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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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105. Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture III 06 Aug 1908, Stuttgart
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
One must not merely picture this diagrammatically, but must accustom oneself to picture these egos in their reality. It must be clearly understood that we do not have to go into another region to enter the astral world; the astral world permeates our physical world.
We need never lose respect for the writings of true Initiates when we come to understand them; every line of the inspired Biblical record fills us with profound awe when we learn its meaning with the help of Spiritual Science.
Man was already there though he lived under entirely different conditions from those of today. He possessed a dim clairvoyant consciousness; and his organism was such that he could live in that earth-sun body.
105. Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture IV 07 Aug 1908, Stuttgart
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Now you are aware that our earth, as a planet, is under the law of re-embodiment, just as man is. Previous to its present embodiment our earth was what is called the ancient Moon.
Evolution went on the earth-beings and the moon-beings had separated. At this time the earth-beings came principally under the influence of two forces, one proceeding from the sun, the other from the moon. If man had come merely under the influence of the sun forces he would soon have grown old, almost as soon as he was born; whereas, under the influence of the moon alone he would have stiffened, become hard, and mummified.
We have seen how man is led from incarnation to incarnation by the Beings we call Angels; but these Angels have no independence in the vast cosmos, they have higher directors who are the dwellers on the sun. Under the sole influence of these Sun Spirits all man's development would have been compressed into one incarnation; whereas under the influence of the moon alone nothing at all would have taken place.
105. Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture V 08 Aug 1908, Stuttgart
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Through the cooperation of the Sun-Gods with the Moon-God a duality arose, and we shall best understand what entered evolution at this point if we consider what the evolution of man had been previously.
Now it is only a rough way of speaking to say that man has these four principles within him; and we shall understand how sketchy it is if we cast a glance over his long, very long, evolution. Let us enquire which of these four principles is the oldest?
Such a statement ought to be taken quite literally, and we must try to understand what it really contains. A thrill of awe pervades us when we begin to understand such a statement, and when we learn its meaning; telling as it does that after the Thrones on Saturn, the Spirits of Wisdom on the Sun, the Spirits of Motion on the Moon had poured their principles into man, then—on the Earth—the Spirits of Form pervaded him.
105. Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture VI 10 Aug 1908, Stuttgart
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Through this something else came within his domain, something which, under the guidance of the Spirits of Form, would have passed him by; he was exposed to the possibility of straying from the right path—he was exposed to good and evil.
We can see how the whole of humanity has been fashioned under the influence of these two principles. Let us picture a certain stage of human evolution in the Atlantean epoch when man was approaching the time of his hardening, the time when the bone appeared.
The special consciousness of the Greek worked into the plastic forms of his art, and we can only understand what has been produced in the course of evolution when we follow these active forces and see how the artists formed such details as the eyes, for example.
105. Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture VII 11 Aug 1908, Stuttgart
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
The beings who represented the first material construction of the human form at the time of the sun's departure have undergone manifold changes, but in fishes is preserved that which reminds us of our separation from the sun; reminds us that at one time we belonged to the sun.
Before this took place the whole man, as regards his physical, etheric, and astral bodies, was under the influence and the control of the material and spiritual Sun-Forces, but after it depended upon the sun's position; it depended on whether the man in regard to his physical, etheric, and astral bodies came under the sun's influence, and whether it shone on him directly or not.
Only when he is in a position to do this will he fully understand what really dwelt on earth as the Being whom we call Christ Jesus. Only slowly and gradually will man come to an understanding of this; and just as truly as in pre-Christian times he had to understand the pronouncements of those spiritual beings who guided man when he contracted in his descent into the physical world, so by a truly spiritual effort he must henceforth try to understand the Spiritual Power which at one time went forth from the earth with the sun.
105. Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture VIII 12 Aug 1908, Stuttgart
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
The earth's mission. For the more exact understanding of our particular subject let us first consider the great world and then look down to the limited circle of our immediate earthly existence.
Here again we have to distinguish between different forces. In order that we may understand them let us dwell first on those forces that can be easily classified. We have in the first place the power which called up pictures before our spiritual eyes during the Atlantean epoch.
In observing a number of objects that are similar to each other we bring them under one general idea. For instance, you have here so many pieces of chalk you group them under the general conception “chalk.”
105. Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture IX 13 Aug 1908, Stuttgart
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
One might even say that the Gods profit by participating thus in humanity. In order rightly to understand the relationship of man to the universe we must try to form a conception, which is not so easy, but is, however, necessary, if we are to understand his true position.
He strove for complete absorption in divinity, with extinction of his personality; this was of more value to him than life within that personality. We must try to understand the mood of this ancient civilization, we shall then understand this turning away from all that was material, and how, if man desired to seek the divine he had to free himself from the bonds of sense and get away from all illusion, from Maya.
Today the period has been described when, through the conquest of the physical plane, man made himself sufficiently mature to understand the God-man—the Christ.
105. Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture X 14 Aug 1908, Stuttgart
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
We learnt also that when the Greeks and Romans were the leading peoples in human evolution man had established a kind of balance between his understanding of the physical and spiritual worlds. He had come to terms with the material world; he had learned gradually to understand and to love it.
Was it possible for such a being to be fully understood by those who had descended completely into physical existence, who had developed a love for the physical world and strove to work on this physical plane? Would he not be better understood by those who had preserved the character of an earlier epoch, who were stragglers from an earlier epoch?
105. Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture XI 16 Aug 1908, Stuttgart
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
It is true that in the normal evolution of man those who lived over into a new age with a particular karma came also into a particular caste, and it is also true that a man could only rise above any special caste if he underwent a process of initiation. Only when he attained a stage where he was able to strip off that which was the cause of his karma, only when he lived in Yoga, could the difference in caste, under certain circumstances, be overcome.
An ancient Indian sage or a Chaldean priest would not have understood this difference; even the Egyptians knew no difference between what was simply a matter of belief or a fact of knowledge.
It is rightly objected from the standpoint of Christian esotericism that people who understand something trivial from this understand nothing about it at all; this is only an image, and shows the position in which Buddha stood to his contemporaries.
Universe, Earth and Man: Introduction
Translated by Harry Collison

Marie Steiner
This opposition forced him to withdraw from the post he had held in the Society. The conditions under which he had undertaken office were: that he should be free to allow that which threw light on the mystery of Christ to flow into European culture, which since the Event of Christ had become western esotericism.
Comprehension of such things is necessary if we are to understand ourselves. Into this night of darkness shines a light, the light of Christian esotericism which was kindled in Palestine and passed thence into Europe.
From his sense of responsibility to truth Rudolf Steiner declared it impossible, in the lectures which under pressure from the members he was forced to print, to employ the term “Us Theosophists” any more.

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