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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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136. Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature: Lecture IV 06 Apr 1912, Helsinki
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
There is a feeling belonging to our ordinary normal consciousness which can give us an idea of this clairvoyant experience; only, what the clairvoyant of the second stage experiences is infinitely more intense than a feeling; it amounts to a perception, an understanding of, an immersion in another being. The feeling to which I refer, which can be compared to this experience of the clairvoyant, is sympathy, love.
We can gain an idea of what we thus perceive if we think of a snail, which separates off its own shell. The shell—so we understand—consists of a substance which is at first contained in the body of the snail. The snail then detaches it.
We must in the course of our ascent, first of all gain some idea of all that underlies the world surrounding us, in so far as the world around us has forms. I have already said that as regards this second stage of clairvoyance, we need only consider that which lives, not that which appears to us lifeless.
136. Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature: Lecture V 07 Apr 1912, Helsinki
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
It has passed through the battles and victories of life, and has sunk into the heart.” If we hear all this as in an undertone, we gain an idea of the impression which the trained occultist receives when he lifts himself to the beings we call the Seraphim.
Each planetary system with its fixed star, which is in a sense the Commander-in-Chief under the guidance of the Cherubim, is again related to the other planetary systems to which other fixed stars belong.
Just as men found a social system by virtue of this reciprocity, so is there also a reciprocity of the planetary systems. Mutual understanding prevails between one fixed star and another. By this means alone does the cosmos come into existence.
136. Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature: Lecture VI 08 Apr 1912, Helsinki
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
It was in fact a terrible one, namely, the betrayal of their own nature; untruth, falsehood. You see, it is important that you should understand that the spirits of the Third Hierarchy which had this impulse, did not do what they did for the sake of lying, but in order to develop an independent life of their own; but in so doing they had to take the consequence, they had to become Spirits of Untruth—spirits which betrayed their own being—in other words, Spirits of Lies.
Looked at from the side, we should if we had the Sun at (S1) have to draw the Saturn of the occultist thus:—as a much flattened ball, and at (a1), would be that which is designated the physical Saturn. We shall understand still better what is in question if we add an idea which we can gain in a similar manner from occult science with regard to Jupiter.
Then only do they become living to us, then only do we understand them aright. Then, too, does the evolution of humanity reveal itself to us as a mighty discourse held by the spirits, now not only resounding forth to one another in space, but interpreting one another in the successive periods of time, completing one another, and leading the stream of civilisation on into the future.
136. Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature: Lecture VII 10 Apr 1912, Helsinki
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
You will have understood from the former lectures, that when we gaze at the planetary system, at the starry heavens, our physical vision only perceives “ maya,” the great illusion.
We could compare this with the fact that men do not live for themselves alone, or simply in a social connection—which could be compared with the directing of the Spirits of Will—but that men understand one another by their speech. So, in a similar way there is mutual understanding between one planetary system and another by means of the Seraphim.
We shall hear in the next lecture why it has a tail and a nucleus under the influence of this drawing-up of harmful astral matter. It attracts more and more of this around it, as it passes through the planetary system.
136. Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature: Lecture VIII 11 Apr 1912, Helsinki
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Hence among the many descriptions of the ancient Mysteries, you find among other things, which for the most part are no longer understood today—the sentence in the Egyptian Mysteries, for instance: “The pupil must see the sun at midnight.”
People as a rule have no idea that the things imparted in occult writings are most correctly understood if no endeavor is made to explain them by means of symbols, but are taken as literally as possible.
I have given this as an example, to show you how one must often understand things in the old writings. So we must take the expression “seeing the sun at midnight,” quite literally.
136. Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature: Lecture IX 13 Apr 1912, Helsinki
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Blavatsky was well aware; that the individual who, in the twenty-ninth year of his life became the Buddha, was able at the time symbolically indicated as the “sitting under the Bodhi Tree,” to begin to be inspired by the Spirit of Motion enthroned in Mercury. This individual from being a Boddhisattva therewith became a Buddha.
It would be a breach with all the original starting points of the theosophical revelation, with that teaching which in its time was rightly understood and in which the spirit of Buddha was never mistaken for the Christ-Spirit—if, today, we were to confuse these different beings.
Just those who wish to make their own Spirit of Motion a sort of Leading-Spirit under another name, who do not themselves wish to take the step of ascending from their own Spirit to the Sun-spirit, they can say that intolerance is shown by those who have already practiced tolerance.
136. Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature: Lecture X 14 Apr 1912, Helsinki
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Physical light can only be shed if there is something underlying it which serves as a bearer to the light, when light is, as it were, held captive through a bearer.
The variety and multiplicity of the mineral kingdom can be understood in this way. If we observe our present-day Saturn, it presents itself in the first place to occult vision as the outermost planet of our System.
John's Gospel we come across a passage which otherwise can never be understood, in which it is said that Moses spoke of Christ. Actually, he spoke of Jehovah, but it is Christ, prophetically announced.
136. Occultism and Initiation 12 Apr 1912, Helsinki
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
By occultism I mean everything that under this name, and from the standpoint of science as mentioned above, seeks to take its place in modern life through the study of things inaccessible to ordinary science and ordinary knowledge.
If we face this question without prejudice, it soon becomes obvious that the human being is only able to understand certain kinds of facts, when facing them in a particular way. In reality, I can only understand things of which I know the origin and course of development. I can only understand those things in creation in which I can, in a certain way, participate actively through my cognitive capacity.
137. Man in the Light of Occultism, Theosophy and Philosophy: Lecture I 02 Jun 1912, Oslo
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
I understand it when the Buddhist says that a Buddha does not return again into a fleshly organism.” The Christian who has become a theosophist understands the Buddhist who has become a theosophist.
It is the part of the Christian, when he becomes theosophist, to understand Buddhism out of Buddhism itself, not to re-mould in some way of his own the ideas about Bodhisattva and Buddha, but rather to understand them as they are contained in Buddhism.
When we in the West understand Buddhism or Brahmanism or Zarathustrianism without prejudice, and when Christianity too is understood in the way it needs to be understood, then it will be possible for the really fundamental ideas of Christianity to find recognition and response among men.
137. Man in the Light of Occultism, Theosophy and Philosophy: Lecture II 04 Jun 1912, Oslo
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
His understanding grows subtle and delicate. His faculty of judgment and discrimination grows steadily stronger. The pupil has now absolved the second stage of occult development, the stage we may call the “cultivation of the will-emancipated understanding,” and is ready to go on to the next. Having for a long time applied his understanding with all keenness and insight, the pupil must then begin to renounce even the use of this understanding.
The pupil has, so to speak, to force himself to be again as stupid as he was before his understanding was sharpened. What becomes of the understanding which he has now forgone? He must not now apply it.

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