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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 3251 through 3260 of 6073

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180. Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution: The Change of Soul in the Change of Consciousness 05 Jan 1918, Dornach
Translated by Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
Hence they also sought to fathom the social mysteries under which men live together, through the link which bound them with the macrocosm, they sought for social wisdom through the star-wisdom.
Such truths must no longer in our present age be kept under lock and key. Certain Brotherhoods have been able to keep them under lock and key, because in the strictest sense of the word they have excluded women.
This brings us to the fact that people must understand something which it is above all necessary for our time to understand: how will Osiris be revivified?
180. Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution: How Can Osiris Be Awakened to New Life? 06 Jan 1918, Dornach
Translated by Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
Then it was related that Osiris once more betook himself from the Underworld, where he rules over the dead and judges them, to the Upperworld in order to instruct his son Horus, whom he had had by Isis.
It goes back to those times when one had living concepts which indeed still had a connection with what had been undergone and experienced. When one talks today there is little connection—especially between the word and its place of origin.
This is not the looking back at having been younger, but the right consideration of the fact that with every day in life one becomes older. As a matter of fact modern mankind only understands that one has once been young. It does not really understand how to grasp realistically that one gets older with every day.
180. Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution: The Theory of Heredity, Old Isis Inscription 08 Jan 1918, Dornach
Translated by Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
If we only take the relation of man to man—in this we touch upon what underlay the original Indian culture—in that early time a man who met another felt through the sensitivity of his thorax, as it were, what was the nature of the other.
The time began in which man mainly sought to grasp the world through understanding and this relationship to the world brought him thoughts. Head-knowing is quite different from the earlier forms of knowing.
I was therefore able to say that if you went back with understanding into the time before the 14th century and read the alchemical and other writings so much despised today, you would see what deep, what vast insight there then existed into cosmic mysteries.
180. Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution: The Getting Younger of Humanity while Advancing in Time 11 Jan 1918, Dornach
Translated by Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
A man is first child, then grows up and attains the age known to us as the average age of life. In so doing the man's physical forces undergo manifold changes and transformations. Now we have already described in what sense I a reverse path is to be attributed to mankind.
For, my dear friends, what did Friedrich Schlegel understand by the Christianizing of Europe? One can admit that he had a feeling for the greatness, the significance of the Christ-Impulse.
And Michelet had just been with Eduard von Hartmann and said ‘Well, I don't understand Zeller! When I was as old as Zeller I was just a young fellow, and now, only now, do I feel really fitted to say something to people ...
180. Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution: Duality of the Human Being, Head and Trunk 12 Jan 1918, Dornach
Translated by Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
The point is, that what we call understanding at the present day is actually the result of our always seeking to understand through abstract concepts. But one cannot understand everything through abstract concepts. Above all one cannot understand the human being through abstract concepts; one requires something different for the understanding of man.
What is now taking place will be transformed into powerful feelings of hatred. It will no longer be possible to understand these, as the sympathy and antipathy of former times were to be understood—from the aspect of the physical plane.
180. Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution: Man Is the Solution of the Riddle 13 Jan 1918, Dornach
Translated by Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
Now in the camera obscura and with the method of natural science Professor Benedict has examined people who can find water or metals under the earth by means of the divining-rod. In the case of a woman who was quite small, he discovered that she showed under treatment in the camera obscura, an immense aura, so that she looked like a giant.
For the head-life quickly unites with us, the heart-life goes more slowly, it is less active—so that we must wait. And today people want to understand everything all at once. Just imagine if a modern man had the idea of learning something and then had to wait a few years in order fully to understand it.
You can take such grievous events in earlier times as, for instance, the invasions into Europe of the Tartars, the Mongols, and you will always find that they were quite definite things, that could be sharply defined, that could be understood, and from which one could understand what actually happened. Where is there today a really clear definition of what is actually going on, a really clear description?
180. Mysterious Truths and Christmas Impulses: Second Lecture 24 Dec 1917, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
The question can be raised: How should a person, when he is in an important position, go about arriving at such conclusions that can bear fruit thirty-three years later? He should only try to understand the events of the past thirty-three years under the influence of such an idea, and out of the true understanding will arise what he has to do in the present: then it will be able to arise in a worthy way in thirty-three years.
How often do we hear the words: Yes, that is difficult to understand, it is hard to find one's way into it. Such talk can still be understood by someone who, under the influence of the present school system, has not been able to learn how to think.
And I know that this Christmas greeting is in line with the impulse that one may truly and worthily celebrate only under the sign of the Christmas lights.
180. Mysterious Truths and Christmas Impulses: Sixth Lecture 30 Dec 1917, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
This touches on a subject that may perhaps present some difficulties for understanding. But you can get an idea of what is actually meant if you consider how nature, the essence of a sense, comes to you.
Because of the belief that the senses can only be understood from the inside out, from the body out, people do not understand how man can actually know something about the world through his senses.
Nineteenth-century man, in his quest to understand the human being through science, cannot go beyond understanding the conditions in the animal world.
180. Mysterious Truths and Christmas Impulses: Seventh Lecture 31 Dec 1917, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
The tone of these reflections, including the public ones, was such that, if there was good will for understanding, at least such an understanding could be achieved that one could say: something must happen in terms of human understanding of the world; there must be a kind of reversal of certain directions that have been taken, there must be good will.
It is almost a truism to say, and yet necessary in the present situation: humanity has come under the influence of insubstantial word sounds, under the influence of insubstantial phrases of principle.
He is approaching Florence. He knows that what Florence has become under the impulse of direct human life, of direct intellectual impulses, is to be buried under the advent of institutions that arise from abstraction.
180. Mysterious Truths and Christmas Impulses: Fifteenth Lecture 14 Jan 1918, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And if you now look at the basic conditions, you will easily understand: the unfree were, after all, the stragglers, the descendants of the original population. There was a great deal of Celtic blood in them.
They were everywhere, these disintegrating elements, so that one can only properly understand this 9th century, which is crucial, if one knows that all of Western and Central Europe was flooded by the Romanic element, the popular nature.
The underlying reason for this separation was the necessity to take into account what was rooted in European conditions, as I have outlined in very sketchy fashion.

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