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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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134. The World of the Senses and the World of the Spirit: Lecture V 31 Dec 1911, Hanover
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
And so to from the system of nerves, when the nerves themselves have undergone their process of decay, we have left after death the Intuition. All these are actual constituent parts of our astral as well as our etheric body.
But in blood we have something which has directly undergone, as substance itself, the Luciferic influence. You will remember we saw how the manner in which physical body, etheric body and astral body work into one another would be different, had it not been for the Luciferic influence. But there we have to do in a certain respect with super-sensible things which only afterwards take up matter into themselves; which work upon matter with the Luciferic influence they had themselves first undergone, and make it what it is. The substance of nerve and muscle and bone owes its existence to the fact that certain bodies of man are irregularly put together.
134. The World of the Senses and the World of the Spirit: Lecture VI 01 Jan 1912, Hanover
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In order that man may be able to take his place with full understanding in this new task in earth existence—to this end is Anthroposophy or Spiritual Science there in the world.
I think I need not spend words in pointing out what moral principles and will impulses for present-day humanity can proceed from a real understanding of occult science.1 For out of a rightly understood wisdom will a rightly understood goodness and virtue be born in the human heart. Let us strive after a real understanding of world evolution, let us seek after wisdom—and we shall find without fail that the child of wisdom will be love.
135. Reincarnation and Karma: How can a direct conception be gained of the inner kernel of man's being? 23 Jan 1912, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy, S. Derry, E. F. Derry

Rudolf Steiner
And the very people who now inveigh most bitterly against reincarnation and karma will writhe under the torment of the next life because they cannot explain to themselves how their life has come to be what it is.
People who are anthroposophists to-day will share with those who are not the desire to remember, but they will have understanding, and therefore an inner harmony in their soul-life. Those who reject Anthroposophy to-day will wish to know something of it in the next life; they will really feel something like an inner torment concerning their previous incarnation but they will understand nothing of what it is that most distresses and torments them; they will be perplexed and will lack inner harmony. In their next incarnation they will have to be told: “You will understand the cause of this torment only if you can conceive that you have actually willed it into existence.”
135. Reincarnation and Immortality: Need for the development of a ‘feeling-memory’ before direct experience of reincarnation is possible 30 Jan 1912, Berlin
Translated by Michael Tapp, Elizabeth Tapp, Adam Bittleston

Rudolf Steiner
Then let us imagine that we had climbed on to the roof and placed the stone so that it was bound to fall, and that then we ran quickly under it so that it had to fall on us. It is of no consequence that such ideas are grotesque; the point is what we want to acquire through them.
Those who have gone a little way into Anthroposophy will understand what has often been said: that our conceptual activity—including the conceptual activity related to memory—is something which, when roused by the external world in which we live in our physical bodies, has meaning only for this single incarnation.
—most of the teachers knew nothing of what they themselves had been teaching to their pupils. Yet this man was an examiner who understood how to draw out of people what they knew. This is only one example of how unobservant people are of what takes place around them, even when it concerns their own affairs.
135. Reincarnation and Karma: Knowledge of reincarnation and karma through thought-exercises 20 Feb 1912, Stuttgart
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy, S. Derry, E. F. Derry

Rudolf Steiner
The theme was to have been that Plato, reincarnated as a school-boy, received the very lowest marks for his understanding of the Plato of old! We need not remind ourselves that some teachers are severe, or pedantic.
He guides us to the sorrows and sufferings, directs us to undergo them. This may, to begin with, be an oppressive thought but it carries with it no obligation; we can, if we so wish, use it once only, by way of trial.
Life is clarified if we do not simply accept such things passively—not to say dull-wittedly; it is clarified if we try to grasp, to understand, what comes to us in life in such a way that the relationships which are bound to remain elusive as long as karma is only spoken of in the abstract, become concretely perceptible.
135. Reincarnation and Karma: Examples of the working of karma between two incarnations 21 Feb 1912, Stuttgart
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy, S. Derry, E. F. Derry

Rudolf Steiner
That interest dwindles is, after all, very understandable. Men have their places in external life, they hold various positions in the world. With all its organisations and institutions the modern world appears not unlike a vast emporium with the individual human being working in it as a wheel, or something of the kind.
That, of course, is not possible. The essential thing is to understand how the truths of reincarnation and karma can penetrate into external life in such a way that they become its guiding principles.
In the social life this must lead to respect for human beings, respect for the dignity of man. And this can be achieved only if we understand individuals as they can be understood when the law of reincarnation and karma is taken into account.
135. Reincarnation and Karma: Reincarnation and karma: the fundamental ideas of the anthroposophical world conception 05 Mar 1912, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy, S. Derry, E. F. Derry

Rudolf Steiner
Why do human hearts resist so vehemently just what is most needed in their epoch? An anthroposophist should be able to understand this, but it is too complicated a matter to be made even remotely clear to an unprepared public.
Therefore a “Society” is really nothing more than a rampart against this understandable attitude of the outside world. [1] Some form of association is necessary within the framework of which these things can be presented, with the feeling that in those to whom one speaks or with whom one is in contact there will be a certain measure of understanding, whereas others who have no link with such an association are oblivious of it all.
And then comes the question: What form will life take under the influence of the knowledge of reincarnation and karma? Here we must consider what it really means for the human soul and heart to recognise that reincarnation and karma are truths?
136. Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature: Lecture I 03 Apr 1912, Helsinki
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
This self-education to a quite definite feeling with regard to the spiritual world, this self-education to a perception of what lies behind the physical facts is a fruit of the spiritual scientific movement in the world, and is the most important part of spiritual understanding. We should not believe that we can acquire a spiritual understanding by mere sentimentality, by simply repeating continually that we wish to permeate all our feelings with love.
I begin to understand the inmost parts of my soul through external nature when the outer natural impression has disappeared and in its place a moral impression is left.
Then does the white robe of snow so work upon us that by it we gain an understanding of what matter, of what substance is in the world; we grasp the world through something deeper within us than we had hitherto brought into play.
136. Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature: Lecture II 04 Apr 1912, Helsinki
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The second category which we then described are to be found in water that collects and disperses; so that we may connect these spiritual beings with what in occultism has always been called the Fluid or Watery Element. In this element they undergo metamorphosis, at the same time doing the work of drawing forth from the earth everything that grows and sprouts.
This connection with memory means very much more in the sphere of occultism than it does in the sphere of ordinary life. In ordinary life we only understand by memory, the power of looking back and not losing consciousness of the important events of one's life.
External science also speaks of the Laws of Nature; that again is a Maya. Underlying these laws is what we have to-day described as the world of the Spirits of the Rotation of Time.
136. Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature: Lecture III 05 Apr 1912, Helsinki
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Many people have experienced that they may perhaps find it difficult to understand someone they encounter in a distant region or to agree with him about the external world to which they both belong, yet it may be easy to sympathize with one another concerning what the heart feels and longs for.
To the occultist they are realities; but normal consciousness also lives under their, sovereignty, although it does not perceive the Angel, it is under his leadership, even though unconsciously. And so do groups of men stand under their Archangel, as the age and the men of the age stand under the leadership of the Spirit of the Age.

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