanity, individuals who have understood the spiritual life and who will form the foundation for a new and different world in the sixth epoch.
Now that most advanced part of the Atlantean population was under the guidance of a great leader of humanity and eventually settled down as a very small tribe of chosen individuals in Central Asia.
And now what they have become can no longer be symbolized by the horse. A new symbol must appear for those who have understood to follow the call of him who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars. They now appear under the symbol of those who are clothed in white garments, who have put on the robes of the immortal, eternal, spiritual life.

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