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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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140. Life Between Death and Rebirth: Investigations Into Life Between Death and Rebirth I 26 Oct 1912, Milan
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
He who seeks genuine initiation, especially in our time, must endeavor to understand by thinking all that reaches him by way of the visionary experience. Therefore, the candidate for initiation will not rest until he has understood what he has encountered in the visionary world as thoroughly as he understands the physical world.
He who had not acquired this understanding suffered an extinction of consciousness in the third period after death, just as the Greeks experienced it previously.
One who has understood that the soul after death can suffer a loss of consciousness, so heavy to bear in all future cycles of time, will seek every opportunity to bring the Mystery of Golgotha to the understanding of his fellow men.
140. Life Between Death and Rebirth: Investigations Into Life Between Death and Rebirth II 27 Oct 1912, Milan
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
That is why in our modern occultism such stress is laid upon understanding how Christ came to earth from the Sun sphere. It is essential to grasp how Christ leads us to the Sun through the Mystery of Golgotha.
Now comes what may cause a shock. It is imperative not only to understand our relationship to the Christ. We must grasp something further. The time now comes that we confront, and need to understand, the being known as Lucifer.
It is a form of perception that has always been known, but little understood, as the harmony of the spheres. We perceive everything as harmonies rather than the separate sounds of the physical world.
140. Life Between Death and Rebirth: Recent Results of Occult Investigation Into Life 03 Nov 1912, Vienna
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Anyone who can distinguish between sleeping and waking can also understand what consciousness is. Consciousness is what enters a man's soul again every morning when he wakes from sleep.
Earthly life is really not dependent upon theoretical understanding, but upon our being permeated through and through with the effects of the Event of Golgotha.
Above all, when spiritual science helps us to understand our fellow men a little better, it has fulfilled its function, for spiritual science is life, immediate life.
140. Life Between Death and Rebirth: Man's Journey Through the Planetary Spheres 18 Nov 1912, Hanover
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
In our time spiritual science must bring an understanding of the Sun Being to the world. It was clearly understood for the first time during the Middle Ages when the Grail Saga found its deeper origin in Europe.
A person who has acquired spiritual understanding on earth will have yet another experience on Mars. As we are speaking more intimately today, I shall relate it.
In the future it will be understood better. We shall come to experience what really lives in the Tristan story, in the Tristan mood.
140. Life Between Death and Rebirth: Life Between Death and Rebirth I 26 Nov 1912, Munich
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Although Paul declared that Christ died not only for the Jews but also for the heathen, these words even today are still little understood. Not until it is realized that Christ fulfilled the Deed of Golgotha for all human beings will Christianity be understood.
This is understandable if one knows that it has the posture of the etheric or life body, and that in such a position the etheric body can be fully active.
Spiritual science grasped by sound human reason develops knowledge in us of what we meet in life, and, above all, of the souls of our fellow men. We shall attempt to understand every human soul. This understanding, however, is meant in quite a different way from the usual.
140. Life Between Death and Rebirth: Life Between Death and Rebirth II 28 Nov 1912, Munich
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Naturally, if this condition of coercion is sufficiently intense, the relationship will be painful. Now in order to understand this condition rightly and sense it from the heart, we should not merely imagine it to be painful.
If in our present cycle of evolution people continually acquire an understanding for the spiritual world, things that cannot exist for sense perception but are nevertheless in our environment will work upon us in a definite way.
If he has understood and lived in anthroposophy, not merely acquired an external understanding of it but really lived in it with his heart and mind, then his experience will be different.
140. Life Between Death and Rebirth: The Working of Karma in Life After Death 15 Dec 1912, Bern
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
People do not find it easy to throw bridges from one confession to another because they are so entrenched in their own views. A real understanding for one who thinks and feels differently is particularly difficult. In theory such an understanding is often claimed, but matters are quite different when it is a question of putting theory into practice.
We must consider that between death and rebirth we also dwell in the Sun sphere where a thorough understanding of the Christ impulse is essential. We must bring this understanding along with us from the earth, for Christ once did dwell in the Sun but, as we know, He descended from the Sun and united Himself with the earth.
A wonderfully apt description! One only learns to understand this through the occult mysteries. The more one strives in this direction, the more one realizes that the ancient poets were the greatest seers and that much that is secretly interwoven in their works requires a considerable amount of understanding.
140. Life Between Death and Rebirth: Between Death and a New Birth 21 Jan 1913, Vienna
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
When we read a spiritual-scientific book in a particular language, can the dead understand this language? During the period of catharsis the dead understand the language they have spoken on earth. It is only later, during the passage into devachan, that they can no longer understand words but only thoughts. A transformation in the intercourse with the dead takes place after a definite period of years.
Then the saying, “Rather a beggar on earth than a king in the realm of the Shades,” had reality. At that time to dwell in the underworld meant to lead a miserable existence. Before the birth of Christ life after death was little developed.
140. Life Between Death and Rebirth: Life After Death 26 Jan 1913, Linz
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Our whole being is dependent on what occurred previously in the spirit-world. This can be understood most readily if one studies a phenomenon by means of super-sensible cognition that might appear to many as an objection to spiritual investigation as such.
Thus we see ourselves membered in the totality of life on earth. So also we understand the importance of not letting our innate spirit-powers wither, but of cultivating them lest we gradually be obliterated from the world.
He will live more and more as if on an island and his calls, his understanding must go from island to island. Human beings who seek to partake of the future of the spiritual life of humanity will be able to understand one another, that is, those who live in freedom on other islands.
140. Life Between Death and Rebirth: Anthroposophy as the Quickener of Feeling and of Life 16 Feb 1913, Tübingen
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
If he pursues the matter further, the seer discovers that even when these souls have gone through the gate of death, they have but a dim perception of one another. They will only be able to achieve a mutual understanding under considerable difficulty, or not at all, because a common language is lacking. The seer realizes what anthroposophy is in a deeper sense.
There is, however, yet another aspect to the understanding between the living and the dead. In this connection we have not progressed very far as yet but it will come about. In order to grasp how the living will gradually develop an understanding for the dead, let us consider the following. Man knows little about the physical world.

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