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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 3061 through 3070 of 6131

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140. Links Between the Living and the Dead: The Transformation of Earthly Forces into Clairvoyant Faculties 11 Oct 1913, Bergen
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
A savage might possibly be able to develop clairvoyant forces of a quite different kind, but not those required for vision of what is described in Occult Science, because he has undergone no preparation for it. These forces must be the outcome of the transformation of other forces.
Many other things, too, are experienced when we look into that realm of the spiritual world where the preparation for the present life has been undergone. I will not now describe the general conditions, for that has been done in my writings.
They lead to illusions; but above all, if they are not rightly developed, they have the effect that under their influence the clairvoyant may deteriorate morally, rather than the reverse. So the very forces which make vision of earlier incarnations possible are the most dangerous of all.
140. Anthroposophy as a Substance of Life and Feeling 16 Feb 1913, Tübingen
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The seer may then discover that, between death and a new birth, there are souls who are forced to undertake certain tasks, which they do not, however, understand. This, for instance, is a fact: The seer who directs his clairvoyant gaze toward the life between death and a new birth may discern souls who are obliged to fulfil definite tasks.
If we cannot understand these experiences, we do indeed form the same karma, but we create something which will be adjusted only in the second incarnation, so that we retard our real progress.
If you bear in mind the fact that men of the 18th century descend from souls of the 16th century, and that all these souls have been working together, you will realise that such an understanding is most important. Souls who are born in the 18th or 19th century must come to an understanding with other souls already during the 16th century in order to arrange the whole net of relationships.
141. Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture I 05 Nov 1912, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
But without such efforts it is not possible to acquire any understanding of the spiritual worlds. The soul must make strenuous efforts and contemplate everything from many sides.
I have had to give this introduction in order that we may agree together, firstly, as to how certain facts are discovered, but secondly, how they can be understood as more is said of them. In these lectures I shall deal less with the life immediately following death—known to us under the name of Kamaloka—the essential aspects of which are already familiar to you.
Much of what will lead to an understanding of humanity as a whole must depend upon a new recognition by men of those great ancestors whose souls were radiant with spiritual light.
141. Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture II 20 Nov 1912, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
Paul did in fact begin to make this distinction and those who understand his words can realise something of what they mean, although up to now understanding has been rare.
All this belongs to Christianity when rightly understood. Distinction must be made between the reality of Christianity and an understanding of it.
Hence the endeavours to understand the essence of religions and systems of thought. Spiritual-scientific understanding will eventually be replaced by another, quite different understanding of which men today cannot even dream.
141. Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture III 03 Dec 1912, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
It is true that in the life between death and the new birth the individual concerned must undergo all the suffering resulting from the admission: I am now in the spiritual world and realise the wrong I committed, but I cannot rectify it and must rely upon conditions to bring about a change. An individual who is aware of this undergoes the pain connected with the experience, but he also knows that it must be so and that it would be detrimental for his further development if it were otherwise, if he could not learn from the experience resulting from such suffering.
An analogy may be the only means of helping to clarify what must be understood here. If we examine a watch we see that it consists of wheels and other little metal parts.
141. Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture IV 10 Dec 1912, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
It is one of the passages in the Bible which, as is the case with all occult principles in religious records, is very little understood. In the story of the expulsion from Paradise it is said that the Divine Spirit resolved that when the human being had acquired certain characteristics, for instance, the faculty of distinguishing between good and evil, insight into the forces of life should be withheld from him.
Nor does he become free from the physical body until it passes into the lifeless condition and undergoes a change at death. As long as the physical body remains alive, the union is maintained between the spiritual man, that is to say, Ego and astral body and the physical and etheric bodies.
That they work upwards and revitalise the whole man depends upon the upper aura developing powers of attraction drawn from the world of stars; it can therefore attract the forces which rising from below, act restoratively. That is the objective process. Understanding of this fact is the best equipment for understanding certain information available to one who studies ancient records or records based on occultism.
141. Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture V 22 Dec 1912, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
Luke's Gospel, and the song of Angels announced in that Gospel is to be understood as the influx of the gospel of Peace into the deed subsequently to be wrought by Christ Jesus.
We then draw our life together again in order to incarnate through a parental pair and undergo the experiences that are possible on Earth but not in other planetary spheres. Since the last death, every soul incarnated on the Earth has undergone the experiences that belong to the heavens.
At the time of an important Festival, instead of a seasonal lecture I wanted to lay under the Christmas tree, as a kind of Christmas gift, certain information about Christian Rosenkreutz.
141. Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture VI 07 Jan 1913, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
Genuine enlightenment about the being of man and his connection with the evolution of worlds is possible only if our understanding keeps abreast of that evolution. We know that in the post-Atlantean era there have so far been five main consecutive epochs during which the human soul has undergone significant experiences.
The preparation consists in human souls being helped to understand what is now spreading in the world in the form of occult teachings, of Spiritual Science. In this way not only will a knowledge of the being of man that is necessary for the future be promulgated but there will also be an ever deepening understanding of the Christ Impulse. Everything that contributes to this increasing understanding of the Christ Impulse is comprised for the West in what may be called the Mystery of the Holy Grail.
141. Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture VII 14 Jan 1913, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
And as our endeavour in these lectures is to acquire a really fundamental understanding of man's life as a whole, we will not hesitate to think about matters which seem to be somewhat remote.
And so in actual fact the Mystery of Golgotha has acted as illumination in men's souls. With this clearly in mind we shall understand the gist of a question relating to man's evolution. It is the question: How came it that understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha enabled the content of man's soul to be carried into the sphere of his ‘I’, his Ego?
The difference is that, before the Mystery of Golgotha, in respect of the content of their souls men were far less independent. They were under the direct guidance of the Beings we know as the Angeloi, Archangeloi and so on. Before the Mystery of Golgotha men were under the leadership of the Beings of the nearest higher Hierarchies to a far greater extent than was the case after that event.
141. Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture VIII 11 Feb 1913, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
Everything that here, in life on Earth, is outside us becomes in that other life an inner world, and just as here we look outwards to the stars, clouds and so forth, in that other life we gaze at the human body. At which human body? To understand this we must be clear that the new human being who at his next birth is to enter into existence, has for a long time previously been preparing his essential characteristics.
As a result of these processes the physical body has undergone many changes. Thus we have within us the transformed Saturn foundation, the transformed Sun and Moon conditions.
Notice the difference between what is seen when we wake spiritually during sleep and have clairvoyant perception of the human body undergoing a process of continual destruction, and what is seen when our own inner organism is perceived as outer world.

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