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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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140. Life Between Death and Rebirth: The Mission of Earthly Life as a Transitional Stage for the Beyond 02 Mar 1913, Frankfurt
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Human beings are unable to establish any contact with them because they live under quite different conditions and because they will in the main not have made the least connection with these beings on Mars.
The gulf between the living and the dead must be bridged. Under certain conditions the dead can also work into the earthly sphere, as the living are able to send their influence into the spiritual world, and we can investigate how the dead work into the physical world.
He now notices something strange on the square, under the colonnade where he used to walk every day. The roof of the colonnade has collapsed! Had he left at the accustomed time, the falling roof certainly would have killed him.
140. Life Between Death and Rebirth: Life Between Death and Rebirth I 10 Mar 1913, Munich
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
He was dull in a previous life and he will become of necessity duller in the next than he need or should have been. He will not be able to understand as much as he might otherwise have grasped. He will not be able to participate in the life of the world as he otherwise could have done and he will remain disinterested in what otherwise should have interested him.
When such a soul again goes through the portal of death, super-sensible investigation reveals that he falls strongly under the influence of the Ahrimanic forces. These forces now color what a man gathers between death and rebirth and in the next incarnation without his intervention he is so predisposed in his thoughts and feelings as to be narrow-minded.
I have often emphasized that there are souls today who are in no way inclined to develop an understanding of the super-sensible worlds in accordance with our day and age, who are thoroughly materialistic and who have completely cut themselves off from the spiritual world.
140. Life Between Death and Rebirth: Life Between Death and Rebirth II 12 Mar 1913, Munich
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Our concepts must be recast if we wish to gain an understanding of the life between death and rebirth. It is not really incongruous to speak about the dead in words taken from the conditions of earthly existence because our language is adapted to these conditions.
This prior was a pedantic and strict disciplinarian with little understanding of art. He asked impatiently why the painter could not finish the picture, reproached him for it and also complained to Duke Ludovico.
This brings us to the point where we can begin to understand the principle that perfection signifies for the different epochs the end of a stream of evolution, and imperfection, the beginning of an evolutionary stream.
140. Life Between Death and Rebirth: Further Facts About Life Between Death and Rebirth 05 Apr 1913, Wroclaw
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
We can help him by taking a book with a spiritual—scientific content, forming a vivid inner picture of the one who has died, and reading to him as we would to a living person, not with a loud voice, but softly. The dead can understand this. Naturally, those who have made a contact with spiritual science during their lifetime understand it all the more readily.
I would like to draw attention to a practical matter, namely, that for a number of years after death, for a period of some three to five years, a person can understand the language he has spoken on earth. This gradually wanes, but he preserves an understanding of spiritual thoughts.
Therefore, in order to become acquainted with the Christ one has to understand His death, and because this is essential the Mystery of Golgotha can be understood only on earth where death exists.
140. Life Between Death and Rebirth: Intercourse With the Dead 27 Apr 1913, Düsseldorf
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Either we feel alone even though we experienced togetherness with those of like religious confession, or we are able to bring understanding to every human soul in its essential character. For this communion we can only prepare by gaining an understanding of all religious confessions.
Since the Christ has united Himself with the earth, we have to gain an understanding on earth for the Christ. We have to bring a Christ understanding with us because otherwise the Christ cannot be found after death. As we approach the Sun sphere we understand the entry in the Akasha Chronicle if we have gained an understanding for the Christ on earth. For He left this behind in the Sun sphere.
140. Life Between Death and Rebirth: Life After Death 13 May 1913, Strasburg
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
It only arises on earth and can then be taken upward by man into the spiritual world. This can be understood if we consider that animals, for example, see everything on the earth as men do, but cannot understand what they are. Supersensible beings can only behold the super-sensible world but cannot understand it. Concepts and ideas of the spiritual world can only arise on earth, and they ray forth like a light into the spiritual world. This enables one to understand rightly the meaning of the earth. The earth is neither a mere transitional stage, nor a vale of despair, but it exists so that on it a spiritual knowledge can be developed which can then be carried upwards into the spiritual worlds.
Life Between Death and Rebirth: Editor's Note
Translated by René M. Querido

They continually bring back the same basic content and by allowing us to view it from every different angle our understanding is awakened and direct spiritual intercourse with the dead gradually established. Thus, in spite of what may appear on the surface to be mere repetition, the publication of this volume in its virtual entirety as it appeared in the German edition, is justified.
140. Descriptive Sketches of the Spiritual World: Lecture I 10 Oct 1913, Bergen
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
In order that this fact may be rightly understood it is necessary to mention that after our death we can feed on the thoughts and ideas of those souls with whom we were in some way connected in our lifetime.
Yet one becomes aware that the soul could not do this unless, at the time of showing, there was the necessary understanding on the part of the living investigator. This is a sine qua non. The discarnate soul itself only learns to understand what till now it could only perceive, during the time the living soul is being willingly taught.
You will realize that for many things the necessary understanding must first have been created. There is just one thing more to which I should like to draw your attention.
140. Descriptive Sketches of the Spiritual World: Lecture II 11 Oct 1913, Bergen
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
The descriptions given therein are not too difficult for the man of today to understand; one might almost say that it is a wonder that many people have not of their own accord attained knowledge of them.
In this domain there is a great deal which enables one to understand life as never before. For instance, suppose we meet with misfortune; at first we only have the feeling that it is, indeed, a misfortune, one we find difficult to bear.
When we see all these circumstances unfolded before our eyes we can well understand why so many people do not like Spiritual Science; for most people prefer to believe that as soon as they die they enter eternal bliss for all eternity!
140. Links Between the Living and the Dead: Links Between the Living and the Dead 10 Oct 1913, Bergen
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The principle is that when we read to one who has died, we help him under all circumstances, if he hears us. Even if he does not hear us, we are fulfilling our duty and may eventually succeed in enabling him to hear.
But one perceives, too, that the soul could not reveal this unless at the moment when it is being revealed there is understanding in the soul of the living investigator. This is a sine qua non. And only at the moment when the soul of the living investigator is receptive to what is being disclosed does the discarnate soul itself learn to understand what is otherwise merely vision.
And you will realize too how essential it is that for many things the necessary preparatory understanding shall first have been created. There is only one other matter to which I want to call attention.

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