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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2931 through 2940 of 6160

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106. Egyptian Myths and Mysteries: Spiritual Connections between the Culture-streams of Ancient and Modern Times 02 Sep 1908, Leipzig
Translated by Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
Long did the Indian culture endure, long also the Persian, reaching a culmination in Zarathustra. Then arose, under the influence of colonists who were sent into the land of the Nile, the culture that is comprised under the four names, Chaldean-Egyptian-Assyrian-Babylonian.
We shall see that there is a remarkable law that enables us to understand the working of wonderful forces through the various epochs and the relationships of the epochs to each other.
Thus our souls will lift themselves to the significant connections of the world, and the fruit will be a deep understanding of what lives in us.
106. Egyptian Myths and Mysteries: The Reflection of Cosmic Events in the Religious Views of Men 03 Sep 1908, Leipzig
Translated by Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
What we can read in the spiritual world may be understood, but not discovered, through logic. It can be discovered only through experience. If we wish to understand the cultural epochs more clearly, we must achieve a general view of the evolution of the earth as it presents itself to the seer who can direct his spiritual gaze to the events of the most remote past.
Thus we have two dwelling-places: the sun and earth-plus-moon. On the sun were the most exalted beings, under the leadership of an especially high and sublime being whom the Gnostics attempted to conceive under the name Pleroma.
Our present consciousness developed only in much later times, and if we wish to understand the man of that time we must bear this clairvoyant consciousness in mind. We can understand this best through a comparison with the consciousness of today.
106. Egyptian Myths and Mysteries: The Old Initiation Centers. The Human Form as the Subject of Meditation 04 Sep 1908, Leipzig
Translated by Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
We must live, deeply into these souls in order to understand them. Then we understand what dreadful folly it is when our scholars speak of animism and allege that it is the “folk-imagination” that ensouls and personifies things.
In ancient India the Rishis guided the culture. We must try to understand something of what gave the impulse to a form that developed into one of the most important forms of the Indian outlook.
We must bear one thing in mind if we wish fully to understand what follows. We must realize that in the course of time the power of man's spiritual members over his physical body has almost completely disappeared.
106. Egyptian Myths and Mysteries: The Experiences of Initiation. The Mysteries of the Planets. 05 Sep 1908, Leipzig
Translated by Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
In all this we have a hint of the experiences of the ancient pupils of the Rishis, of the wonderful teachings that flowed into the Indian culture, were transmitted to the following epochs, and were transformed in accordance with the needs of other peoples. But all of these understood the primeval Word, Vach. We shall understand many things better if we keep in mind one mystery in its full scope.
This will be recognized by anyone who seeks to understand what was still described in ancient Greece. Socrates actually had telepathic powers, which he allowed to work on his pupils while he instructed them.
Thus the primal Word descended, in order that it might lead man upward again. Man must understand how that happened, if he is to make himself an instrument through which he can work into the future.
106. Egyptian Myths and Mysteries: The Influence of Osiris and Isis. Facts of Occult Anatomy and Physiology. 08 Sep 1908, Leipzig
Translated by Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
So exalted a being, possessed of such power and glory, has under him vast hosts of ministering beings of a benevolent nature. We must understand that, although the basest forces departed from the earth with the moon, there also remained connected with the moon certain beings who are capable of transforming the bad into good, the ugly into beauty.
Man would have remained like this if the forces had not developed further, under the influence of the moon. Had the earth remained exposed to the sun alone, the mobility of the human form would have been enhanced to the highest degree.
All that belongs to the male or female organisms formed itself under the influence of these twenty-eight nerves proceeding from the spinal cord. Now we will bring forward something that will give an insight into the cosmos and its connections with human evolution.
106. Egyptian Myths and Mysteries: Evolutionary Events in the Human Organism up to the Departure of the Moon 09 Sep 1908, Leipzig
Translated by Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
Having directed our attention to this myth, into which was compressed what the pupil saw as a real event in the holy secrets of the mystery schools, we must now turn our attention to what we began yesterday and try to gain a clearer understanding of what was produced in man through the influence of the various aspects of the moon. We have spoken of the twenty-eight nerves proceeding from the spinal cord, which stem from the positions of the moon during the twenty-eight days that the moon requires to return to its first form.
106. Egyptian Myths and Mysteries: The Stages of Evolution of the Human Form The Expulsion of the Animal Beings 10 Sep 1908, Leipzig
Translated by Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
But we have observed man until about the departure of the moon. We have understood man's form which, as its lower part, approximately from the middle of the trunk to the height of the hips, manifested a configuration not entirely unlike his present shape.
These animal forms, however, remained stuck at certain stages of evolution, beyond which man was able to progress. Let us try to understand this thoroughly. In the earliest times, when the sun departed, no animal forms had yet appeared.
The time during which the sun traverses a sign has some significance, but such a period would not suffice for the change that had to take place in order for man to progress from sexuality under the sign of the Scorpion to the evolving of his hips under the sign of the Balance. We should have a false picture of this, if we thought that it could have occurred in one transit of the sun.
106. Egyptian Myths and Mysteries: The Influence of the Sun and Moon Spirits, of the Isis and Osiris Forces 11 Sep 1908, Leipzig
Translated by Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
The Persian said to himself, “There is the beneficent fullness of light, the god Ahura Mazdao or Ormuzd, and there are the dark powers under the leadership of Angramainyush or Ahriman. From Ahura Mazdao comes salvation for men; from Ahriman comes the physical world.
But an understanding person can well imagine of a Greek temple, that even if it stood in a solitude with no people anywhere near, even if it were quite alone, it would be a whole.
But a Gothic cathedral is only half complete if there are no worshippers within. One who understands this cannot think of a Gothic cathedral, standing alone, without a congregation of the faithful, whose thoughts stream into it.
106. Egyptian Myths and Mysteries: Old Myths as Pictures of Cosmic Facts 12 Sep 1908, Leipzig
Translated by Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
We cannot take such things deeply enough, and we only understand them when we know the facts of the spiritual world. Now let us bring into more concrete form what we touched upon abstractly yesterday.
These are things that we must grasp if we want to understand all the real connections. But one should not believe that the historical appearance of the Buddha immediately reveals all that lies within it.
We should try to present the real occult facts, and then try to understand the pictures that have arisen out of the occult facts and have passed over into the consciousness of man.
106. Egyptian Myths and Mysteries: The Ancient Egyptian Doctrine of Evolution 13 Sep 1908, Leipzig
Translated by Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
The capacity for combining shows itself in green colors in the aura, especially in those who have keen mathematical understanding. The ancient Egyptian initiates saw the god who implanted the faculty of intelligence in men, and in portraying him they painted him green2 because they saw the green shimmering of his luminous astral and etheric form.
Many people in the country will recount that they have met the midday woman. She appears in many regions under many different names. She is a descendent of the ancient Sphinx, and as the ancient Sphinx put questions to the men who experienced her, so this midday woman also asks questions.
We have mentioned this so it may be seen how manifold evolution is. Now, to understand everything correctly, we must give some thought to the fact that in the course of time man has organized the fourth member, the ego, into what he brought with him at the beginning of earth evolution as his physical, etheric, and astral bodies.

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